NEVER shooting in Shared Loot again!


Jul 3, 2008
Crimson Devils
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GenX000 Caveman Tycoon
I tried a few of the Entropy today!

OUCH!... my ped! :eyecrazy:
That's what people say every event mob, :wise: until the next one :tongue2: you know what they say once you had your first event mob you never want to go back :scratch2: wait that's not right.. once you had your first event mob you always go back :laugh:
It's a big gamle.
If you don't get the items, you usually only get 0-10% returns.

Overall, their loot is probably just like all other mobs in tt returns.
2 ATH that is over 110k
wow. you missed out if you didn't keep shooting.
I went there, was part of killing the first two that looted Mod pistols..

however, I did not loot more than 5 peds on my first 300 ped ammo spent (+ dante decay and weapon decay)

Then suddenly, I looted one ruby... a few ones later, one emerald...

It is all about luck I guess, still I ended up with like 50% return, but meh... It was great fun seeing the community and i mean, THE COMMUNITY shooting together on one mob.. So many people, I loved it even if loot was poor...

If someone missed it, you can view some recordings I made from my twitch page: <- Pictures from the event, taken by EL when a hof occoured from the boss mob.. :)

Stoikows Discovery is there, as well as the second modified pistol looted :) Enjoy it, this way it won't cost you a ped :laugh:
Its so fn simple but people just don't figure it out. Shoot only with whatever dps you can afford that allows you to shoot EVERY DAMN SECOND YOU ARE IN GAME FOR THE DURATION OF THE EVENT. Your loot will work out like any other mob. Going there and busting your nut in 2 hours and then wondering why your returns sucked is know...just silly :)

Luck is a obvious part, but only as to when the big ones drop, and the occasional Opalo-gets-ESI-noob-story. Time spent earns you the items and the 90% return eventually, period.
if you have the bankroll to spend the time. 2 hours constant shooting with your highest gun on those is nothing to sneeze at if you get f-all returns. I can't keep depoing every 2 hours until an ATH comes that i MIGHT get 1k on.
Yeah but if shit returns for 2 hours is too much for your ped card, you shouldn't be using your "highest" gun, thats all I am saying...use something that makes the ammo last 20 hours instead of 2, and then see what happens to your return.
You did not share in the ATH then?

between all those green dots, by the time those 2 ATH's hit, I still would have not come close to making back what I was spending!

mobs like that should only drop stackables! :wise:
Its so fn simple but people just don't figure it out. Shoot only with whatever dps you can afford that allows you to shoot EVERY DAMN SECOND YOU ARE IN GAME FOR THE DURATION OF THE EVENT...

you go ahead, I'm not interested in shooting small weapons all day, so I'll just skip Shared Loot from now on!

although, ped aside... It was an awesome mob, and fun to kill it with everybody! :thumbup:
(just wish it was all stackable loot to make it fair, instead of gambling for items)
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I see this event type is being taken to the extreme more and more ... few years ago people could enjoy such events without having to kill zillions of HP mobs where 10,000 shoot and 2-3 take the loot :( ... at least lower the item drop rate so not every bloody kill is 2-3 items and 100 ped stackables to share between hundreds of shooters :mad:

Agree to the OP on this one - simply ain't worth it unless u care nothing of your ped card or you're in the super-uber-MA kids group.Been there, burned 500 peds for 10 ped return, had enough :eyecrazy:

GL to those choosing to participate ... what the robo invasion became now-days simply ain't my idea of fun :(
I learned this lesson from when Atrox Queens were around... I didn't bother on this mob either since then or any other for that matter... Sad to see people still don't get how these events work.
Did depoist 1k tonight, on last mob now, if this one is a no looter for me im 1k down already, wanted to gamble but kind of regret it already....
I learned this lesson from when Atrox Queens were around... I didn't bother on this mob either since then or any other for that matter... Sad to see people still don't get how these events work.

More like: it is sad that this is how the event works, considering how big and "special" the event is, should it really have to devastate 95% of the participants?

