Ready, steady, go – in retrospect

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Monday the 21st was a very hectic day, to say the least. Entropia Universe update 11.2 was released, featuring vehicles. With it came a gift package of 200 cars that FPC was to distribute among the participants. The conditions were to get the cars out on the release day, during EU/USA time zones. Every time Emma or Simon showed up chaos erupted. I think I know how the iPhone stores felt on release day. At times, the number of simultaneous users online was over 50% of average figures – something we didn’t expect, and it added to the chaos. The cars were delivered in small batches in both settlements and in the wilderness to keep the stock as long as possible, before the reps moved to the next location. The stock was depleted just before 3AM Tuesday Swedish time.

In retrospect, the usage of the word “plentiful” was a mistake and shouldn’t have been used. The reason it was used was due FPC being excited that we this time actually had gifts, with TT values, that we could give out. And in that sense 200 cars was plentiful, compared to how often we have had given out freebies like this in the past. We were eager and excited and missed how the wording could be perceived, thus creating mismatched expectations. The lesson learned is that the next time the actual number of items available will be shown beforehand.

In closing, I would like to send my regards to MindArk who has created a really fun and thrilling system, which adds a new layer to the Entropia Universe, and in doing so, to Planet Calypso. It will be very interesting to see how the vehicles are going to be used in various events and in future landgrabs.

Originally posted on Entropia Gateway
Thanks Marco, for acknowledging their mistakes ;)

Oh, BTW, we (sort of) thank you for spending _only_ 3400 :eek: PED on us... err, I think... :scratch2: :rolleyes:

Too much coffee :eek:

That was meant to be sarcastic :rolleyes:
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In retrospect, the usage of the word “plentiful” was a mistake and shouldn’t have been used. The reason it was used was due FPC being excited that we this time actually had gifts, with TT values, that we could give out. And in that sense 200 cars was plentiful, compared to how often we have had given out freebies like this in the past. We were eager and excited and missed how the wording could be perceived, thus creating mismatched expectations. The lesson learned is that the next time the actual number of items available will be shown beforehand.

lesson learned:laugh:
At times, the number of simultaneous users online was over 50% of average figures – something we didn’t expect

Come on, I know Skam knows and anyone that has read community forums should know how long people have wanted vehicles. :trout:

And after being mobbed, you maybe should have moved to tp's fewer people had, or even better drove around handing out vehicles to people, you know, actually playing the game instead just looking for something they could flip for 1000 ped profit like some did. :rolleyes:
Ahhhh the wonders of 20/20 hindsight...

Normally people/groups/businesses will learn valuable lessons from their 20/20 hindsight experience, however I doubt that MA/FPC will...

Why do I doubt this?


Too little, too late... EPIC FAIL, aplology not accepted.
+rep for that imo.
They gave out some nice prices to ppl and that is always nice. :D
Didn't get one this time but just get over it and make some fun in EU :yay:
At times, the number of simultaneous users online was over 50% of average figures – something we didn’t expect, and it added to the chaos.

Originally posted on Entropia Gateway

So now you say that you can't handle anything over half your average load? Half the normal users made it worse in some way?

You guys just keep digging don't you? Please, think before you speak. Get someone else to check it. Basic rules when money is involved. Some of us are trying to help you.:scratch2:
Your talking about a multi million doller econamy that only payed around 300 USD and call it plentifull,, for our sake tell us how it is from the beggining. Its a stupid thing to do that cant be even mentioned as a mistake.

its kinda sad everything looks proffetional, exept you dont see it going proffetionaly.....:rolleyes:
Hmm. I dont think that the playerbase will let this go too easily and it is their right. Apology not accepted.
I thought this was a professional company which atleast could anticipate:
a) Chaos.
b) They amount of people that logged on.
c) The amount of people that will start complaining when free (wanted) items are handed out; using an unfair distribution system.

Disappointment once again.
The way that I see it and how Marco is describing it in his 'retrospect'/apology post is that MA-headquarters is like a kids playground; all excited, kids running around and chaos on the 'workfloor'.

Please MA. Be more professional; since there are high expectations from the playerbase and prevent the kind of c*ck-ups.

Thanks anyway and good luck
Oh after 6 years it happened!

FPC - Your apologies Accepted!

MA - ...Still f:censored:and your :censored:up to :censored:greedy :censored::censored:rap!!!!
It was an honest mistake and their intentions were good.

