List of mob regeneration rate


Old Alpha
Feb 4, 2005
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Stoikow Stoikow Mudorow
Ever wondered if you'd save money putting an Evil on that Doa instead of a Dante when hunting Aurli? Not sure if you want a high dps or high eco gun?
Mob regeneration is a very important stat to consider when choosing which guns to use for which mob. We have so much information and tools on entropedia to help us decide what weapons and attachments suits our level and wallet, but figuring out your exact dps and eco isn't much use if you're just guessing how much the mob regenerates.

I've talked to Witte and there are now columns to add mob regeneration time to entropedia. Together with mob total health you get hp/sec regen which makes it very easy to calculate your "effective" dps. Which in turn makes it very easy to calculate your "effective" eco.

r = mob regen in hp/sec
dps = weapon average dps
hp = mob hp
cps = weapon cost/sec

hp/(dps-r)*cps = total cost in pecs

Here are some examples on Atrox Old Alpha

Lvl 100/100 imk2+a204 1800/(63.8-8.57)*19.56 = 6.37peds
Lvl 100/100 mm+a204 1800/(86.5-8.57)*28.11 = 6.49peds
Lvl 100/100 Foe+Dante 1800/(90.0-8.57)*31.29 = 6.91peds
Lvl 100/100 Foe+Evil 1800/(93.5-8.57)*33.20 = 7.03peds
Lvl 70/70 imk2+a204 1800/(58.2-8.57)*19.56 = 7.09peds
Lvl 70/70 mm+a204 1800/(78.9-8.57)*28.11 = 7.19peds
Lvl 50/50 R150+Dante 1800/(57.6-8.57)*20.09 = 7.37peds
Lvl 70/70 foe+Dante 1800/(82.1-8.57)*31.29 = 7.66peds

For certain mobs it will of course be more cost effective to use a slightly more expensive option with longer range and/or higher dps to save armor decay. But until there's more information about how evade works and there's speed info on every mob you'll have to approximate that part.
And if you're good enough to get constant profit it's of course also a good idea to consider the time it takes to kill a mob.
Let's take mm vs imk2 in this example. You save 12pecs per kill using the imk2, but you save time using the mm. The cutoff point in this particular case would be an average loot of 6.78peds per mob. Which means 41pecs profit with imk2 and 29pecs with mm.
Spending 32.5sec vs 23sec killing the mob will result in ~0.75peds profit per minute with either gun. If the average loot is higher than that you will get more profit/hour with the mm, and if the average loot is lower you will get more profit/hour with imk2.
[EDIT]As you can read further down the thread it has become obvious to me that you get more loot the more damage you do to a mob. Which means the average loot must be much higher for dps to be preferable over eco. It is unknown at this point how much extra loot you recieve but here's an example assuming that it's linear in proportion to the damage inflicted

And now to the reason I started this thread

I've started to gather regeneration data but it would take ages for one person to do it all. The mobs that have had their regen increased are very easy of course. But the mobs that have had their regen lowered can take aaages.
I tested Daspletor Young a while back and it took 1 hour and 40 minutes for it to fully regenerate.

It's quite easy to test the regen it just takes a lot of time waiting around so it would be great if as many people as possible could help out.
What I do is I shoot the mob down to very low health with my main gun and then use smaller weapons to remove the last sliver of health. For low regen mobs a m2201 (or mann mph) is great, for slightly higher regen mobs I put an XR40 on it, for much higher regen mobs I use a Deathbringer and then Clericdagger 3A etc etc.
The trick is to remove the health bar completely without killing the mob. Be sure to use the "real" health bar over the mob's head, and not the dragable health bar since that only has 20 sections.
When you've removed the last pixel from the health bar start a stopwatch, or press C in game to get the time, I prefer the stopwatch myself. And then just wait until the mob is fully regenerated. Be careful in populated areas though so no one starts shooting at the mob you're testing on :silly2:
It's very difficult to see when the "real" health bar is full so if no one has a better way to solve it I suggest using the dragable health bar to determine that part. It means that sometimes regen will be estimated a few % too high but we'll just have to live with that for now.

Be sure you can stay alive while testing! It has just come to my attention that mobs regen much slower when they're not attacking

In the post below I will add the mobs I've tested so far. Will update the list with the contributions made in this thread and update entropedia.

From what I've seen so far it seems like the high regen mobs take the same amount of time to fully regenerate regardless of maturity, f.e 100sec for all ambu, 210sec for all atrox etc. The low regen mobs on the other hand seem to regenerate faster the higher maturity they are. Guess we'll see when more data has been gathered.
After working my way further down the list it seems there are exceptions to the rule that higher maturities regenerate a larger portion of their hp/sec
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Mob regen in seconds from "zero" to full health

Mature 3320
Old 2420
Provider 2550
Guardian 1950

All maturities 100

All maturities 100

All maturities 100

Young 1540
Hunter 1410

Armax Bull
Young 1490
Mature 1410
Old 1360

Armax Cow
Young 1180

All maturities 210 *

All maturities 160

Calamusoid Female
Guard 220
Raider 320
Warrior 320
Berserker 320

Calamusoid Male
Outcast 100
Bandit 100
Guard 100
Raider 100
Warrior 150
Berserker 220

young 840
mature 940

'Young' 770

Young 520
Mature 620
Old 360
Provider 360
Guardian 480
Dominant 420
Alpha 320
Old Alpha 340
Prowler 360

All maturities 100**

Guardian 1200

All maturities 100

young 2500

All maturities 100

Old ****

All maturities 100

Young 420
Mature 620
Old 820
Provider 940
Guardian 1160

Young 1070
Old Alpha 1050
Prowler 1100
Stalker 1000

Second Entity
Gen 2 820

Snablesnot Female
Young 390
Mature 180
Old 180

Young 180
Mature 240
Old 250

Overseer 310

*All maturities up to Stalker. The special maturities (marauder etc) still have old regen
**All maturities up to Clan Warlord. The special maturities (Elite) still have old regen
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Your point is based on , mobs give loot depend on mobs original HP.So , reduce regen time => lesser cost to kill=> better eco.
So for you the only important things is cost to kill and neglec the the little add up to loot for the HP the mobs get up.
This mean , loot are not directly proportional to mobs total HP killed by player...
Did you make som test on this , or what is you point of view...

And yes , great to have a tool to know when increase dps or eco :p
I believe that mobs give loot depending on their total hp, not how much damage has been inflicted on that particular mob before it died. I've seen some theories that suggest letting the mob regenerate will increase your loot but never seen any data that support the theory.
I haven't seen any argument why it would make sense either, shooting an atrox young with a mann mph for an hour would make it loot like a daspletor?
It would be very easy to prove so the fact that there is no proof so far makes me certain that this is not the case.
So much text.. Im sure its all very smart though. Either that, or you're just writing alot to make it seem smart so I should be impressed!

Can't you explain it to me while I sleep? like, one of those subconscious learning books? :girl:
I haven't seen any argument why it would make sense either, shooting an atrox young with a mann mph for an hour would make it loot like a daspletor?
It would be very easy to prove so the fact that there is no proof so far makes me certain that this is not the case.

I dont think this one is possible i bet atrox outregen the MPH ...
But can be interessing to run som test in that way ... like shoot som mobs for long time time with medium gun and see how are the loot.
I believe that mobs give loot depending on their total hp, not how much damage has been inflicted on that particular mob before it died. I've seen some theories that suggest letting the mob regenerate will increase your loot but never seen any data that support the theory.
I haven't seen any argument why it would make sense either, shooting an atrox young with a mann mph for an hour would make it loot like a daspletor?
It would be very easy to prove so the fact that there is no proof so far makes me certain that this is not the case.

Nice thread mjukis. On the calculating cost to kill side of things, myself and falkao did a big thread on that a while back. Its a long read, most of our findings are summarised in this post:

However, we largely stopped with it in the end, as all evidence we've found to date suggests that loot is tied to damage done to mob, rather than actual HP of mob. I won't say I'll eat my hat if that proves to be wrong (if I recall right I think I already have to eat my hat anyway :D) but I'd be really surprised if someone doing 3000 damage to an ambu young to kill it will in the long run receive roughly the same loot as someone doing 1500 damage to an ambu young to kill it. (Initial experiment suggested there may be a cap to this after 3 times the initial mob health - which would mean you can't make atrox young loot like a dasp - but again we need more data to verify that, and its a rather arduous slow task and possibly expensive)

However, there's still stuff like armor and fap decay to take into account, which obviously increases the longer you're shooting the mob.

And in any case it would indeed be interesting to have a full listing of mob regeneration times.
I heard that the fast-regen mobs do regen faster when they are attacked.

If that assumption is true, then maybe you should attack them with low DPS (TT Pistol) to have their max-regen speed?
haha , i did update the efd... its 0 by default.... dunno why its not 500 default , if i click its to give something , not to make a cool line message :D
All data till now indeed show that more damage done results in more loot. Since it is unknown what the relation is, it is hard to determine what gun will be the most efficient. Ofcourse a faster kill results in lower armor/fap decay, but to model this, you need to know the hitrate of every mob in relation to your professionlevel. This would be a hell of a job to find out.

