Congratz mindark for the BIGGEST joke EVER

I must agree here. There will be a much higher supply of new gear that matches the existing "uber" gear. Price will fall quickly due to higher supply. I fear that myself and quite a few other good folks have just lost a shit-load of cash overnight.

You know this before anyone has even discovered the middle tier enhancements or upgraded much of anything how?
Doesn't help to state the obvious.
The fact is that mid/high level owners ARE getting fucked.
Lower level L gear can now easily meet or exceed much higher UL level item stats.

did u already tier up some UL opalo and the dmg has jumped from 8 to 16 on tier 1 or did u increase fire rate from 44 to 50 or did the eco drop down to .001 pec per shot fired??? or are u just making ASSumptions???:scratch2:
did u already tier up some UL opalo and the dmg has jumped from 8 to 16 on tier 1 or did u increase fire rate from 44 to 50 or did the eco drop down to .001 pec per shot fired??? or are u just making ASSumptions???:scratch2:

Given that people got L weapons to Tier 9 within a few hours, there's no way that the tier benefits will be of that magnitude.
Ugh. Okay, too many pages of rants. But I did read far enough to see some people have said this already. But it keeps getting masked by the "I HAVE UBER I ANGRY I SMASH!!!!!"

The system works just fine doing what it's supposed to do. The problem is what you people seem to think it's supposed to do.

This new method isn't meant to enhance those truly uber items. Instead, this allows persistent players with less financial or luck backing to STILL rise to the "top" through perseverance. Yes. Those who hunt molisk or argos or whatever for months and months, grinding just to play.

Your whatever low, or even mid range gun can now upgrade. It's not all lost.

But if you have a mod fap. a MM. Whatever. The higher the value of that item at its mark up, the less likely it will be for you to upgrade it. There's purpose to that, don't you think? You have a top end item. It is harder to rise further to the top when you're already so high up, isn't that true for every aspect of life.

You might never upgrade your super duper uber item. The system just isn't built for you. It's built for those who don't have your super duper uber item. Is that so bad? If you choose to go crazy and buy another uber to match yours, well you've got balls. But that's your choice.

I am going to look into detail on limited items though....
Given that people got L weapons to Tier 9 within a few hours, there's no way that the tier benefits will be of that magnitude.

no one knows till it happens, i TRY not to make ASSumptions...
Enhancers are optional. You don't have to use it at all just because its a new feature.
I like the rules.

And hey - used L weapons now will not go to TT, but as ingredient!
Enhancers are optional. You don't have to use it at all just because its a new feature.
I like the rules.

And hey - used L weapons now will not go to TT, but as ingredient!

HUH, do some research...

there we go

i cant put my original prism of destruction in ingredient ( system say i need an other one than the one i want to upgrade)

and the other one (which dont exist in game) have 5% chance to be destroyed ! WTF ???? fucking big joke

i ll quit this game as soon as ma annouce that its not a bug

You haven't heard the best joke yet:

There is a 100% chance your 2nd item will be gone when your upgrade succeeds... good luck on finding a 3rd and 4th prism for Tier 2 and 3...

Yes, that's what happens with all the INGREDIENTS!


I hope i am wrong...
Has anyone with such an unl items tried to put a (L) item in as ingredient btw. :scratch2: I don't think this may work, but maybe we've overseen such a clue here, hope dies last...
Lets take something low end as example:

I reach 0.9 for my Masher One.

I need an addition Masher One to unlock tier 1.
If success i lose the second Masher One and if fail there is chance lose also the second item.

So i must pay an additional Masher One (min 100 PED TT + 350 PED MU = 450 PED) in order to unlock Tier I to add 1 or 3 damage (have not seen those enhancers yet) is total bullsh*t and totaly not worth.

I posted already before, for MA/FPC to prevent uber/uber eco/powerfull items to be upgraded they could dont it other way, if that was not reason, this is EPIC CONTENT FAIL.

