Behind the Scene: Entropia Support

Wow, this is something that we have needed for a really long time... Thx marco for your post, We all would love to hear any input MA can give us : )
Great stuff!
I tend to agree with both sides offered so far.

On one hand, I think it is awesome that MindArk finally opens up. The first step was taken by the interviews in the Entropian, if you ask me, but somehow I couldn't/can't help but feel that was a 1-time only occassion. Therefore, it is nice to see that finally the forums are also used to shed some light on matters, without requiring the purchase of anything.

On the other hand, the information provided was hardly breaking news. The only thing new is that all support happens in-house now, and there are 6 people. The only thing having anything remotely to do with the vision that was promised is that MA intends to offer 24/7 support. However, no planning or date is given, so it seems like more empty words.

(The "Behind the scenes" bit of the title made me think we'd see some scenarioes of how a typical support case is dealt with, perhaps a short introduction of the support people, etc).

However, it's still good to see that MA is starting to open up a little. The survey also sounds like a good idea. I agree with AJack, here. It's a first step, and if this proves to be the start of a long run, I might just be inclined to team up again at some point.

That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run. So I ran to the end of the road. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd run to the end of town. And when I got there, I thought maybe I'd just run across Greenbow County. And I figured, since I run this far, maybe I'd just run across the great state of Alabama. And that's what I did. I ran clear across Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean. And when I got there, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well turn around, just keep on going. When I got to another ocean, I figured, since I'd gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going.
Great getting to know the people behind the scenes :D

"Dear support,

Could you please tell me the coords and time when my ATH will drop, so I can get a day off work or atleast put it in my schedule

First Cirlce|DNA"
Below are some replies from Cornelia. As to my replies, they are coming - I was a bit swamped yesterday. Instead of waiting to release all info at once I decided that it was better to release this BTS piece first, as it was ready, and get the other replies out ASAP, when ready.


Thanks for the (mostly) positive reactions and feedback. I’d just like to comment on a few remarks made:

“...the support dept. does not deal with developmental or design issues, even though there is a suggestion option in the drop-down list of options when creating a new support case.

I want to be able to make suggestions and have the feeling that they are taken seriously. If support does not handle design and development issues, what happens to the support cases that are categorized as "suggestions"?”

Off course MindArk appreciates feedback such as suggestions, ideas or constructive criticism. Our main goal is to make Entropia Universe a fantastic place to be for all participants and to get closer to this goal; we depend on your feedback. However, the Support Department cannot reply to such issues. We receive many suggestions every day, and unfortunately it is not possible to realize all these ideas. When we receive such feedback, we forward the cases directly to the responsible team, such as the design team or the team responsible for the conceptual development and if they like the idea, it will be built-in to our own conceptual plan.

To quote Magnus Eriksson (from The Entropian, Issue #1), all participants “…should know that we do hear them and we do try to make things work the best way we can. PE (EU=auth remark) is no game – it is real, it has a real impact on real lives and this makes it an extremely difficult task for us. We can’t make everybody happy all the time”.

“All I have learnt from this is that it takes 6 people to copy/paste support replies when I thought it must have been only 1 person.”

It is regretful if this is the only thing we could mediate to you. From time to time we do use copy/past replies. If we were to answer all inquiries with personal letters, you would have to wait much longer to receive a reply. As you might also have noticed, such copy/past replies are mostly used to answer questions which we generally should not answer to at all, namely inquiries or remarks about in-world dynamics.

“So the grand result of people asking for answers to issues they have and you promising to come here today and reply to them is that we are offered a 'short' survey?”

These are two completely different issues. This announcement was meant to react on the many upset voices regarding the Entropia Universe Support Department. We thought it would be interesting for you all to know, how we work and under what conditions. The survey, which will soon be sent to you all, is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts about the customer service. This information is very valuable to me and my colleagues, since we are most dedicated to our work and want to offer the best service possible.

I received word that it is not fancied, even if in joke, that one says something like: "please press the glob/HOF button".
Even as I rather hope that nice Mr. Marco is humorous enough to understand this jokes as what they are intended for I want to express my regret for maybe writing something improper.

Please Mr. Marco do not leave the forum because of such silly jokes from pinhead jokesters like me.
Great Stuff !

