23k Caldorite

Just saw this one ingame a few mins ago

Gratz :yay:

And good work posting so quickly :eek:
Gratz .. but I'm gonna go drag that Malcruentor onto your claim !

WooT a Tower!!!!

Gratz!! :yay:
I just saw that ingame... Grtaz :)
gratz!! that is a huge one-_-
Huge Gratz :wtg: way to go
gratz :yay:
Illl help Mom to pull some :rolleyes::D
Lol, comic isent it :) grz on the great loot!
Nice, wondered why I wasnt getting shit for hits out there:laugh:
Big gratz to you! Nice find :D
holy shit:eek: gz


- either you ava is pretty small
- or towers come in different sizes
- or simply viewing angle does matter

which is true? ;)
very nice, good job!:yay:


You go man!!!!!
wow, BIG GRATZ!! :yay:
Gratz nice finding :)
Huge Gratz! :yay: Very nice find :wtg:
Nice find gratz!
Incredible! and nice ore too!
WTG mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how ironic (read dynamic)

I will be there dragging malcs onto it also though :laugh:

After a few very bad weeks with OA103-OA105 I decided to downgrade to OA101... never expected it would make me post here:

Gratz mate. oa104's been very bad for me too for last couple weeks. Been on a big down slide. I've reached my cut off where I now revert to oa101's to stop the losses. Here's hoping I can match your effort. i'd settle for a XV at the moment.
Grats mate! You had it coming. It's well deserved ATH and nice reward for your patience and long hours spent on mining runs ;)
Now go and buy nice supply of fat finders and amps :D
WOOT! :wtg:

Only with 101? UBER gratz!

Enjoy your dildo :tower:
UBER GRATZ!!! :yay:

I guess now I need to let Oshiri rest for a few days before bombing my favourite spot again :laugh:
Nice one, big gratz :wtg: