Solution for Update 12.6.3 Crashes

Should let people know where "boot.ini" file is located as some probably don't know it:

Fastest way to find it:
Start - Run - write in "C:\boot.ini" and then press enter.
Actually it did work on my laptop but it did not work my my PC (which is way too old now ;)). Aperently you need to have at least 3GB RAM for this to work (my PC has 2.5GB and swaping to force him to get 3 basicly make him run in alert state, changing to other options like 2GB resulted also with client crash).

Anyway this still works at least for some cases.

Same here: on my "office pc" XP SP3 - 2 Gb ram, tips don't work (reinstalling SP3 nor editing boot.ini)
Will try at home with a 3gb pc same OS...

Last solution I'll expect MA gives me an external hd to copy files from a win 7 machine...

unbeliavable... MA, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!? :scratch2::scratch2::scratch2::scratch2::scratch2:
Win XP SP3 and 2 GB of RAM.

Worked for me although I used /3GB /Userva=2560 that was in the other thread. Before this downloading always crashed around 180-190 MB. Could log in also without problems, so thanks!
TY so much - you're GOD! ;)

Copy the files from a "good" instalation on Windows7 (or 8 ...)

On Windows XP

Edit the boot.ini file
by adding
/3GB /Userva=3030

and reboot the PC for this to take effect

More details at:

To bad we have to edit our sys files to be able to play this game.
Not much help from MA. I am so disapointed in their leak of costumer service.

Thanks to Archangel and friend, I am now downloading the awardwinning DIRT VU.
I am looking forward to read about all the new discovered BP's ... I DID NOT GET Grrrrr's!

Funny thing is .. Do you all remember those days when swamps on caly had more green dots than red?
I mean, when people where able to kill a puny and the kill inflicted all our missions? lol!
I remember how fast MA was back then to correct the bug MONSTER LOL!
But ok when it is the other way around, we can wait for light years - DIRT! :p

Well download is ready - now all I need is to set my boot.ini back to normal and hopefully run a smooth game?
WOW? by second thought? I dare not leave Arkadia - I fear to float in space for 36 hours again ;)

Archangel? I predict you a splended future as MA VU-mad-dirt-bug-consultant,
You should be most wanted on their dev-team MONSTER LOL
TY AGAIN M8 :cool:
Same here: on my "office pc" XP SP3 - 2 Gb ram, tips don't work (reinstalling SP3 nor editing boot.ini)
Will try at home with a 3gb pc same OS...

Last solution I'll expect MA gives me an external hd to copy files from a win 7 machine...

unbeliavable... MA, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!?!? :scratch2::scratch2::scratch2::scratch2::scratch2:

yes MA come on we need help , I posted a bug report 24 hours ago not even had a reply ?
yeah this does not work always, i had this line changed exactly like described for a month already - useful against out of memory errors but it didn't save me this time from getting the updater errors..
im a lazy fucker so i didn't went for w7 since my xp still working....

got this error changed that boot file and didn't work...restarted my PC and no crashing ;)
im a lazy fucker so i didn't went for w7 since my xp still working....

got this error changed that boot file and didn't work...restarted my PC and no crashing ;)

As the boot.ini affects how the bootloader loads up the os i'm not surprised a restart is neccessary :p
got this error changed that boot file and didn't work...restarted my PC and no crashing ;)

The boot.ini changes only take effect after a reboot.
OK, I edited the boot.ini file as suggested above and then rebooted. Was able to download the update but then got an error that there was a problem with my Direct X. When to start the game and then got an error that my video card is not supported. So I removed the line I added in the boot.ini and rebooted again. Went to start the game, no errors, got in!

Thanks to whoever solved the problem (for some of us)! And to MA, get your head out of your asses! Its pretty sad when your customers have to solve your problems and still you don't acknowledge there is one :wise: I am just happy that PP don't follow your lead and know how to communicate with their customers.
Can you edit the boot.ini file without copying over a good install from Windows 7?

(I dont have a Win 7 pc, only an XP one :()

ffs, I wanna kill some pKcK not edit my damn boot file :(
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OK, I edited the boot.ini file as suggested above and then rebooted. Was able to download the update but then got an error that there was a problem with my Direct X. When to start the game and then got an error that my video card is not supported. So I removed the line I added in the boot.ini and rebooted again. Went to start the game, no errors, got in!

Thanks to whoever solved the problem (for some of us)! And to MA, get your head out of your asses! Its pretty sad when your customers have to solve your problems and still you don't acknowledge there is one :wise: I am just happy that PP don't follow your lead and know how to communicate with their customers.

PROBLEM IS NOT SOLVED tried everything , nothign works for me
Actually it did work on my laptop but it did not work my my PC (which is way too old now ;)). Aperently you need to have at least 3GB RAM for this to work (my PC has 2.5GB and swaping to force him to get 3 basicly make him run in alert state, changing to other options like 2GB resulted also with client crash).

Anyway this still works at least for some cases.


Copying all "dynamic content" from my laptop to my PC worked. So mayby this will work as a soluion for people who can't play yet but have friends who are already in ;).