I know supporting a project like EU is a massive task and its learned by doing. Many people get upset because the answer they recive isnt the one they wanted. Im happy MA is participating in this forum and sharing their thoughs on support, this shows clearly your efforts for good customer relation is high (which has been doubted many times, in many discussions before).
Wait and see.
i have saw many time marco jumping on forum with 2 or 3 nice PR post promissing gold , fantastic loot , wonderfull item , bug fixing , godzillon server , marvelous support , unbiliable crazy dev team , skyroket improvement ....
So far , its all time same , after those 3 post , we dont hear of him or any other MA team for month , until something very disturbing happen and he "must" reply like " we will do something" then wait 3 week , and he com again with 3 of his wonderfull post that only a such great PR can write.

So , best would be , 1) they do job ,2) they really speak with us , 3) they do that more than 3 day per month ...

If that "discution" with suport team and other MA team ( yes i love to dream) , keep going , then will be abel to speak about MA do an effort , until that i will say " hey marco , deposit go down so you serve us som usual PR blabla ? " .
Etopia said:
Wait and see.
i have saw many time marco jumping on forum with 2 or 3 nice PR post promissing gold , fantastic loot , wonderfull item , bug fixing , godzillon server , marvelous support , unbiliable crazy dev team , skyroket improvement ....
So far , its all time same , after those 3 post , we dont hear of him or any other MA team for month , until something very disturbing happen and he "must" reply like " we will do something" then wait 3 week , and he com again with 3 of his wonderfull post that only a such great PR can write.

So , best would be , 1) they do job ,2) they really speak with us , 3) they do that more than 3 day per month ...

If that "discution" with suport team and other MA team ( yes i love to dream) , keep going , then will be abel to speak about MA do an effort , until that i will say " hey marco , deposit go down so you serve us som usual PR blabla ? " .

Amen to that.
- only 6 people for aproximate 12k ppl online
- I love to see Marco writing "Without further ado:", is something I appreciate the most at PR ppl
- I am glad about the survey idea, I'm often a supporter of statistics and I think they could learn a thing or two from periodical surveys
- I am happy, sincerely, that the support is not outsourced to some guys who don't know how the game looks
- please control design team and confiscate their crack (purple trees, sweet Jesus..)
- i think that support team should have more than 6 members
- I am glad I was ingame prior that head of support actually became head of support ( :silly2: )
- don't eat junk food reading support cases, might affect your health
- and, even if I think I already said it, should be more than 6 ppl in support team


P.S.: don't hire sp00n there, he'll be after all possible blondes around :silly2:
“All I have learnt from this is that it takes 6 people to copy/paste support replies when I thought it must have been only 1 person.”

It is regretful if this is the only thing we could mediate to you. From time to time we do use copy/past replies. If we were to answer all inquiries with personal letters, you would have to wait much longer to receive a reply. As you might also have noticed, such copy/past replies are mostly used to answer questions which we generally should not answer to at all, namely inquiries or remarks about in-world dynamics.

Well maybe hire some more supportcrews then, forget the CTRL+C / CTRL+V command and have CTRL removed from your computers...

I have 2 outstanding support issues currently...

Besides a few other things...
1: Lets see the supportcrews faces... Like we can "kinda" relate to how Marco looks, we want to be able to relate to every face we interacts with in the support at least.

2: And get a support crew spokesperson registered in here, Marco is PR officer (and if u ask me, hes a bad spokesperson IMO..), get that gal registred in here, let HER be resposible for answering obvious threads like the "connection limit has been reach" thread earlier.. And Marco stays away. OR BETTER YET - hire a support crew to constantly roam these forums and answer questions, now see THATS SERIOUS BUSINESS and SERIOUS SUPPORT instead of Marco being an constant surfer but ignoring our posts...


Sorry folks I aint too affraid to say what I think of ppl - so plz don't flame me for bringing my anger and frustration of MA's ignorance out open ;)
Tom thebuzz Chr said:
Sorry folks I aint too affraid to say what I think of ppl - so plz don't flame me for bringing my anger and frustration of MA's ignorance out open ;)

The problem is you always seems to be that way ... Look around ya in EU and am sure you'll see many ppl that are very happy.