They should have seen it comming? yes, of course. Vehicles where something expected for many years and the method used to distribute them was bound to cause chaos.

The behavior of the community wasn't the best either, so I think there is enough blame to share. Lets hope the next time things get planned better and the community can handle them with more maturity.

The good thing is vehicles are finally here and we can move on to the things that are still missing and the people has been patiently waiting for a year.
Well, 200 cars as plentyful ?

Well, distribute in EU/USA WORK hours ?

Well, all "the usual suspects" got their car by lunch time ?

Well, created a whole lot of more new frustrated avatars ?

Well, thanking MA for letting you look INCREDIBLY BAD again ?

Lesson learned? I doubt it...

By the way, where are all those +50% average figures? Calypso looks more deserted than ever.

since i didnt get a piece of the 200 , i will never drive inside eu

thanks for screwing around to much MA y'all screw around to much
I think he meant OVER 50% i.e. Normal + 50%. At least that's how I read it. But even that amount of players was nothing like what it used to be at peak times. Some Sunday's the servers would crash.
Anyway a nice gesture for the vehicle give away. Thank you.
well kudos to FPC to actually acknowledge for once that they royally screwed up.

But i still lol at plentifull being 200 cars xD Plentifull should equall like 2k cars.
I knew it already on sunday that I wouldn't get a car. Just like SGA, a mining tower, a good item in loot,...
So I have no problem with that. The only problem I have is the way of distribution and I hope that MA will never use such way again.

What was wrong with making them lootable like with the towels or bunnies. Or make an event like kill XR unit in toxic zone; or hide emma somewhere in the outback and the first to trade her gets a car; after that she tp's away with a MA tp chip.

If one really thinks about it, there would have been 100 possibilities that where more fun and left players in their dignity...
It isn't about the size of plentifull, it is about the way FPC organized this. You cannot expect a self respecting participant to go waiting hours at a tp and screaming "gimme gimme plz"
Spin at its very best! Ever considered a career in politics!?


Simply not good enough.
Well, 200 cars as plentyful ?
Of course not

Well, distribute in EU/USA WORK hours ?
Wise move I think. Imagine the chaos if it had been during peak gaming hours? :eek:

Well, all "the usual suspects" got their car by lunch time ?
Many of "the usual suspects" where in Twin Peaks buying for 500+ ped

Well, created a whole lot of more new frustrated avatars ?

Give 15 Lollypops to 30 children and there will be tears.

By the way, where are all those +50% average figures? Calypso looks more deserted than ever.

I disagree totally, yesterday was the busiest I have EVER seen EU, and I've been here for 5 and a half years.
EDIT: I take that back, pre VU 10 night was far busier
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Well, 200 cars as plentyful ?

You do understand that what happened in all of the previous handouts as that a couple of random (or not so random) avatars got one item each and that was it? If you have 50 times more stuff to hand out than usual, would you think it could reasonably be decribed as "plentiful"?

Given the greed levels in the community, I vote that FPC never again does a free give out of anything at all. Not mass ones like this one, not avatars spawning at random points and selling things for TT to first avatar they see. People will whine and complain anyways, so have them complain and whine about stuff they actually bought.

At least with no freebies, all of the players that have no trouble acting in a number of disgusting ways don't make the rest of us look bad as well.
A classic case of jealousy. Give some people something for free and everybody else (who didn't get one) will complain, Of course I'm miffed at not getting a vehicle, but I am no worse off now than I was before.
I disagree totally, yesterday was the busiest I have EVER seen EU, and I've been here for 5 and a half years.

Busiest ever? not for me, the end of VU 9 party was fracking awesome..
A lesson learned by falling and standing up again. ;)

My grandfather told me about mistakes,
There is no shame in making mistakes, they are made to learn from.
However not learning from your mistakes, would be a shame.

“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”
Bruce Lee.

Apologies only excepted if you let the BP for cars drop more often ;).

Thanks for clearing it out although it is a small step we would not have to expect it from MA.
Why are such things a surprise I wonder?

We are 3 years behind every other MMO out there, even with Cry2.

And you are acting like it is a suprise that we jump like mad dogs on a bloody cat?

Maybe you should come out of the closet and really, really play some other MMOs so you actually -know- what you are up against.

RCE won't last forever you know.
Busiest ever? not for me, the end of VU 9 party was fracking awesome..

Actually yeah, I was thinking that as well. I take it back :laugh: