Are mobtrains against the EULA?

Are mobtrains against the EULA?

  • In all cases YES

    Votes: 58 9.0%
  • In all cases NO

    Votes: 144 22.3%
  • In PVP NO

    Votes: 72 11.1%
  • Only in extreme cases (Doing it repeatedly)

    Votes: 373 57.7%

  • Total voters
Are you aware, that at least in theory, mob trains excessively use the area server CPUS? It's a sort of DoS.
Eg from Wikipedia:
A DoS attack can be perpetrated in a number of ways. The five basic types of attack are:
1.Consumption of computational resources, such as bandwidth, disk space, or processor time
2.Disruption of configuration information, such as routing information.
3.Disruption of state information, such as unsolicited resetting of TCP sessions.
4.Disruption of physical network components.
5.Obstructing the communication media between the intended users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately.

It's an exploit if used repeatedly.

Well its only a DoS (Denial of Service) attack if you actually deny access to the service, i.e. crash the server.
That's just a list of basic ways to it can be done, not a definition of "DoS".

Though really extreme and repeated mobtraining I guess could be seen as a form of DoS attack, since it denies people access to the "service" of hunting/mining/frolicking in that area...

considering the mass amounts of bots in the armies of this cristmas bot wars, I don't think its (practically) possible to crash a server by mobtraining anymore...
can MA not just ban those who whine about mobtrains??:wtg:
Absolutely Agree... I personally hate people walking around in their underwear and especially guys with no shoes... I can understand a protest against the the MA foot guard issue.... but... if it's a political statement.... jeeze at least spring for a of trainers... petitioning MA now for everyone a must wear at least... noob wear in town... cover it up... EULA revision:laugh:

Braefoot is not as bad as white socks in sandals!

Tell ya.. got to watch out for them damn rabbits..

"run away.. run away"


Damn, when I clicked preview the link worked :(

To slow you fixed it :D

Well its only a DoS (Denial of Service) attack if you actually deny access to the service, i.e. crash the server.
That's just a list of basic ways to it can be done, not a definition of "DoS".

Though really extreme and repeated mobtraining I guess could be seen as a form of DoS attack, since it denies people access to the "service" of hunting/mining/frolicking in that area...

considering the mass amounts of bots in the armies of this cristmas bot wars, I don't think its (practically) possible to crash a server by mobtraining anymore...

Damn right, a DOS attack requires much several thousand avas downloading a new CE2 U simultaniously, and if even that made a real difference MA should retire in shame for not having any decent hardware.

The solution to mob trains is easy if MA want to stop them, just make the mobs lose interest after a certain time without interaction. Even Mercury would have trouble interesting that vast train into a chase once it stopped.
Alternatively, they could make stamina a valid and useful skill...and we'd get tired and caught by the train after a while running.

The only people I can really think of being really pissed off about mob trains would be miners, extracting or even locating a claim could be really hard work under a train attack. It's not likely to be the target of a train, but on the way it could be a real pain.

A Mob Train a day keeps Boredom at bay :)
Anyone able to make a mobtrain like that can annoy me anywhere, anytime..:yay::yay::yay:

In PVP3&4 anything goes.

Otherwise, a train once in a while is a nice change of pace. More often is annoying and can cause problems and cost people money. That's where it becomes an issue with the rules.

wooot, you care about a few pec decay if you get killed by the mob train??

What the hell should the one who trains the mobs say? Armor decay, FAPdecay and that all the way he is running the mobs.
Even if its small mobs, try it! Go to Argus and pull 50 Maffoid inside Argus, that needs around 100 Maffo at your ass, as 50% will die at turret imediately.

I have done that, and its awesome decay, and yes the fee I paid to have some fun :D

So I don´t bother about a few pecs decay on someones armor who will get hit by some of those trained mobs, as I have taken a lot more decay at that moment.
In the case where mobtrains are used intentionally and repeatedly to pursue someone and cause them grief, then yes its against the EULA.

In all other cases, Whaaaaat! No Way Josè!

There's lots of RTS type of games out there where you summon minions to help you defeat others. I see a person coming with a train like that, I say BRING IT ON! Its entertaining!

And Im sorry but mob trains to the rig is really hilarious :D What do you expect to do? Stand around for hours while grabbing oil without any obstacles? Pfff, give me RAWRS and other weird animal noises (Not talking bout you Star.) anyday over the boredom of that :D

Ooh this got me all worked up. I feel like going to the rig now.
In the case where mobtrains are used intentionally and repeatedly to pursue someone and cause them grief, then yes its against the EULA.

In all other cases, Whaaaaat! No Way Josè!

There's lots of RTS type of games out there where you summon minions to help you defeat others. I see a person coming with a train like that, I say BRING IT ON! Its entertaining!

And Im sorry but mob trains to the rig is really hilarious :D What do you expect to do? Stand around for hours while grabbing oil without any obstacles? Pfff, give me RAWRS and other weird animal noises (Not talking bout you Star.) anyday over the boredom of that :D

Ooh this got me all worked up. I feel like going to the rig now.

I told ya.. watch out for those rabbits.. here they come..
well i saw some people abusing the AI for annoying people with events like the mayhem event i think that sucks.

but i dont see the problem when people doing it on tantilions for skilling there rocket etc so long they not annoying other people with it.

maby MA should think about improving the AI a bit maby mobs should be attacks more time on the person that luring the mobs ;)
Not been arsed to read all the posts.... tbh I barely read the whole of the 1st post. :rolleyes:

BUT knowing that people have been temp locked for mob training at the rig then I have to assume that mob training (in some circumstances) is frowned upon by MA.

In the EULA it says that "You cannot interfere with any other Participants ability to use and enjoy the Entropia Universe"

If you want to stop someone getting oil at the rig shoot them dammit!

If you want to drag mobs to people at the rig for a giggle, imagine how funny it would be to have someone drag a load of Daspletor at you while you try and hunt in Dome 16 or 17. I admit it may take a bit longer to get them close to you but I'm sure a dedicated person could make it bloody awkward ;)
2009-06-08 22:19 Entropia Universe Support:


In accordance with our policy, we generally do not discuss what kind of actions we might take in such matters with our participants.

However, you should know that we consider running mobs to be harassing other participants and we do not agree with people ruining the Entropia Universe experience for others. Should this lead to systematic harassment, we will intervene.

Kind regards,
Entropia Universe Support

MA sure doesn't make it easy to know what actions to avoid.

If participants knew what people were banned for, then they would know not to do those things.

But MA hasn't always done things that make the most sense.
But they do tell. Harrasment is certainly against the eula, but can be hard to determine.

It may also be worth mentioning that:
mobtrains can be, but isn't per definition, harrasment.
harrasment does not per definition imply a mobtrain, but can do so.
But they do tell. Harrasment is certainly against the eula, but can be hard to determine.

It may also be worth mentioning that:
mobtrains can be, but isn't per definition, harrasment.
harrasment does not per definition imply a mobtrain, but can do so.

Unfortunately it depends on the person, time of day, position of the planets and other spacely bodies as to what they will decide.

They are not consistent in the way they handle things, well I guess in a way they are, they are consistently inconsistent in the way they handle things.
I voted in PvP no as its a tactic, but running mobs into people who are hunting and causing them to die or take unnessesary decay is not nice and spoils game.


Player A & B are hunting Spiders they have a stalker at 25% health when along come's player C with another spider Stalker at his/her back this inturn agro's to player A & B thus killing them both. Players A & B return to the spot only to find the spider they had at 25% now back to full health thanks to MA's wonderful regen rate :)

In PvP no as shown by Star its a good way to clear people out of an area occupational hazard so to speak :laugh:
Unfortunately it depends on the person, time of day, position of the planets and other spacely bodies as to what they will decide.