I think all of us who are there and shooting just keeps hoping that "This time MA has changed something, This time I will not have a 5-10% return during a 3 hour hunting session"

but it seems to stay that way.. I got lucky today and I am happy for that (50-60% returns) and had a BLAST of fun! but that was really, really lucky and I did shoot a lot of peds.... 700 ped TT return from 2 loots, 1 ruby(400) and 1 emerald (300), without those two gems none of the 20 mobs I killed would have had mattered.. :) then it would have had been 5-10% TT return (remember one HoF on the mobs with only or mainly stackables as I actually recieved over 50 ped in one stackable!) I wish there was less fucking ruby and emeraldds.. Who the hell decided those needed to be in the loot? Perhaps it has something to do with the cost to kill and the amount of loot dropped... Seems to me they drop a lot less peds than what it costs to kill it ..

With 3 damage per pec spent:

145000 stamina

means 1450 000 HP

1450 000 HP / 3 (DPP)

= 483333,3333333333

483333,3333333333 / 100 (to make it to peds)

4833,333333333333 <--------- cost per kill, without HP reg.... and everyone does not have 3 damage per pec. Make it 5k~ cost to kill

A lot of the hofs are way lower than that.. the only way to make some people happy instead of EVERYONE mad on the event for mindark is to add Ruby/precious gems into the loot.. Without them we would get stackables back every kill with a sense of "hey.. thats a lot less than what I just spent to kill it so now I am asking the rest of the players here... Did anyone receive any item? No????? So all of us just got 60-70% back from firing upon the mob, and noone gets items? Why do we bother?
We live for the items.. Rubys and emeralds wouldnt fuck the MU of current weapons on the market as well from all of us going to the same mob, dropping a lot of guns all over.. MU was already really low on the gems...

Why you say?

the chance to get a item on a shared loot mob (as mentioned in some interview or post somewhere, cant remember where) is equal to the damage % you have done to that mob. If you did 50% of all damage, and the 100 other people did 50%, you have a 50% chance to recieve the item while the others has a 0.5% EACH to get the item...

This is one way Mindark can give us a sense of feeling "Damn I just profited on that mob!" while actually... Mindark just won on that specific mob, since we all together put a lot more peds in to killing it than we got back, but some of us profited while others suffered a HUGE loss.. Fair?

This is how I think it works at least, hope it makes some sense to someone... (If you check the hof list, some of the hofs are above 5k peds sure, and some ATHs ... but see how many below it is as well? Oh yey... remember, cost to kill that I counted earlier up top is not including fap decay, armor decay, vehicle decay from bosses totally killing vehicles all over the radar)

I think we all got fucked, to be honest :)

I wonder if one day there will be a event, where Mindark has the balls to offer the players a profit from a event. Imagine us all shooting for a long time on one mob, we have spent 80k peds to bring it down, coordination etc... And that is it, we kill the boss once, and we get more loot back than what it costed to kill.. Just as a way of mindark saying "We love you, our dear players"

I hope to be a part of that, one day far far away in the future..
The TWO Modified items added on the first two kills was just a nice, really nice trick to make everyone flood the boss mob and drain as much ped as possible. Perhaps Mindark need some quick cash for some reason and this is how it is done?

Not to mention those who gets that 400 ped ruby feels like a winner when he gets it, even tho mindark really just won way more peds than that from the majority of the boss mobs killed :p

ugly fugly mindark... really, really ugly event... It was loads of fun being there, but the only sad part of it was that the loot was just... doomed... until a ath, and then another one but who didnt see that coming from this mob? was just a matter of time, even with a 55k ped hof, over 100 participants.. whats your share? ;) looks huge from the outside for those who did not actually shoot at the mob... the rest.. oh, well, I honestly think that TT wise we all are losing our butts over this mob.. Few lucky ones that keeps getting the gems but other than that... Huge loss for whole community, I am sure this will cripple the amount of globals for the next couple of weeks until payday.

