A survey that may change Entropia forever

There's no "I don't deposit monthly" or "I have not withdrawn" options, and those fields are manditory...

This question requires an answer.
10. How much have you withdrawn from Entropia in the entire time you have played?
How much have you withdrawn from Entropia in the entire time you have played? $100$101-$200$201-$500$500-$1000$1000-$5000$5000-$10,000$10,000+

What,s that, a bad joke?
so why will this change entropia ????? and who is behind the survey ? care to explain a bit more
Fucking fail options in the survey...

What did you base it on? Socializing party freaks hanging around a fire on a island outside the "capital" listening to radio and "rocking" with "pogo" dances all night?

One word.....
sometimes the question says more about the guy asking it than about those who answer....

> How much money do you deposit into Entropia in one month? $10, $10-$50 , $51-$100, $100+

Dude, there's a whole range of deposits above that people are in... the fact that you don't realize that is a sign you don't understand how people play here.

It's like a 2 year old counting one, two, many...

I inserted the word "average" after the word monthly and then had no problem answering all the questions.

This will not change anything.
I took survey though it is flawed.

I've never deposited or withdrawn and was forced to put a $ amount for both questions before I could submit survey.
This will not change anything.
Okay, obviously he is using this for a college report or something (it's on Survey Monkey) and he used that to people in. Don't look to much into things.
I can't answer the last 2 questions, no point doing this survey.
The last question i was forced to answer 100$ even if it aint true. I might withdraw in 10 years but not soon :-D