When game economy and activity is going down every day, MA/FPC introduce more trolling content, yes we all know we can ignore this addition but in concept it pisses off everyone - rep of EU/MA/FPC goes down again.

This content show the way EU is going - and how MA/FPC look on long trerm basis to make EU the only and most tiny MMO RCE.

I was in hopes that new content will "save the day" now i see it like "look for ESI and stupid rich one to buy your skills and say: bye bye"
You know this before anyone has even discovered the middle tier enhancements or upgraded much of anything how?

Check a few pages back(middle of page 8). Marco gave you some EFD and confirmed what you were on the right track when you said something to this effect.

Actually, this seems to be a low to mid level enhancement and extremely similar to something you yourself personally proposed. Remember that quest thing you talked about where someone would turn in x000 resources to gain faction and new "levels"?

This is what you just got, now you can turn in your opalo and some resources to gain a better opalo, maybe you can't upgrade your MM so easily, and your unique SIB weapons not at all. The top guys are the ones that are being slowed down by this, it's the lower tier people that have a chance to upgrade via grinding instead of via a lucky drop.

What this says to me is that his intent is to bring the ability to own bigger/better guns to the masses. When I hear Marco hint he wants to increase the availability of items like this it's unsettling. It's a no-win situation for a lot of players.
Will not loose words on tier system because I wont even try point is, gameplay system was perfect before VU10.0 and FPC "takeover" it ONLY needed some graphic polishing,some bugs fixed and new LA's added.
But nooooooo, lets turn everything upside down. I'm not nearly an uber but I'm playing for a long time and I understand those "whiners" completely.

FPC, I just wish that some of your competition improves yours otherwise BRILLIANT game patern, learn something from mistakes that it seems you don't care of, make us happy again and put you out of buisness.

My two pecs.
Yea some of u should stop the whining and start thinking before posting BS about something who was launched yesterday. FPC realesed this feature because its part of a plan. They know where they go and, I think, its for a better and more affordable gameplay oriented toward the MEDIUM and LOW players.

By this they marginalize the actual ubers who, by a calculated behaviour, are already marginalized. 10k$ in a virtual gun ??? Its up to u. But by doing this trade u will marginalize urself and the enhancer system will be here forever to show u how u failed on an IRL mental equilibrium.

Seriousely, u are not happy actualy with ur Ul and very rare blade with awesome TT, damage and all ?

What is discouraging is to see threads like this, started by suposed "ubers", who are at the end uber only on the paper but not in the behaviour.

So for me helena from blablahq, u just failed at showing u as a "über". For me u look more like a capricious bipolar loony teen.

EDIT: This is a good moove, and I think that many things have been done for ubers, especialy in the context of an MMO rce. Elites ? yes but it should be only 3 to 5% of players base.
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Yea some of u should stop the whining and start thinking before posting BS about something who was launched yesterday. FPC realesed this feature because its part of a plan. They know where they go and, I think, its for a better and more affordable gameplay oriented toward the MEDIUM and LOW players.

By this they marginalize the actual ubers who, by a calculated behaviour, are already marginalized. 10k$ in a virtual gun ??? Its up to u. But by doing this trade u will marginalize urself and the enhancer system will be here forever to show u how u failed on an IRL mental equilibrium.

Seriousely, u are not happy actualy with ur Ul and very rare blade with awesome TT, damage and all ?

What is discouraging is to see threads like this, started by suposed "ubers", who are at the end uber only on the paper but not in the behaviour.

So for me helena from blablahq, u just failed at showing u as a "über". For me u look more like a capricious bipolar loony teen.

EDIT: This is a good moove, and I think that many things have been done for ubers, especialy in the context of an MMO rce. Elites ? yes but it should be only 3 to 5% of players base.

