Of course if I don't like the feature I am free not to use it, and those who do like it are of course free to use it. I didn't even really say much about the IM client itself, I simply don't care much about it.
What I did comment on was the ridiculous fanboism of some people who jump up and down screaming 'WOW THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER' at every stupid thing anybody posts. Probably without even reading or knowing what they are responding to. I find this ridiculous. Take all the people that will post 'GRATZ!!!' to threads accidentally posted in the HOF section here. Lots of people are just mindless drones, and I will call them out on it. If YOU don't like that than YOU are free to simply not read MY posts. kthx
I love EF, and I love many of the people who use it. No, I will not simply just leave. EF is OUR community. Mindbuster built it, we all supported him, morally and financially. 711 is now the custodian, but I reject the idea that we all need to just shut up and take it if we are unhappy with certain aspects of it. This is not the spirit in which the 'change of ownership' occured as both MB and Neomaven made clear at the time.
Now as for you quoting my remarks about being somehow labeled some sort of racist or xenophobe.. did you have a comment on that? I get quite pissed off when people america-bash like it is some sort of competitive sport. Oh.. centech is american so what he says doesn't matter.. He doesn't understand anything outside of the US. Well, I've traveled to 5 continents and dozens of different countries. I have a college degree, I work on Wall St. I wont flaunt financial numbers because I'm not dion, but I do pretty ok. I know a thing or two about the world. I'm not a country bumpkin and I'm certainly not ignorant, so I don't appreciate the condescending attitude people take about Americans.
As for the -rep.. You are special, that was just for you babe.