An alternative way to measure the regeneration rate would be to measure the time of gains in the draggable bar untill you notice a pattern. For example, 15 sec, 15sec, 20sec, 15sec, 15sec, 20sec. So regeneration time is 50/3 *20 = 1000/3 = 333 seconds. May not be as accurate, but it sure is faster. Anyhow, good luck on your work ;).
All info collected that can somehow influence the way one chose to hunt is greatly needed.
I dont think this one is possible i bet atrox outregen the MPH ...
But can be interessing to run som test in that way ... like shoot som mobs for long time time with medium gun and see how are the loot.

What does it matter that a trox regenerate faster than a mann mph can kill it?
Is the theory is that the mob gives better loot the more damage you inflict, but if you let it fully regenerate the loot resets?

Nice thread mjukis. On the calculating cost to kill side of things, myself and falkao did a big thread on that a while back. Its a long read, most of our findings are summarised in this post:

However, we largely stopped with it in the end, as all evidence we've found to date suggests that loot is tied to damage done to mob, rather than actual HP of mob. I won't say I'll eat my hat if that proves to be wrong (if I recall right I think I already have to eat my hat anyway :D) but I'd be really surprised if someone doing 3000 damage to an ambu young to kill it will in the long run receive roughly the same loot as someone doing 1500 damage to an ambu young to kill it.

However, there's still stuff like armor and fap decay to take into account, which obviously increases the longer you're shooting the mob.

And in any case it would indeed be interesting to have a full listing of mob regeneration times.

I haven't seen that post before. I saw your "Crazy hunting test" where you killed ambulimax and let it regenerate vs not letting it regenerate but it was such a small sample. Have you done larger tests after that?
Great thread you linked though. Would be very nice to have mob movement speed, hit rate of all mobs for all evade levels etc on entropedia to be able to make nice simulations like in that thread. But I guess it will be quite some time before all that info is aviable:)
Anyway, I suppose I can spend a few hours to make a decent test on if regen affects loot.
From your tests so far, does it matter if you do 10k damage with mann mph and then kill it or will the loot "reset" if the mob fully regenerates?

All data till now indeed show that more damage done results in more loot. Since it is unknown what the relation is, it is hard to determine what gun will be the most efficient.

Could you link me to where those tests are posted so I can read up on it before I do my own tests?:)
All data till now indeed show that more damage done results in more loot. Since it is unknown what the relation is, it is hard to determine what gun will be the most efficient. Ofcourse a faster kill results in lower armor/fap decay, but to model this, you need to know the hitrate of every mob in relation to your professionlevel. This would be a hell of a job to find out.

Yes, you take more armor/fap decay if you take longer to kill it, but you're also getting more loot (theoretically), so it's practically just like killing a larger mob.
I believe that mobs give loot depending on their total hp, not how much damage has been inflicted on that particular mob before it died. I've seen some theories that suggest letting the mob regenerate will increase your loot but never seen any data that support the theory.
I haven't seen any argument why it would make sense either, shooting an atrox young with a mann mph for an hour would make it loot like a daspletor?
It would be very easy to prove so the fact that there is no proof so far makes me certain that this is not the case.

Additional Version Update Information
29 Aug 2008

It has come to our attention that the VU 9.3.4 Content List was not complete. Adjustments to the regeneration of the Caudatergus, Cornundos and Molisk creatures were missing.

We apologize sincerely for this omission. As in previous adjustments, the loot received from these creatures has been increased in proportion to the regeneration adjustment.

I did a really quick search and didn't find any outcry about the health levels also being manipulated on the recently adjusted mobs. If those stayed constant -- but loot was modified to accommodate the new regeneration level -- it's safe to say health isn't the sole determining factor.

The regen rates will definitely be helpful in figuring economy, and apparently factor into the loot equation. I'm just curious if loots were raised for some mobs on the independent basis of the faster regen rate, or if this is a natural effect because you end up inflicting more damage in the end (due to the faster regen rate). Just how fast should you kill your critter?
What does it matter that a trox regenerate faster than a mann mph can kill it?
Is the theory is that the mob gives better loot the more damage you inflict, but if you let it fully regenerate the loot resets?
Who know ?
I just think taking a gun that will finally kill the mobs after som long shooting might be better for a test.
It is possible to calculate for a kill in like 2 or 4 min and see how big are loot on average... will make 30 kill in 1 hour , guess it can be enought of a sample if mixed with fast kill of 30 sec...
I have to say, when i do cp with 3 p5a users vs only me with p5a i really see difference in cost to kill, but also in loot. It seems i get more markup shit soloing (doing less dam/sec) too (ataus etc).
This could also explain why we hardly global on big troxes with about 220 dam/sec, while you see noobs global all the time on small trox.
Could you link me to where those tests are posted so I can read up on it before I do my own tests?:)

To me the most convincing test is the one I did myself looooong ago. It was in a VU where the loot had static values, so any variation was clearly visible. But I cant remember in what thread I posted it and since a lot has changed, the data is not that relyable anymore. The only other data I know of is the more recent test by JimmyB, which is also convincing to me.
the mob regenerate will increase your loot but never seen any data that support the theory.

Mindark said, loot had been adjusted with the increased regen of the molisk and caudatergus.
I don't know what adjusted means (it's kindof vague) but there is a difference according to them.
and ofc now MA will change all that too for sure
Assumption ...

I believe the regeneration of the HP increases the loot, but it is capped. So the jester D1 will never make you loot like a daspletor, but try it out with limited regen !

I'd love to see someone take this up.

Experience ...

Loot increases if you spend more for the same hp.
I global more with RJ, but that is because I spend faster.
My imk2 still gives better final results.

The combo rocks :yay:

Fact ...

The return is in average a % what you put in.
That was confirmed by MA (support)

Question ...

Base don the fact, does it all matter ... except then to minimize decay cost ?

many questions, no answers ... I feel like philosopher hehe.
Any mathematician cares to put figures ? :)

lol, this is such a critical aspect of hunting Im surprised no one has done further testing.
If a mobs regen adds loot proportionally, that means it would be wise to trade in high dps for high eco, a struggle I'm sure many hunters debate with themselves over. The BIG gun o_O or the wallet-saver...

Theoretically could we run a simple test like:
Equal eco guns with varying DPS

Of course, you'd need a lot of samples and of course a high amount of standardization, (ex: do a 5k ammo run with gun A on mob X followed by a 5k ammo run with gun B on mob X the same day, in the same spot, repeat for a month) I'm sure many people already do this but just don't record it o_O

Actually, I guess you wouldn't even need to have the same eco, that would make it easier but you'd just have to alter your comparisons by the % difference in eco.
If you had a high enough different in DPS, the results should be very clear, rather quickly.

Someone do this please! lol I really want to know if increased DPS is actually more eco because of regen or not.
I'm too nooby to hunt mobs that would make this job easy, testing opalo/101 vs breerm2a on exas and snables probably won't work out so well...
Fact ...

The return is in average a % what you put in.
That was confirmed by MA (support)

This is of course trivial. The question of importance is whether this % is fixed, or somehow regulated by factors out of our control. IMO the most likely answer to that is no, but opinions differ a lot on that.
I haven't seen that post before. I saw your "Crazy hunting test" where you killed ambulimax and let it regenerate vs not letting it regenerate but it was such a small sample. Have you done larger tests after that?
Great thread you linked though. Would be very nice to have mob movement speed, hit rate of all mobs for all evade levels etc on entropedia to be able to make nice simulations like in that thread. But I guess it will be quite some time before all that info is aviable:)
Anyway, I suppose I can spend a few hours to make a decent test on if regen affects loot.

Could you link me to where those tests are posted so I can read up on it before I do my own tests?:)

My test, Witte's old test, MA comment (all mentioned in this thread). I think falkao too became more convinced of it after his huge loot analysis thread ( Also, just my own general feeling from loot whilst hunting with stuff like H400 and then with stuff like HL15.

Certainly not sure about it all though, I rarely hunt fast regen mobs at the moment as a result.

From your tests so far, does it matter if you do 10k damage with mann mph and then kill it or will the loot "reset" if the mob fully regenerates.

Again its not certain. The crazy test suggested the effect may be capped in some way but dunno really, it was too short like you say. I'd say easiest thing to do would be choose weps carefully so you kill it in the end, but real slow :D
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yes I was thinking about buying a weapon that slowly but surely kills ambu young in 3-5 minutes.
But after some thinking I went for a weapon that keeps the hp standing still instead, that way it's easier to do testing for 2 times the base hp, 3x, 4x etc etc.
Used detpil rv50 to begin with since it was perfect dps for ambu young I figured I might as well get some rocket skills while I'm at it ;)
Turned out it's less than optimal to use in a dense spawn for a test like this though so I Invested tt+1 ped in an m2722 and restarted the test.

So far the data does indeed suggest there's a loot bonus for slow killing a mob. But it's hard to say how much. It's a very important field to do more research in, let's say the loot increases proportionally up to 150% of the mob's base hp. Then eco would be a lot more important than it is now vs dps. Let's say it makes the mobs loot potential up to 200% of normal, but not directly proportional to how much damage has been done, but rather if you spend 100% more you get 50% more etc. Would be less important but still a major factor.

