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  • Unfortunetly probably not going to happen...RL happening. Hope US takes it this year. Good luck to all.

    Just a reminder that WoF is around the corner, and we'd love to have you back on support this year. We had such a great turnout last year, and I'm hoping we can do just as well if not better this year :) Any or all help is appreciated reguardless of skill or budget.

    Post a response here in the WoF USA group if you plan on participating again this year.

    The schedule for rounds is here, and the first mob list is posted here.

    Hope to see you on the 13th/14th!

    My EU name is Monet Babyback L'Epitome and I believe you were trying to sell me ores at TwinPeaks about 20mins ago.
    I hope I have the right guy...
    Anyway, I wanted to apologise! We had a power cut for a good 10mins which obviously shutdown my PC. Again, my sincere apologies for just dropping like that but it was out of my hands, I just hope that next time we meet, the wind doesn't blow a forest onto my local internet exchange, hehe :silly2:
    I'm sure you managed to find a decent buyer for your ore and I hope to see you again soon!
    If this is the right guy (fingers crossed) could you please msg me to let me know I messaged the right person, so I can stop apologizing to anyone with a name that resembles "rando" ? :D

    Hi Rando. Sorry we had been offline for a couple of weeks. So we could not take part of wof. Cyu Helo
    Heys Rando! Well I would come help but I'll be on holiday in Malta from 25th July - 8th August. Good luck though!! Rootin' for you all :)

    Everything you say is true lol. Tom is back, or so helo told me too. Yeah the new member I have not met yet, just accepted the app. Tell John anytime. As far as WoF, we have a team captain now so we might see some decisions forthcoming. I'll be on later.
    appreciate your support of TEAM USA! please update your post with full in-game name!

    Thx EBO
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