That sure isn't a proper way to adress a lady.Defend yourself!!! :ninja:
That sure isn't a proper way to adress a lady.Defend yourself!!! :ninja:

Defend what ????? There is nothing to defend. Somme ppl already have all and should STFU big time. Not our problem if they setted prices so high.

I like ur location in ava info >> toilet lol
I think some of you are missing the picture here.

There are non-uber weapons, such as the Mina, Bicak Blix, shit - even the kesmek slo UL. You gonna tell me that you're willing to pay $400~$1k to allow one SLOT on the damned things? And not to mention the CURRENT rarity of a lot of those things. I doubt there are enough Minas available currently to make even two of them all the way to Tier 10.

If MA did this move to shaft the ubers and 'raise up' the noobs/mid levelers, then the socialism has been fully ingrained, and we are now a classless universe. Congratulations, we're fucked. Was good while it lasted, let's hope I can at least get TT for what I have, and feel happy I walked away with 1/10th of what I've spent over the years.
Wonder if I can get permission to sell my avatar so I don't have to screw around for 6~12 months with ESI's? :scratch2:
Defend what ????? There is nothing to defend. Somme ppl already have all and should STFU big time. Not our problem if they setted prices so high.

I like ur location in ava info >> toilet lol

It was meant as a joke dude...btw, I like my toilet also :beerchug:
Defend what ????? There is nothing to defend. Somme ppl already have all and should STFU big time. Not our problem if they setted prices so high.

I like ur location in ava info >> toilet lol

And you, Hulyss - one of helenas points is that UNIQUE DAMNED WEAPONS (please note that key word there, UNIQUE) state in their recipe THEY NEED ANOTHER IDENTICAL WEAPON TO UPGRADE. What serious degree of wrapped bullshit do MA's coders smoke while they are programming this shit? Seriously?!
Helena has a one of a kind item (not with the title of "unique", but as in ONLY ONE DROPPED) and the recipe calls for ANOTHER ONE in order to upgrade it!
I have a delta SGA I bought, and a week or so later Marco announced enhancers. Now I find out in order to upgrade it (based on this FUBAR system that people somehow are thinking is right) I have to get ANOTHER DELTA SGA in order to upgrade it?! I'd have to wipe out the entire existing supply to get this to Tier 10, IF I ever managed to find another for sale!!!
Same with Anything we have with SGA on it! FFS, try and expand your view on this to EVERYTHING in EU. MA just positioned us to be assraped by each other, while they watch and take our money.
what are we doing now ?

I think every players of EU is scammed now :

- uber cant improve uber stuff : who can upgrade an uL item sga since sga dont loot anymore ?

- who will buy garnet to improve noob items with a 50% to fail ?

I think this game goes to the Free MMO with a InGame Shop :
I can bet in 2-3 month MA will provide some scroll to prevent the loose of an item upgraded, some scrolls to improve success rate of an upgrade


I think there is some solution, easy way is to create a petition and leaving the game... its easy but we need players like NEVERDIE, QUETESH and DEATHFINDER, owner of big lands, BIG investissor in this game, owner of capitals of MA to make pressure...
And you, Hulyss - one of helenas points is that UNIQUE DAMNED WEAPONS (please note that key word there, UNIQUE) state in their recipe THEY NEED ANOTHER IDENTICAL WEAPON TO UPGRADE. What serious degree of wrapped bullshit do MA's coders smoke while they are programming this shit? Seriously?!
Helena has a one of a kind item (not with the title of "unique", but as in ONLY ONE DROPPED) and the recipe calls for ANOTHER ONE in order to upgrade it!
I have a delta SGA I bought, and a week or so later Marco announced enhancers. Now I find out in order to upgrade it (based on this FUBAR system that people somehow are thinking is right) I have to get ANOTHER DELTA SGA in order to upgrade it?! I'd have to wipe out the entire existing supply to get this to Tier 10, IF I ever managed to find another for sale!!!
Same with Anything we have with SGA on it! FFS, try and expand your view on this to EVERYTHING in EU. MA just positioned us to be assraped by each other, while they watch and take our money.