If this research was put to rest due to lack of time or funding I'll be more than happy to help out. Not really the purpose of this thread but maybe it's time for a seperate thread that focus on getting to the bottom of it.
Will be pretty much impossible to get a perfect understanding of how it works since loot is so random, but having a good idea is better than having no idea ;)

Oh and btw, everyone feel free to go out and do some regen testing. Filling up the list myself will take even longer now that I have this:silly2:
I couldn't resist making a "crazy test" of my own btw ;)
Spent 200peds ammo on an ambu young. Turns out a maxed 2722 without attachments kills them in "only" 50peds ammo, so had to let it every now and then.
Loot was 12peds. Probably won't have time to do a hundred kills like that though, not to mention the cost:silly2:

Off to do some regen testing now. All those empty columns on entropedia aren't going to fill themselves ;)
I heard that the fast-regen mobs do regen faster when they are attacked.

If that assumption is true, then maybe you should attack them with low DPS (TT Pistol) to have their max-regen speed?

I tested that before I started and it was clear that they had the same regeneration rate regardless if they were being hit or not.
I did however just realize while testing armaxes that mobs regen much slower (~30-35%) if they're not hitting anyone. Luckily I was alive for most the tests so far so I don't have to redo much. I'll update the first post so anyone that would like to help fill in the list know they have to be able to stay alive.
I couldn't resist making a "crazy test" of my own btw ;)
Spent 200peds ammo on an ambu young. Turns out a maxed 2722 without attachments kills them in "only" 50peds ammo, so had to let it every now and then.
Loot was 12peds. Probably won't have time to do a hundred kills like that though, not to mention the cost:silly2:

Yeah indeed - its pretty time consuming and potentially quite costly :D

12 PED is an interesting loot - certainly higher than most ambu youngs loot but certainly not 'original loot' multiplied by the amount of times its HP regenerated.

Again it feels to me maybe there's a cap around 3 times the original HP but there's other possibilities too. Like you say, more testing needed but may be difficult to ever really fully understand it.
From your tests so far, does it matter if you do 10k damage with mann mph and then kill it or will the loot "reset" if the mob fully regenerates?

I would guess that any loot calculation "resets" if the mob fully regenerates.
If there is any loot calculation.

Skills on mobs seem to reset once a mob fully regenerates.
I noticed this while skilling Shortblades/Support Weapons on small Molisk (before their re-gen modification)
I would fire one shot from a Vumpoor J4(L) and then kill the mob with a Shortblade. Sometimes I would drag 2 Molisk because of the area damage of the Vumpoor but because of the small hit (30 max damage), being shared by 2 mobs, once I had finished killing the first Molisk the second one would always have regenerated to full health.
I never got a Support Weapons death skill from any of the Molisk which had regained their full health although I was getting skills quite often from the others as my skills were so low and this was more than 1000 Molisk over a few days.
I have noticed a similar thing now with Marber v new Aurli and Atrox. They often re-gen to full health before they get into carbine range and then I don't get any Plasma death skills from them.

Is skills re-set there is no reason why loot would not re-set also.
If a mob could remember the damage that you had done to it before it got back to 100% health it would also remember which weapon you were using and you should be in with a chance of a skill.

btw +rep for the re-gen chart.
Yes, you take more armor/fap decay if you take longer to kill it, but you're also getting more loot (theoretically), so it's practically just like killing a larger mob.

as Jimmy already mentioned, you'll get more loot but its capped. So finally you'll get less as what you would expect.
Again it feels to me maybe there's a cap around 3 times the original HP but there's other possibilities too. Like you say, more testing needed but may be difficult to ever really fully understand it.

Not sure if I'm going off topic and stress again readers with loot classes. If that's the case then let me know and I'll shut up.

When determining the upper limit for loot class C1 I had the impression that a multiplier of 3 or 4 is used within this class. This would correspond to a truncation probability of .05 or .02. Atm I think it's close to 4 using Hogg y data. With a multiplier of 4 the limit would be 4/10 HP.

Till now I've always thought this limit will scale up with hp dmg done, but what's when this upper bound is bound itself, say a multiplier of 3 or 4 again.

For Ambu this would imply that in C1 you won't observe a loot higher than 12 or 16 HP/10 which would be close to 12 or 16 PED. When letting regain the mob more than 3 or 4 HP, loot will get truncated at this cap.

Your Ambu data suggests that there is a cap, but the limit can't be estimated sufficiently precise. Furthermore, I'm not sure what benefit such a finding would have.