The 2 mod loots really were just there to make us all feel like "HOLY SHIT TWO JUST DROPPED? I GOTTA GET ONE" and rush over and bring forth the biggest possible gun we can use and blast away as much ped as fast as possible in hopes of getting one...

It all really points (at least in my mind) towards that MA really needs some fast cash. This is the perfect way of milking the whole community, silently... Except for some people on the forum... and I do understand the frustration.. I got lucky and didnt lose as much as others did before I decided to quit

haters gonna hate.. :)
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Imo they should get rid of TT food with high TT, like emeralds and shit.
Its so fn simple but people just don't figure it out. Shoot only with whatever dps you can afford that allows you to shoot EVERY DAMN SECOND YOU ARE IN GAME FOR THE DURATION OF THE EVENT. Your loot will work out like any other mob. Going there and busting your nut in 2 hours and then wondering why your returns sucked is know...just silly :)

Luck is a obvious part, but only as to when the big ones drop, and the occasional Opalo-gets-ESI-noob-story. Time spent earns you the items and the 90% return eventually, period.

yup,this pretty much sums it up alright :)
I got 47 pec from one 5,5k loot. So got 1% back on my output there...

Only stayed for that one.
Luck is a obvious part, but only as to when the big ones drop, and the occasional Opalo-gets-ESI-noob-story. Time spent earns you the items and the 90% return eventually, period.

Is there a time line for that eventually? A shared mob is not meant to get u broke within 2 hrs and this was exactly the kind of thing that happened. Not everyone has an infinite ped card as u ( at least u speak so) and shared mobs are not just meant for those who do.

<10% tt returns for 2-3 hrs is not acceptable. PERIOD
I would have participated if I had been able to buy some ammo. Unfortunately MA is on holiday and any accounts with bugged depositing systems are getting internal errors LOL. Monday morning is going to be a bit of a dip on the revenue.
Is there a time line for that eventually? A shared mob is not meant to get u broke within 2 hrs and this was exactly the kind of thing that happened. Not everyone has an infinite ped card as u ( at least u speak so) and shared mobs are not just meant for those who do.

<10% tt returns for 2-3 hrs is not acceptable. PERIOD

That's what I'm sayin! This just keep shooting attitude, makes me wonder if they are MA employees :laugh:
Getting a little bit back each kill keeps player interested longer. TTing loot and getting more ammo etc etc.

Zero loot after a few hundred ped doesn't increase players willingness to reload and keep shooting:scratch2:
Stopped taking these big shared loot mobs seriously from the moment they were (poorly) implemented.
It's been a flawed system from the start.
Should only be stackables and low TT items.
No high-TT anything at all.

You guys can keep going though, good luck with those! lol
Its so fn simple but people just don't figure it out. Shoot only with whatever dps you can afford that allows you to shoot EVERY DAMN SECOND YOU ARE IN GAME FOR THE DURATION OF THE EVENT. Your loot will work out like any other mob. Going there and busting your nut in 2 hours and then wondering why your returns sucked is know...just silly :)

Luck is a obvious part, but only as to when the big ones drop, and the occasional Opalo-gets-ESI-noob-story. Time spent earns you the items and the 90% return eventually, period.

I second this.

What Sunsout is saying, is true. I've participated in 3 major shared loot events and I've had great returns in all of them. Sure, it's easy to go -600ped, but you'll get those PED back eventually if you keep on shooting. I use a 41.9 DPS combo, that doesn't drain my PED's too fast and it seems to work out for me just fine. Finished yesterdays spawn with about +200ped profit and free skills.

Going max DPS with low budget is what screws people over, in the sulfur robot event, I had a 98dps setup at the end of the event and I managed to lose about 600ped. Before I switched to the 98dps combo, I had a 34dps setup, which brought me plenty of ''items'', and a profit of nearly 900ped.

