CLD Sale Update 2

Well, from what I saw, it was actually more like 20 % in the queue and 80 % around the MA-avatar. I was in that crowd myself. Why? Because there was not a single word from MA that forming your own queue was the right way to go about it. I could as much have started a queue behind myself and cried at everyone else for not standing behind me.

And since the official avatar didn't trade anyone, but responded to trade-requests, that only enhanced the view that it was ok to crowd around. (Perhaps he did later, but for the first hour s/he did not.)

The simplest solution for MA would be to allow for a 3D queue i.e. all around the MA avatar. That way it's less stressful for everyone and no need to police or manage.

Provided people have the common courtesy to not go away from keyboard for long periods and T out of there when trade completed this would probably be the most effective and quickest method.

The normal queue will never work unless it is enforced which is unlikely to happen.
The queue for the session starting at 11:00 is beginning to form at Ithaca TP.

James Bowerbird has started trading, people are generally being cooperative, however a couple of times James has had to say:
[James Bowerbird EstateBroker] If I see someone cutting the line I WILL banish them

and the heartstopping
[James Bowerbird EstateBroker] hold on, i just gave someone 460 deeds...
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This is amazing, well done Calypsians!
hahahaha it was me! broker trade me 464 deed for 2300ped !

for a moment I was rich and confuse hahaha
atleastcan I get a small reward (buying 2 more deed a 1150ped :) ) for returning all CLD to james?:p

The queue for the session starting at 11:00 is beginning to form at Ithaca TP.

James Bowerbird has started trading, people are generally being cooperative, however a couple of times James has had to say:

and the heartstopping
James has said he has 170 deeds left to trade for this session, he's willing now to let players trade again for a second time this session for 2 more deeds each.
All trades are final you should have kept them, that's what they say.. lol
All trades are final you should have kept them, that's what they say.. lol

exactly :D

Sorry James all trades are final!

The queue for the session starting at 11:00 is beginning to form at Ithaca TP.

James Bowerbird has started trading, people are generally being cooperative, however a couple of times James has had to say:

and the heartstopping

Curious if the will ban Joda..
Actually, I'm not..allready know nothing will happen
I was initially in place 6 or so of the queue. Short time later i was shoved into the ball of people forming.
People were dropping out of helicopters to cut in front of the people already there.

If the guy had said form a line i will initiate trades to people in the line and will ignore people cutting into the line then things would have been organised way better. Best way would have been to stand in the ring of Twins and have the Marco gun on him to shoot people being annoying. Just like Serica suggested.

The point is that your proximity to him had nothing to do with your chance of a trade, so long as you were in range to suggest a private trade.

Anyway, since everyone got their deeds, I don't think it really matters.

Now there are obviously rules to line up, which is fine too.
hahahaha it was me! broker trade me 464 deed for 2300ped !

for a moment I was rich and confuse hahaha
atleastcan I get a small reward (buying 2 more deed a 1150ped :) ) for returning all CLD to james?:p
all trades

are final? noo? :D


for returning it :)
longest virtual line ever

My respect to the community, there was only a handful of cutters, check this pics of the longest virtual line ever :dunce:

(pics were taken 5minutes after the trades started)

that's Itchaca right now
I know I'm a special case, but I am still not the least impressed with how "James" handled this today.

I waited in the queue for over an hour. When he was about 20 ppl down from me, he announced that he only had 7 deeds left. So, with a bit of easy logic, I realised I would not get any and left the queue. I stood afk by the TP for about 5 minutes. When I came back to the computer it became clear that James had just announced that he would sell to everyone else in the queue, who hadn't got any deed. "Oh great." I thought, and stood myself last in the queue again - with some 70 or so people infront of me.

Not wanting to cut the line, I asked several times in the chat if James would allow me to retake my previous spot (the guy behind me even vouched that I had stood there before) - owing to the need that I had to leave in about 35 minutes. Go figure - there was no answer. 20 minutes later and at least 30 people still in the queue before me, James having passed my original spot already, he announced that he'd only be selling (at most) 3 deeds to anyone.

But that didn't really matter to me since I had to leave now anyway. What well spent two hours that was. :rolleyes:

First announcing the end - he actually kept a running commentary on how many deeds were left - and then prolonging it. Can't even stick to the rules himself, yet still expects everyone else to?
I came to Ithaca half a hour before the beginning and it already was like this:

A hour later:

The broker had ran out of the initially planned to sell 500 CLDs five peoples after me.
So, how many deeds left of those 5k? 1k as expected? or less?
I know I'm a special case, but I am still not the least impressed with how "James" handled this today.

I waited in the queue for over an hour. When he was about 20 ppl down from me, he announced that he only had 7 deeds left. So, with a bit of easy logic, I realised I would not get any and left the queue. I stood afk by the TP for about 5 minutes. When I came back to the computer it became clear that James had just announced that he would sell to everyone else in the queue, who hadn't got any deed. "Oh great." I thought, and stood myself last in the queue again - with some 70 or so people infront of me.