I have copied everything from this folder:
"...~\Entropia Universe\public_users_data\dynamic_content" (11.9GB)
and now game runs also on my PC. Client just "compressed" the dynamic content and run normally.

manual download solution

Still no official solution? :eyecrazy:

Okiedokie then. Just managed to get the updater working on my work comp, will upload the files that were changed to GoogleDocs - one planet at a time - so whoever still needs these files can download them too.

- Next Island (312MB - tested, works like charm)
- Space (136MB)
- Arkadia (828MB)
- Calypso-1 (680MB), Calypso-2 (876MB), Calypso-3 (666MB)

Usage: unzip the contents into EU dynamic content folder (on my PC it's C:\Program Files\Entropia Universe\public_users_data\dynamic_content\)
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Still no official solution? :eyecrazy:

Okiedokie then. Just managed to get the updater working on my work comp, will upload the files that were changed to GoogleDocs - one planet at a time - so whoever still needs these files can download them too. I haven't tested if they work, because my work comp will never be able to run EU... but they should work, at least repair process said they were all ok.

- Next Island is up now (312MB), that's the one i need myself,
- next will be Space (136MB), uploading
- then Arkadia (updater still running)
... haven't decided about Calypso yet, it's pretty big and i still hope MA will provide official fix any time now.

Every planet is one zip file, simply unzip the contents to: C:\Program Files\Entropia Universe\public_users_data\public_users_data\dynamic_content\
(or whatever is the EU folder on your comp)

it is calypso that I need
The boot.ini changes only take effect after a reboot.

i dont care...all i care is i can play and this fixed for me :)

So big thx to the guy who came with this :)
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many thanks, this fix works fine
Copy the files from a "good" instalation on Windows7 (or 8 ...)

On Windows XP

Edit the boot.ini file
by adding
/3GB /Userva=3030

and reboot the PC for this to take effect

More details at:

it might be a good idea to edit your first post because you missed out a few important things, /3GB should be set to be the same as your system ram, and the setting /userva is also wrong in my eyes, if i understand it right 3030 would give your whole system ram to the user environment, this will probably slow windows down quite a bit.
On a 3GB machine 2560 would bet better, when i set it lower than this the "out of memory" bug still appears.

we should credit wistrel for the fix which has been on entropiaplanets since december, when i posted it here earlier i was only guessing it would fix this error too.
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ops delele those those posts pls
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fix worked

It was not working on my main 4 gig comp as a lasr ditch tried it on my older 2 gig computer success .

I can just copy the whole lot on to my main now
/3GB should be set to be the same as your system ram
No. /3GB is a switch on its own, telling windows to give user-mode processes 3GB VA (Virtual Address space) on a 32-bit system, instead of the usual 2GB/2GB split NT has used since early 90's.

and the setting /userva is also wrong in my eyes
I agree. It shouldn't be present at all. IFF MA has really messed up so badly as this stuff suggests, the only additional switch to the OS boot line in boot.ini would be the /3GB.

I'd furthermore suggest anyone trying this to take a copy of the text-line that refers to your OS in boot.ini, and for the new line using the /3GB switch also add e.g. " (/3GB)" to the description string.

/USERVA is according to Microsoft only available for Windows 2003 (and therefore XP 64-bit, which obviously doesn't need it), but not XP 32-bit. It's to fine-tune how much VA is really presented to user-mode processes. Default without /3GB is 2GB (minus overhead). With /3GB it is, you guessed it, 3GB (again, minus overhead). The switch is to be able to fine-tune between 2048 and 3072 how many MB umode VA is available.

To round off: we shouldn't (have to be forced to) resort to ugly hacks like this - we're modifying our operating system behavio(u)r for crying out loud! - to solve MindArk programmers errors. If they can't even be arsed to fix their zip-parsers, and routinely memory-map more than a process VA can provide, they should be taken outside and... let's just say tarred and rolled in feathers is the beginning. The managers forcing (or even allowing) this should obviously take the lion share of the punishment.
it might be a good idea to edit your first post because you missed out a few important things, /3GB should be set to be the same as your system ram, and the setting /userva is also wrong in my eyes, if i understand it right 3030 would give your whole system ram to the user environment, this will probably slow windows down quite a bit.
On a 3GB machine 2560 would bet better, when i set it lower than this the "out of memory" bug still appears.

we should credit wistrel for the fix which has been on entropiaplanets since december, when i posted it here earlier i was only guessing it would fix this error too.

My friend told me that he had such doubts those values were posted because they worked for him.
He doesn't know enough about on how windows XP memory allocation works so he just copy paste from Microsoft knowledge database.

is to change the normal from 2Gb to 3Gb
therefore a user would probably only benefit from a tailored change if he had somewhere between 2Gb and 3Gb in the PC RAM

works on a PC with 2Gb since that is what was tested initially by my friend
(he initially assume that was just a command line that couldn't be tailored to specific needs

is the maximum that from what he read could be used in some settings in Windows Server 2003
and the value 2560 would not had worked on such systems according to the article he read

So not knowing what the error is all about and
having a solution that worked he decided to share "as is"

There is room for improvement, but now he is playing
I uninstalled SP2 and installed SP3 stand alone, then edited boot.ini as described and it worked a charm.
Running XP32bit + 4Gb RAM

Had to reinstall a few apps after the SP changes though which was a pain, some chipset issues arose.