Double Bombing?


Jul 24, 2006
Saskatchewan, Canada
Avatar Name
Mickanya Mia Swift
For those of you who dont believe is double bombing or bombing after you get a claim.....

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

I had got the Iron Global, then right at the claim I dropped another bomb, and Ta Da :p

Although they are not the same ore, but I think that is irrelevant :p
cool! :)

and it was like within 5 seconds?

congrats! now to just figure out where that is... lol
Gratz, it always pays to double bomb :wise:
On CND I also always double bomb, I've had it 4 times now that I found a small deposit, I dropped another and it got me a global.

Gratz, Mia.

I've recently started double-bombing myself. I've not found anything quite like
Mia but often find a second claim fairly near by.
First of all, GRATZ :)

Just a question, do you double/triple bomb only when you hit a deposit or even if you hit nothing then rebomb?
Crux said:
First of all, GRATZ :)

Just a question, do you double/triple bomb only when you hit a deposit or even if you hit nothing then rebomb?

Umm usually don't double bomb when I dont get a hit, but at CND I bomb/probe like crazy, I average about 100 bombs & 100 probes/ dome... I drop a bomb, then when it says "no resourses found" I drop a probe imediately and when I find a hit, I then bomb and probe at that location.... seems to do well for me anyways :)
thx for info :)
;) double bombing is what found me my Rich caldorite hit a week or so ago.


I double bomb too but usually with the other type--like I drop a probe-no hit or a hit makes no difference-then I drop a bomb. Sounds like I should try double of the same type. What are your thoughts/experiences with that style--I am soso but need more skills in mining too.
Someone told me recently to try double bombing finds and I've found it has helped my return on average ;)

For some reason, from my experience I've noticed double bombing works better than double probling for me... Not sure why though.
Mia said:
For those of you who dont believe is double bombing or bombing after you get a claim.....

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

I had got the Iron Global, then right at the claim I dropped another bomb, and Ta Da :p

Although they are not the same ore, but I think that is irrelevant :p

this is very very common on CND when using an amp. My record is 6 rebombs in exact same spot and all globals. 6 of them within 5 minutes. :)


I always bomb st8 after finding a claim, but have never had a global yet from it; but something most times
Rare but not uncomon.

Personaly I dont do that cause of the range of the finders, but on CND sometimes its good to do it.

If u walked 20 meters from ur first claim or 50 on Eudoria, u also pick it up.

Anyway its always cool ;)

Gratz Mia.. yeah I agree. double bombing works well on CND. Also pays to bomb or probe and unattended claim rod as often ava's dont double bomb and leave the 2nd claim for you to find :tongue2:

Gratz agen

Jack Scudd Samuels
Mia said:
Umm usually don't double bomb when I dont get a hit, but at CND I bomb/probe like crazy, I average about 100 bombs & 100 probes/ dome... I drop a bomb, then when it says "no resourses found" I drop a probe imediately and when I find a hit, I then bomb and probe at that location.... seems to do well for me anyways :)
I used to carpet bomb with 200 of each, but it's been a while upthere :).
Nice finds, I rarely double bomb in CND, and i may rethink this, ehehe, all because of u.