Not wanting to cut the line, I asked several times in the chat if James would allow me to retake my previous spot (the guy behind me even vouched that I had stood there before) - owing to the need that I had to leave in about 35 minutes. Go figure - there was no answer. 20 minutes later and at least 30 people still in the queue before me, James having passed my original spot already, he announced that he'd only be selling (at most) 3 deeds to anyone.

But that didn't really matter to me since I had to leave now anyway. What well spent two hours that was. :rolleyes:

First announcing the end - he actually kept a running commentary on how many deeds were left - and then prolonging it. Can't even stick to the rules himself, yet still expects everyone else to?

Hi, if u would bring more time u could have gotten CLDs, James said he trade anyone in line including u.

I had to work on yesterdays session and got none, do i blame MA for this?

Hi, if u would bring more time u could have gotten CLDs, James said he trade anyone in line including u.

I had to work on yesterdays session and got none, do i blame MA for this?


I was fine with the initial set-up. I was fine with the fact that I did not get any, because the 500 ran out. I am not fine with the fact that they change the rules as they see fit - look what direction the wind is blowing and change your policy to match it.

I lost my place in the queue because of James' word, and was left out because of it. I already said I am a special case, but that does not mean I suddenly did not waste two hours.

Whatever. I was angry then. I am a little less angry now, though still irritated. Lesson learned - never trust the MA official 100 %, always leave the option that they can change their mind at any second.
I got the impression that 'James Bowerbird' himself wasn't the decision-maker on this.
2012-11-08 17:11:31 [Local] [James Bowerbird EstateBroker] Sold all 500 atm but will hear if I should go the line down
2012-11-08 17:11:35 [Local] [James Bowerbird EstateBroker] so one moment

He could well have got close to the end of the 500 he was supposed to sell, turned around to the boss and said 'What do you want me to tell the rest of these people who've been waiting for a long time?'

Or even had the boss looking over his shoulder saying, 'Wow, still a long line there - let's see if we can spread around a few more that we were going to use for prizes next year'.

I set my alarm for 1am to be ready for the 2am start, and either it didn't go off or I slept through it. :ahh: At 2.30am I looked at the clock and hurriedly logged in :)

So I was very appreciative indeed that they agreed to let those of us who were standing in line buy up to 3 each after the initial 500 for the session was sold.
that cool thinks like that need to be promoted not negative stuf about MA but positive thinks.
i waited 2h+ and was there 1h38min before the oficial time went up and it was hell of long wait.
Fridey and saturday i decided not to sleep for 24h to get on both sesions so if you see me acting crazy don't be alamd is just cos am probably dead tierd.:laugh:

oh and james if you read this AM SO HAPPY YOU DID NOT TRADE those that wanted to cheat the line when we waited for more that 2h.
that cool thinks like that need to be promoted not negative stuf about MA but positive thinks.
i waited 2h+ and was there 1h38min before the oficial time went up and it was hell of long wait.
Fridey and saturday i decided not to sleep for 24h to get on both sesions so if you see me acting crazy don't be alamd is just cos am probably dead tierd.:laugh:

oh and james if you read this AM SO HAPPY YOU DID NOT TRADE those that wanted to cheat the line when we waited for more that 2h.

I think he did trade Stormri*** and Tisa B********** anyways even though they skipped the line bigtime... so he traded a lot of them I bet.
i wont give names but i was debating to report them to MA or not becose i fraped the whole think now i can only say what i see before me i did not look the line after.

Is sad to see that some ppl think they can do what ever pleez them is total disrespect of someone that wait there for 2 hours next time do what i did wiat two hours and see if you don't get mad when someone try to cut in front of you.

but honestly for those two 3^ppl the rest where all respecteful so tumb up for 99,97% of the eu comunity
11 people in queue already lol
Todays sale was total fuck up, long line, James run out of deeds, and that was it. No effort to obtain more or to mitigate in any way as was done yesterday. In summary, classi MA, theoretically ok intentions, piss poor execution, no flexibility and complete lack of understanding of market dynamics or customer service. I am shocked that this still surprises me after all these years.
Kombinator: THey stated they sell 500 deeds and thats it, yesterday was just big effort from their part to sell the additional CLD's. They only left 1k which goes into the 2 500-500 trades. THey cant sell more than they have.
They should have fulfilled the demand today by either dropping the limit to less than 5 per buyer or clawing back from tomorrows session.

There are basic ways to do it, there a number of them, MA has chosen to blatantly be MA and just fuck over a bunch of its customers once again.

As I said, I am not surprised.
They should have fulfilled the demand today by either dropping the limit to less than 5 per buyer or clawing back from tomorrows session.

There are basic ways to do it, there a number of them, MA has chosen to blatantly be MA and just fuck over a bunch of its customers once again.

As I said, I am not surprised.

I do not agree. Changing the rules in that way would be unfair to those who plans on trying for CLD's later on and who might have deposited for this.