I got an email saying you were tyring to send me a PM but my inbox is full. I stopped my subscription to the Premium Membership on EF so my inbox space went down to normal and I'm now 144 messages over max lol. I guess I have to delete some.
freelancing is awesome we gotta run together sometime. Just have to insert some cash to get things going and I have to read all of the info on what's best at the moment to get me started... feel like a total noob haha
It's going good How are you and how's PE coming along? God I have to start being active again, a little hard to get the study around too though, but I hope I manage. I miss all of you guys
Hey zefram.....
Hows you.
I'm throwing a B-Day party coming saturday on CND 20.30 MA time and if u would like to come your more then welcome.
I would love to see you there.
Hello my friend ... I still have fond memories of us working together on the big CND fashion show in March 2006 with the German TV producer. It was wonderful of you to meet up with her in Berlin and be so accommodating in order for her to accomplish her mission. It's also wonderful that our paths "meet" now and again.