Help: UI Release: Feedback Thread



MindArk Official
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MindArk Official
Feb 10, 2006
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Formerly "Foeburner Nighthawk Delta"
This thread is for providing any UI-related feedback after the release.

To report bugs and crashes, please go to:

Please use the template below to provide any feedback you have regarding the UI release. All information in this thread will be compiled and forwarded to the UI team, so please make sure to provide detailed suggestions explaining what your suggestion is and (if applicable) the reason for it.

Thank you for your assistance!

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  • Title: [Short description]
  • Current: [Describe which existing function or system you wish to see changed, if relevant.]
  • Suggested: [Describe your suggested change.]
  • Reason: [Describe why you want this change.]
Screenshots: [Attach any relevant screenshots.]
Login: nice and linear, lovely
Transparency: hate it, will remove on chat its unreadable
Rookie chat at login: immediately CLOSE TAB, it is a disease of game, should not be auto opened
crafting: we are used to double click to switch to craft panel, small problem, but would be good to open construction with a double click
very nice look so far (first 10 minute)
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I would absolute love to be able to change the transparency setting on both chat and radar - With current settings at times both chat and radar can be hard to see if the background is similar to colors in chat/radar.

I can not scroll down in the channel list. ALL the channels was ticked on first login after update so all channels are now showing up in the main chat. the other channels below where it cuts off screen are still enabled and I can not untick them. Please add scrolling!

> Title:
Crafting Success Rate.


> Current:
1. Sellect Blueprint.
2. Press "View Information"
3. Hover "Success Rate" bar

Before the change, on hover, we were able to see a success rate % number for sellected BP based on its quality rating and your skill level. (this is the same information that crafting terminal displays under the "success").

> Suggested:
Please bring that option back, or just add it as separated value into BP "basic information".

> Reason:
It is absolutely crucial in order to understand what is the outcome this BP offers to you and if you should acquire it or not.
  • Title: Loot window auto-stack items option
  • Current: Loot window currently doesn't auto-stack items,
  • Suggested: Loot window should auto-stack items if the item is already in the loot window
  • Reason: It would make it so the loot window is not cluttered with 1000000 different stacks of the same loot item and I personally would use the loot window over non-loot window if this option was added.
  • Title: Construction window
  • Current: cannot move off screen, and no link to auction for more materials
  • Suggested: see above
  • Reason: Having to find a place where the auction terminal is next to crafting terminal, before we had access to auction from the construction window
It feels like the crafting interface has been overnerfed. There used to be a small icon next to each BP that shows the BP type, now that's gone. I can't doubleclick to start crafting like I'm used to. It feels like crafting has gotten slower but I'm not sure about that one. Also when I craft I used to ba able to double click any lign in the lootlog of the crafting interface for more detailed info, like what BP dropped or how much residue there was in a particular drop, that's gone as well.

New login window and inventory system look great.
It feels like the crafting interface has been overnerfed. There used to be a small icon next to each BP that shows the BP type, now that's gone. I can't doubleclick to start crafting like I'm used to. It feels like crafting has gotten slower but I'm not sure about that one. Also when I craft I used to ba able to double click any lign in the lootlog of the crafting interface for more detailed info, like what BP dropped or how much residue there was in a particular drop, that's gone as well.

New login window and inventory system look great.
I'm already missing the double click to start crafting, when you search for a blueprint, you now have to click it first and then go back to the construction tab. But if browsing shows one result, that looks clicked as it's the only one, but its not clicked. Not a big issue, but was a lot user friendly before. On the filter tab, i keep start typing text, no realising i now have to click in the search field first. My avatar keeps randomly moving about because i forget lol


I can't set up the camera as previously, feee view etc and the character is moving weird, directions wise. Anyone else having this issue?
On the filter tab, i keep start typing text, no realising i now have to click in the search field first. My avatar keeps randomly moving about because i forget lol


Happens to me all the time! I start typing then my avatar runs away and random windows start appearing :laugh:
  • Title: Paste in chat
  • Current: in custom notes i can rightclick items/text and copy. But I cant rightclick a chatwindow and paste. Only ctrl+c
  • Suggested: make it so you can rightclick in chat and Paste like it was before.
  • Reason: to use a remote client on phone etc where Keys are simply not available.
  • Title: White/orange focus bar under text input on chat
  • Current: Theres a white/orange focus bar under chat
  • Suggested: Option to disable this bar
  • Reason: Its annoying me since its a different color than the rest of the chat and I don't need to know when I'm typing in the chat because I can see when I am without needing the bar.
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  • Title: Sliding fade bar for chat
  • Current: There's a tick box to check and uncheck auto-fade
  • Suggested: Make this into a sliding bar from 0-100% so we can change how faded the chat is
  • Reason: I want a fade inbetween the auto-fade and non-fade options
  • Title: Chat settings
  • Current: Chat interface settings is only on main tab
  • Suggested: Make it so every chat tab has it's own interface settings
  • Reason: I want one of my tabs that's not part of the bottom left chat to be auto-fade while the main chat doesn't have auto-fade
  • Mission Bar
  • Current: The mission bar is in my right side of screen and i cant move
  • Suggested: Please, fix this
  • Reason: Do our life more easy...
  • Coords in Radar

Open the main menu and select "Options", "Interface", then toggle "Show location in the Radar UI". It will then display coordinates next to the radar.
The mission bar is in my right side of screen and i cant move

You can do that by entering "UI Edit mode" from the main menu (or pressing L by default). Please read the release notes and tutorial.

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  • Title: splitting ammo stack (possibly other stacks too)
  • Current: it automatically splits in half
  • Suggested: make it like before where we enter the amount of ammo we want to take
  • Reason: I'm used to the old system