what are the odds for this?


Dec 31, 2006
Avatar Name
ray guess brad
just came out of a tp and found this;

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

is it rare or what. :scratch2:

have someone found something like it?
I bet that dont happen very often! to bad that the rare thing you just experienced isnt worth very much =(

But hey mabey youre Avatar is in a lucky streak ;) there might be more for you.


I hardly ever find fruit or dung any more, so for me to find 2 would be very rare.
I have seen screenies with 3 fruit in, so I guess it's just uncommon.
That's pretty rare considering it's hard to find any at all :rolleyes:

I often find fruit when tp running/showing around newbies.
I once found 2 bombardo spawns right next to eachother just north of TI castle.
Cool, never happend to me Gz :)
OoOoOoOo ! Froot !!

Gratz x 2 !!

I don't think I've ever had 2 fruits spawn .. but I've had fruit and dung at the same time. :eek: :dunno:
I was sure the fruit was tainted, so I fed it to some snable nearby. :naughty:
Dude!!! :eek: That's freaking awesome! :wtg: I want that too!!!
How about two people on the same team looting a small pluma wing within 10 minutes before looting a single pluma skin.
So just keep an eye open while mining/hunting.
That just my experience.
I dont think its already there.
I think it spawns next to the avatar.

But yeah to find 2-3 next to eachother Nice find
and in my opnion pretty rare.

just came out of a tp and found this;

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

is it rare or what. :scratch2:

have someone found something like it?

With the thread title being "What are the odds for this?"

Because the event you are asking about did happen the awnswer is that the odds of it happening are 1:1 :laugh:

I'm not sure what the odds of it happening in the future will be though, my guess it will be somewhere far greater than 1:1 :)

I have had two sets of stones spawn next to each other, but never two fruits or dung.
This has happened to me once. I saw some butterflies: Yay Fruit :yay:, picked it up and then I turned around to walk away: Yay fruit :yay:
Haven't found fruit since then, though, and that was a year ago :scratch2:

PS. It wasn't really true that I haven't found any fruit since then, bu the rest was true :)

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Gratz! The odds should be pretty easy to calculate if you know the odds of finding 1 pile of fruit. The odds of finding two should be the square. So if you have a 1:1000 chance of finding 1 pile within your field of view at a given time, the odds of finding two piles will be 1:1000000.
Don't count on finding any more fruit for a while ;)
Once I found two piles of brukite in my field of view at the same time. I don't remember how much was in each pile, but they were both pretty big.
I saw once 2 paplon on the same spot, I looted it and it was still there :laugh:
(no not the disappear time bug) it was on exactly the same spawn location
With the thread title being "What are the odds for this?"

Because the event you are asking about did happen the awnswer is that the odds of it happening are 1:1 :laugh:

I'm not sure what the odds of it happening in the future will be though, my guess it will be somewhere far greater than 1:1 :)

I have had two sets of stones spawn next to each other, but never two fruits or dung.

So your saying just because someone wins the lottery the odds of winning it is 1:1 :silly: I wish that was so :trout:
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ya, i bet that wont happen again tomorrow, i have found once two spawns of fruit close to eachother timewise, like 1min. , not close enough to fit on one screeny though...:D
Last night I found bombardo and dung right next to each other. Got a screenshot but no time to blur the chat window and upload right now.
I suggest you go buy a lotto ticket today :)
Once when i spotted a pile of papplon, and i clicked it. Right at that moment i got a lag spike and for some reason i picked up 2x 100+ piles of papplon :laugh:
wonder what action was denied :D....

GZ :p

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

i have found two finds at once a couple of times in the past year, so I would guess that it happens to everyone once or twice a year:scratch2: