News: UI Hotfixes Report (Week 8)

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Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
February 21

  • Enhanced chat window clarity
  • Addressed issues with auction listing visibility
  • Fixed residue checks

February 22

  • Corrected residue functionality
  • Message center page issues resolved
  • Improved chat visibility through updated name and link color changes (additional enhancements in progress).

February 23 (Hotfix 1)

  • Keybinds stay cleared between sessions
  • Used modifiers (CTRL/SHIFT) in keybinds stay saved between sessions
  • Crafting Female armor works as intended
  • Splitting stack starts from 0

February 23 (Hotfix 2)

  • Fixed timers on cooldowns for different chips
  • We added a 1-click button to the top left of the Team window to leave a team
  • We added a 1-click button in the quest tracker to untrack missions
  • Fixed missing icons in the Construction UI

We're actively developing further UI fixes for next week and appreciate the valuable feedback and bug reports we've received. Our goal is to craft a user interface that enhances everyone's experience. Thank you for your support!

Originally Posted Here
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Wonder when we will see those things when people report bug after bug exploit after exploit in PVP.
Bloody great work and rolling out the fixes so seamlessly and quickly! Super happy the chip cooldowns work again :) now it truly is better with the much larger icons it's very easy to see when a chip is ready to use again, pleased about the shift/control modifier fix too as i like to have additonal auto use tool and interacts bound to them.

Thanks, hopefully the character movement buttons mapped in action bar will work again after next patch? Hmm
Nice to see fixes and improvements, but PLEASE can you not make us download the runtime or whatever libraries EVERY time. Plus, why do our icons have to reload every new login afterwards as well?
One time after normal updates, ok, but not multiple times per day! Ty
depends to where your backup is....if you saved item link into mails..they are still there..aslong they are ingame..out of game copied itemlinks cannot work

atm also a bug when trying to paste into chat (windows crtl-v works)
(already written in bug thread too )
Before this update backups outside the game worked but now they dont, no reason not to work
Also what's the point in doing backup inside the game?
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i only have good words since this update

keep the comms up and keep the fixes coming. next, gameplay bug fixes, PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! :D
Can't wait for tuesday and hope they fix some of the more important things other than adding an close button to the team "window".
Well, there is so much work that needs to be done, and much of it is to combat functionally broken stuff, let alone what we don't like visually and positioning etc. So there does need to be a lot of button here, bug fix there, scroll ability, whatever...
I haven't even seen anyone report on the arrow buttons being counterintuitive and the opposite of what they should be (down arrow reduces the number of the bar 3,2,1 instead of down the bars 1,2,3). But ok, it does at least work, so it can wait I guess...
Lets be real here, this is not a new UI... this is a re-skin. And honestly a pretty bad one. A new UI would adress flaws and lacking functionality but instead we get several quality of life things removed. Nothing changed, we cant place more way points, we can't search when creating an auction order and i could go on. The only thing we got was a copy/paste of the old UI into new graphics. Graphics with no sense of contrasting colors and with everything looking the same. You might say that it's more uniform, and you would be correct. But if you have the auction, crafting, a refiner and storage up it all just looks exactly the same. I know there's a banner on each to display what it is, but just the small thing of having a refiner looking like a refiner made it SO much easier to just know whats what.

Nothing new was introduced here to help us, the players, have an easier time. Things that used to be one mouse click is now two or three, and often times with scrolling involved. All for the exact same information we could get before with just the click of a button. Not to mention the screen realestate it now takes up. Everythings 50 to 200% larger with less information.

On top of all this we are expected to be Q&A. How did this ever go live in the state it did? Please help me understand.
I agree with the sentiment, but using the word 'nothing' almost never ends up being right.
I wrote it about liking nothing at all of the visual changes, but I do actually like the vehicle storage and inventory windows being bigger, but not that we cannot move them mostly off-screen. (Oh, and of course we should be able to decide window sizes ourselves in many cases, as has been sort of recognised).
On nothing new being introduced, we have the new total tally in the loot window. I may very slowly discover more. Very poor is not the same as zero, but yeah, you are far more right than wrong in my opinion.
I do not see how we can add armor sets to the action bar or to a hot key, has this been addressed and if so can someone provide a link?
I do not see how we can add armor sets to the action bar or to a hot key, has this been addressed and if so can someone provide a link?
No instead of one click you now have to do the following:

1. Open Inventory
2. Use Mouse to click on the Loadout button which is located at the bottom of the inventory Window
3. use mouse to go to the listed armour Set
4. go to the right to open submenu
5. there click on Equip to equip this armor set

So it is ten times slower to reach and start the armor change than it was with the old UI.

Seams to be the name of this new UI, how can we do simple things or store Informations in Professions, Skills, Auction you name it in a way the user needs longer to reach or needs to scroll when in the old interface everything was visible in the first place without scrolling in it or cant read it because of colors and font size or background used to display infos.

Where are the coordinates easier to read, old or new Radar Interface:


I know I deliberatly used the TP to make it extremly hard or impossible to read in the first picture but also normal ground makes it extremly difficult to read the coordinates:

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Yeh it's a bit odd.... transparency has always been a nice "feature" to have as an option on any interface... but default? Never and definitely not unadjustable.

While I'm here... the icons at the top left which are repositionable... really I don't want/need those there at all (and am not alone). The ones I use, I already have keyboard mapped. These things just take up space and clutter the screen (plus are kinda tiny/hard to click on anyhow).

So option to turn off on screen icons please? Same as how we can turn off the visibility of the quick bars.


PS Noticed the map UI takes something like 250-300ms to load... (but vanishes instantly when you get rid of it) that's kinda nuts for responsiveness... for a UI (or lack of responsiveness rather).

Talking of responsiveness... it still takes ages (if not longer) for items to load in when viewing inventory the first time. This feels kinda crazy since there's no reason the thumbnails couldn't be cached and, if the actual list of items can't be, we are still talking a very small amount of data per item... it really shouldn't be something that loads in so slowly we can actually sit and watch it slowly fetch everything.

Feels even more clunky now than it used to be... and it was pretty clunky before.

Similarly finding the time to render the view when logging in is taking quite a bit longer now...


PPS "You can deposit any time but you can never withdraw" (seriously... try and find the withdraw button)
PPS "You can deposit any time but you can never withdraw" (seriously... try and find the withdraw button)
no idea where that is located, havn't looked for it.. but the deposit icon is the only one colored amongst all the other new icons in the top left corner, i find that kinda funny tbh lol