The new entropian breed


Apr 3, 2006
Not in Kansas anymore...
Modus Operandi
Avatar Name
Pepper Legion Mint
I just wanted to show you the new breed...


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My son

He'll be popping out in early August or so. Until then he's mainly training kicks (Goju-ryu, I believe) and doing his famous H.R Giger impression.

He sure likes +reps ;)
WOOOOT!!! Big big gratz!!!! :yay: :wtg: :cheer: :clap: :shower: :baby:
Looks like a little fist skilling is going on there- He should be rdy for a smacker 2 upon arrival:)

-do the global horns wake you up at night?;)
Gratz! :wtg: :D :wtg:

Congratulations :)
thats INCREDIBLE news! Looks smart he does
What a week :yay:
So many gratzes to give for incredible achievements...
But yours is outstandig mate!

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I just wanted to show you the new breed...


[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
My son

He'll be popping out in early August or so. Until then he's mainly training kicks (Goju-ryu, I believe) and doing his famous H.R Giger impression.

He sure likes +reps ;)
Wow man, Gratz! And that brings back A LOT of memories!
Soon, life as you know it will be OVER! :laugh: :laugh:
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


I'm very happy!
does he have his own avi, yet?

what a feeling WTG :)

do the global horns wake you up at night?;)
Almost mate, but usually it's just my GF snoring... ;)

does he have his own avi, yet?
They don't come that small. But it will be a mini Pepper
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what a feeling WTG


Believe me, it is! But I had no idea how truly great this would be! I just enjoyed the practise in making them before :) Great way of skilling though...:naughty:
AWWW he is sooo tiny .. and small ... and ... *squeezes cheeks.... * :silly2:

Gratz :yay:
WOW Pepper.. congratulations. You just got your very own No#1 ATH screenie :thumb:
Oh, wow, gratz!!!
He's moving around a lot now, it's amazing to actually feel a new life in there.

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AWESOME!!! Congratz!!! lets hope he grows up to be the ultimate entropian ;)

best wishes!
Grats :)

That's the best HR Giger impression I've seen ;)
grats! :) hope i willl be happy as you in the near future :)
Thank's guys! :ahh:

It's still a bit of a unreal feeling, but I guess it will be very real in just a few months now. He'll be a little Leo and according to the chinese horoscope he'll be a ...pig..?! Hmmm...not very flattering is it. LoL
Big gratz:D :yay:
I am sure motherhood will be a big joy for you.
One day it will be my turn:) I'll be watching for more post from you as he grows up,will be fun to watch.
I know we don't see eye to eye , but i am a father and know what a joy it is to be one , so , Gratz pepper on your little bundle of joy! A boy too, BIG gratz!

All the best!

I know we don't see eye to eye , but i am a father and know what a joy it is to be one , so , Gratz pepper on your little bundle of joy! A boy too, BIG gratz!

All the best!


Thank you Jam! Very much appreciated, especially coming from you. You're certainly being the bigger man here.
And if this was a reached out hand, I'm glad to take it. :)
Grattis Pepper :)
Thank's guys! :ahh:

It's still a bit of a unreal feeling, but I guess it will be very real in just a few months now. He'll be a little Leo and according to the chinese horoscope he'll be a ...pig..?! Hmmm...not very flattering is it. LoL

Actually, a boar.
The boar in Chinese culture is a much respected, and noble critter.
Western civilization has domesticated the pig, and what we know of a domesticated pig, is nothing like the true nature of the beast.
Huge congratulations!! I'm so happy for you :D
Can't wait to have a mini Pepper running about the soc :D

I was truly overwhelmed to hear about Dylan, but to actually see this picture of him... it's just amazing.

Again...So happy for you mate, must be an incredible feeling...
Since we've already got the name, we've now moved on to think about what tatoo's he's going to get... any suggestions?

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aaawwww huge gratz Pepper!!!!! so nice...=)