They are not consistent in the way they handle things, well I guess in a way they are, they are consistently inconsistent in the way they handle things.

I vote "Bring on the mob train" Woooo wooooooooooooooooo.

They can be annoying , but I do not see any reason for MA to micro manage our gameplay.

i have had it used against me... and i have done it a time or 2... it is sad and lame that anyone would complain about it in a PVP situation... they are simply a tool... much like some uber gun or friends that come with u :)

now if you are hunting and someone keeps mob training you... that is a differnt story...
i have had it used against me... and i have done it a time or 2... it is sad and lame that anyone would complain about it in a PVP situation... they are simply a tool... much like some uber gun or friends that come with u :)

now if you are hunting and someone keeps mob training you... that is a differnt story...

I think its more important to keep ppl. away from scamming than caring about those harmless mobtrains, or mabe set an share equal rule for looted items when hunting in team, don't you think?
I think its more important to keep ppl. away from scamming than caring about those harmless mobtrains, or mabe set an share equal rule for looted items when hunting in team, don't you think?
YES! I paid someone 20 ped to bring me a mob train with a hof in it, got nothing :( Was I scammed :( :cool:
I voted only in extreme cases.

Harassing the same person by doing it multiple times is not a nice thing to do. So some sort of official reaction to that should be ok. I would propose some invincible Ogre type mob should show up unexpectedly (once established that the accusation was truthful) and club the violator to death citing that this is an official warning against harassment (explanation is needed). By doing it publicly everyone knows it is not tolerated.

If MA did not want mob trains at all they should improve the AI. That is needed anyway I have shot at mobs not 10 meters away and that it starts running to an avatar outside my radar range. By the way i have seen Rx units pull mobtrains in the oil rig area during events.

A problem is a lot of people are so fixed in what they view as right or wrong that they forget to look at how it was intended by the developers of the game.

Remember the old mining system where 2 avatars could get the same claim on their finder and had to have a running match to see who could claim it first? That was fun. I never understood why that was changed. A thing is that since they changed it for mining claims people automatically assume that it also should hold for the strange signal found situation leading to a spaceship.

I would propose that people should try and figure out why some things work as they work before automatically start to complain if things are not working like they think they should work.

ruining ppls fun?

what is ruining ppls fun?
what is fun for the other, pisses off someone else...

some don't like mob trains, some love it
some don't like ppl who have expensive gear, others look up to them
some don't like big noob hofs, should we ban all noobs now?

when ppl get pissed off, it often is because they were already agitated before logging in, and the thing that happens is the extra drop that does it.

under ruining someones fun I would understand for example:
- making it on purpose impossible for someone to access a tt/auctioneer/ring/crafting machine
- being rude in a haressive way, humping up to someone, calling names etc

even people who mobtrained cities have not been banned or such, most ppl even like it to shoot the mobs

A few months ago I mobtrained the rig, some of the ppl died, some got big hofs of my mobtrain... remember it Akon? Well Akon ruined my fun here by hoffing on my mobtrain. Then u say 'shit' and carry on with life lol.

<DISCLAIMER> I have mobtrained often and will continue to do so untill MA tells me it is not allowed. If I shoot ppl, MA gets decay and ammo from me, if I mobtrain, MA gets decay for me, so they are probably happy eitherway. The rule <C> does not say anything against mobtrains. 'Ruining fun' is a subjective perception and can be interpreted in different ways.
Lol nice job :DD
what is ruining ppls fun?
The rule <C> does not say anything against mobtrains. 'Ruining fun' is a subjective perception and can be interpreted in different ways.

Thats what i've allways figured, one mans fun might be another mans "ruin" so to speak, having such a vague "rule" in the eula is most likely directly related to the part, and pardon me if i misquote, where it says that MA has the right to do whatever, whenever they want with you, your account or your mother.

If indeed mobtraining WAS 100% forbidden, then shouldnt MA ban themselves for introducing such a feature? ;) imagine all the MA controlled avatars that would have to be "fed to the troxes".