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  • [Hypercharged Omegaton A204] 23k Accepted MessageIngame Name:Rocky GoldenBoy Hardball he is the owner he will tell you where to meet.
    I hope that you have a fantastic Christmas ! :)
    Should be about time for you to come back soon :) Looking forward to it! Miss ya! HUGZ!
    HELLLLPPP. This weekend Wof USA is going up again Italy. Because of them forcing us to pick a horrible time slot (1600 MA Time). We will be short on support players. Please if you can be online and at Wolverine TP at 1530 MA Time. (That is EST 11:30 AM EST, CST 10:30 AM CST, MST 9:30 AM MST, PST 8:30 AM PST, AKST 7:30 AM AKST, HST 6:30 AM HST.) Last time we had enough people to finish hunting in a hour, and most people used 50-100 peds for there hunting. If you think you can join us on Support hunting PLEASE DO. USA needs your help!! PM me for any more details.
    hhmmm... Thats a shame... Alex spoke highly of you and personally wanted me to come to you about WOF! :)

    So, he must think you have what it takes...
    I am asking you to please consider contributing to WOF this year. No matter your skill, you CAN contribute!
    sign up thread
    rules thread
    Help America earn Her title Back from England!

    Thanks and Happy New Years! EBO
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