It is because its JUST THE START of the thing. There is some possible ways and I actualy see 2:

- They do that to brake the uber "fashion", like ridiculous prices and all.

- They will drop soon more uber items like the Helena's one.

( and we will lol because of the prices payed for the previous ones)

This is a feature.

Ho and u know, most of the time it ppl who fubar themself in EU.
I dont know what to really say now... Im not angry or either happy..

Just for now im really dissapointed.. I was really looking forward for this, yesterday jumped into game and started with unlocking my ML-35 ( im normaly using it only for taging ) so i burned 500 ped ammo and moved to tier 0.1.. I said to myself ok, its slow but expected.. Ul items should be slow.. But this ???

You are saying hey you UBERS cant upgrade UBER items and thats fine.. But hey now even low-mid players cant... I think that even no one is going to upgrade EWE-41 :( And dont get it wrong.. EWE-41 is NOOB!! weapon oh my god :(

We will see how everything will went. For now im really dissapointed because it seems that for me is this tier system absolutely out of mind as im really not the kind of player who is shooting with opalos or is willing to gamble even 800ped with upgrading EWE-41 ( noob weapon lol )

So funny, was looking forward like hell, was excited like little kid yesterday and now this smash to face this morning :(((((

I understand it should not be easy to upgrade uber items, even mid level ones, but it should be atleast somehow possible !!!!
I understand it should not be easy to upgrade uber items, even mid level ones, but it should be atleast somehow possible !!!!

Its will be possible once RIDICULOUS prices will go down. And trust me, they go down and they will go down.
It is because its JUST THE START of the thing. There is some possible ways and I actualy see 2:

- They do that to brake the uber "fashion", like ridiculous prices and all.

- They will drop soon more uber items like the Helena's one.

( and we will lol because of the prices payed for the previous ones)

This is a feature.

Ho and u know, most of the time it ppl who fubar themself in EU.

The day MA starts dropping enough uber items like Helenas, is the day EU is dead. No, I mean it. The ones carrying this game are the ubers - there is a 5% volume in this game who deposit/spend more than the other 95% combined (crafters/miners/hunters combined) who have invested and spent thousands and tens of thousands of dollars over the years in EU, with the ever-increasing value of their items... yes, some were gambles that could easily be handled, but others... not so much.
If an ubers investment 'portfolio' turns into something worth ~10% of it's original volume in ~12 hours (or a week, or a month), that is the day they will leave. You do NOT want that (although it seems MA might, for some ungodly reason). You, me, the average player combined in our deposits/expenditures does NOT equal even one employees annual salary.
EU would fold if enough of the ubers left and started selling their stuff. If only 3 of the ubers I'm thinking of put up sales threads, market would crash even further than most would think possible, especially if they put up their ENTIRE inventory for sale.
And that's not counting what it would do to the skill market if the ones who were eating these "cheap chips" decided to leave due to this bullshit.

Seriously though, if you've been here long enough, you should be able to clearly track the domino effect of A > B > C > ohshitwearescrewed...
Its will be possible once RIDICULOUS prices will go down. And trust me, they go down and they will go down.

Lol no, i really dont expect to start looting ML-35 like hell, so it will cost 200 ped and i will be able to enchant it to tier 1.

And if yes, i will be happy, but it will NOT HAPPEN !
It's just stupid if there is a chance loosing the item in upgrade process:(
Ok if it takes some peds to do it, and the more uber item is, the more ped it takes, thats the way to do it I think.

The day MA starts dropping enough uber items like Helenas, is the day EU is dead. No, I mean it. The ones carrying this game are the ubers - there is a 5% volume in this game who deposit/spend more than the other 95% combined (crafters/miners/hunters combined) who have invested and spent thousands and tens of thousands of dollars over the years in EU, with the ever-increasing value of their items... yes, some were gambles that could easily be handled, but others... not so much.
If an ubers investment 'portfolio' turns into something worth ~10% of it's original volume in ~12 hours (or a week, or a month), that is the day they will leave. You do NOT want that (although it seems MA might, for some ungodly reason). You, me, the average player combined in our deposits/expenditures does NOT equal even one employees annual salary.
EU would fold if enough of the ubers left and started selling their stuff. If only 3 of the ubers I'm thinking of put up sales threads, market would crash even further than most would think possible, especially if they put up their ENTIRE inventory for sale.
And that's not counting what it would do to the skill market if the ones who were eating these "cheap chips" decided to leave due to this bullshit.

Seriously though, if you've been here long enough, you should be able to clearly track the domino effect of A > B > C > ohshitwearescrewed...

Let it then better die.There is no empty spot.In 6 or 12 month we will see new similar but mutch better game, i think.

I say let it die, gos we don,t need that type of crap and moneymilk.
The day MA starts dropping enough uber items like Helenas, is the day EU is dead. No, I mean it. The ones carrying this game are the ubers - there is a 5% volume in this game who deposit/spend more than the other 95% combined (crafters/miners/hunters combined) who have invested and spent thousands and tens of thousands of dollars over the years in EU, with the ever-increasing value of their items... yes, some were gambles that could easily be handled, but others... not so much.
If an ubers investment 'portfolio' turns into something worth ~10% of it's original volume in ~12 hours (or a week, or a month), that is the day they will leave. You do NOT want that (although it seems MA might, for some ungodly reason). You, me, the average player combined in our deposits/expenditures does NOT equal even one employees annual salary.
EU would fold if enough of the ubers left and started selling their stuff. If only 3 of the ubers I'm thinking of put up sales threads, market would crash even further than most would think possible, especially if they put up their ENTIRE inventory for sale.
And that's not counting what it would do to the skill market if the ones who were eating these "cheap chips" decided to leave due to this bullshit.

Seriously though, if you've been here long enough, you should be able to clearly track the domino effect of A > B > C > ohshitwearescrewed...

I understand ur fear but, and I speak as a middle depositor between 2 and 6 k€ / year, I understand that EU is not PE anymore. Some artefacts still remain but its is not PE anymore. FPC needed this change and Its easy to know why.

Major part of potential players dont want to join a game were high end is pure BS, IRL based elistist stuff unfair and unbalanced. MA is smart enough to dont remove most of those uber items who were, for a big part, some copy/past bug items who, at the start, shouldn't be ingame at all ...

The actual economy is biased on many sides and we know it.

FPC just put the basis of what they realy expect from Planet Calipso >> attracting more players >> Killing the actual silly economy >> renewal of the player economic interaction ingame >> all price will drop >> this will be compensated by new account and new players, a game a little bit less elitist and a little bit more monitored.

Is it really such a big deal? One opalo + another opalo = better opalo?

Sorry, limited time to read just now...but if you have a unique or extremely rare item I don't see a huge problem if it takes a lot to upgrade it.

MA can always claim that a mod fap base value is still TT and if it takes 2 x TT to upgrade then so be it. The rest is just game market and is out of their hands. I can agree that TT on the prism is extremely high and that can be cause to review how stuff gets upgraded - but a unique better-damage-per-eco than anything melee in the game? There's a tiny chance that the game devs want to keep the unique stuff unique and have them remain as is and not upgraded.

Upgrading seems to be there to help the fresh (read younger than 2-3 years) avatars get some sort of illusion that there's a chance to kill like the oldies do...just most of the oldies collected all their main stuff in less than a year and these semi-nubs remain semi-nubs forever without a slight boost...I guess.

Still it has to be bad to have a unique item and being unable to up it.

My imk2 is +5:laugh: it's so much like other micropayment grinder games I betatest every year that I cannot stop chuckling thinking about it.
And ofc dont forget that MA will drop soon new mobs ...