Just keep on shooting! :D
I was shooting with imk2 +a106 and 1 enhancer slot mostly, did have very low fap/tp/armor costs since i was mostly out of range for the mobs and got hit very few times, i did get 64 ped from one mob and around 45 from one, thats all, had to tt stuff from storage to fully repair at the end from 1000 ped on the card 2-3 hours erlier, guess i was just stupid that kept shooting.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, wont be twice on this mobs for me!
I went there, was part of killing the first two that looted Mod pistols..

however, I did not loot more than 5 peds on my first 300 ped ammo spent (+ dante decay and weapon decay)

Then suddenly, I looted one ruby... a few ones later, one emerald...

It is all about luck I guess, still I ended up with like 50% return, but meh... It was great fun seeing the community and i mean, THE COMMUNITY shooting together on one mob.. So many people, I loved it even if loot was poor...

If someone missed it, you can view some recordings I made from my twitch page: <- Pictures from the event, taken by EL when a hof occoured from the boss mob.. :)

Stoikows Discovery is there, as well as the second modified pistol looted :) Enjoy it, this way it won't cost you a ped :laugh:

" Stoikows Discovery is there, as well as the second modified pistol looted ".
Now I wonder who looted the first gun. :cool:
Its so fn simple but people just don't figure it out. Shoot only with whatever dps you can afford that allows you to shoot EVERY DAMN SECOND YOU ARE IN GAME FOR THE DURATION OF THE EVENT. Your loot will work out like any other mob. Going there and busting your nut in 2 hours and then wondering why your returns sucked is know...just silly

funny, you've just highlighted exactly the problem. players shouldnt have to be involved the entire duration, couple of hours on uber-uber-uber mobs like that punisher, dropping 3-5k hofs every mob should be giving participants somthing sensible back. clearly its set up wrong if people with decent firepower see no loots or a few ped ammo returned from a multi-k Hofs.

1. Discovery NEW MOD RIP -> Stoikow => NO LOOT FOR OTHERS. / NO LOOT FOR ME
3. 2.6k LOOT (ITEMS) -> Unkown => NO LOOT FOR OTHERS. / 1.1 PED LOOT FOR ME
4. 3.2k LOOT (ITEMS) -> Unkown => NO LOOT FOR OTHERS. / 1.7 PED LOOT FOR ME
5. 2.8k LOOT (ITEMS) -> Unkown => NO LOOT FOR OTHERS. / 0.8 PED FOR ME

Shooted => LC-60 + XR 90 AMP
AMMO -> 400 PED


Also thinking there are over 100 - 150 PLAYERS in the same position like me.
Are you Serious ? 100 x 400 PED LOOSE ? in 5 MOBS ?
Its enought to make 2x ATHs (110k) => FIRST 5 MOBS Were over +50k PED PROFIT for MA!

Go shoot for UBERS.

They OPENED IT up to GIVE the NOOB a CHANCE yet you all forget this?

don't you remember when a Group called AOW and CK who would get all the SWEET ITEMS

and all the noobs WHO HAD NO CHANCE cried then they are like .. Hey you know whats a good idea???


You think it would be smart to Give a noob a chance?

hmmmm what kind of chance?

maybe 5% chance?

ya sounds like a good idea

Let's do it

Call it shared loot

I bet they will LOVE IT

soo now we get a 5% chance to see a possibility to loot anything..... as of before it was only a select group literally a select group that dumped more money in the game then you would imagine to have a chance at this...

So i will put it this way

Neg rep me or positive rep me I DONT fucken CARE


Hence why 2 ath's of 55k dropped after some time past??

Considering there was 150 Players shooting and everyone lost 400 ped in FIRST 5 MOB

Lets say 400 / 5 MOB => 80 (Say its 50 Average shoot) / mob x 150 players (Ok, not all Shooting 50 ped) but Say 100 Who did.) => 5k PED needed to KILL one ?

If one cost ~3-5k PED to kill, x 10 => 30k x 100 MOBS => 300k ?
Considering there was Over 100 MOB. x 3k Each => 300k PED ?!? (Are you Serious) ?

How much was TOTAL LOOT of these ? 110k Ubers + another 100k / 150 K in Smaller Hof ?

Simple Math there.

Im out of this discusion, but Ill never Shoot that again!
And im sure im not the ONLY ONE!