So maybe you are very unlucky ... Maybe it has something to do with you.

I wonder how well you would do if your were working at MA's support ...
I am affraid when they do hire more people for support, items like fap, armor and weapons will more decay.
Who else pays the new coming support people. :laugh:
And for the feedback, I rather see things solved than they stick theire noses in the forum.



ps. start up the loot server, and THEN press the HoF button.
I getting to much "no loot" now............
Zhorgul said:
The problem is you always seems to be that way ... Look around ya in EU and am sure you'll see many ppl that are very happy.

So maybe you are very unlucky ... Maybe it has something to do with you.

I wonder how well you would do if your were working at MA's support ...

I'd do my job seriously if I were working at MA's support ;) And by seriously I do not mean copy/paste... Everyone that knows me, knows how seriously I do my job and business ;)

I'm sure a lot of ppl play EU and are happy - right until the day something cruel happens to them, they open an frustrated support case, get an copy/paste answer and they get even more frustraded... (Happens to me too bloody many times sorry *G*) - and support crews really know that ppl that open a support case is frustraded because they cant solve their business themself...

<< Currently working in a semi-large company as IT-supporter >> ;)
sp00ne said:
Much appreciated info, Thank you.

Does MindArk accept any appliances for jobs and such right now ? Just a random thought that popped up

Yes they need a new fridge and coffee machine. 24 hours means more coffee. The fridge is needed to store the dung since theres so much of it its flowing out of the servers from the racks onto the floor. Its gotta be stored somewhere. Marco has had enough of the dung decorating his office. Put it in the fridge soon as it turns up.

Sp00ne, i think you blew your only shot. There are however plenty of openings at Taiwanese manufacturers for translaters. I think you will be a good fit there.

All in fun mate!! OK.
Tom thebuzz Chr said:
Well maybe hire some more supportcrews then, forget the CTRL+C / CTRL+V command and have CTRL removed from your computers...

I have 2 outstanding support issues currently...

Besides a few other things...
1: Lets see the supportcrews faces... Like we can "kinda" relate to how Marco looks, we want to be able to relate to every face we interacts with in the support at least.

2: And get a support crew spokesperson registered in here, Marco is PR officer (and if u ask me, hes a bad spokesperson IMO..), get that gal registred in here, let HER be resposible for answering obvious threads like the "connection limit has been reach" thread earlier.. And Marco stays away. OR BETTER YET - hire a support crew to constantly roam these forums and answer questions, now see THATS SERIOUS BUSINESS and SERIOUS SUPPORT instead of Marco being an constant surfer but ignoring our posts...


Sorry folks I aint too affraid to say what I think of ppl - so plz don't flame me for bringing my anger and frustration of MA's ignorance out open ;)

I can recommend someone for the support communications role. Dennis Leary. He'll put on some Seal skin boots, come see you in person with hamburger in hand and mouth and tell you your support calls with be dealt with when the $%^& they like so you can go get $%^&*(. Then you wipe the mashed meat/cheese/pickle off your face. LOL.
Tom thebuzz Chr said:
Marco is PR officer (and if u ask me, hes a bad spokesperson IMO..),

in all fairness, I think Marco does a good job. it's not easy to face the rabid shotguns going off here all the time (myself being one of them). also, he has to be careful about what he says because anything he says will be seen as the voice of MA. I believe that in many cases he's heavily muzzeled.
Marco|MindArk said:
It is regretful if this is the only thing we could mediate to you. From time to time we do use copy/past replies. If we were to answer all inquiries with personal letters, you would have to wait much longer to receive a reply. As you might also have noticed, such copy/past replies are mostly used to answer questions which we generally should not answer to at all, namely inquiries or remarks about in-world dynamics.

I dont want to turn this into a counter-productive discussion. however copy/paste replies are not sent "from time to time" - we are talking about a large majority here. At least 75% of all replies.

I would like to direct you to this topic:

This is current support, not something that can be blamed on outsourcing. I know you are not responsible for support issues, but what are people supposed to do when their questions go ignored or unanswered by support staff after multiple attempts?

Marco|MindArk said:
The survey, which will soon be sent to you all, is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts about the customer service. This information is very valuable to me and my colleagues, since we are most dedicated to our work and want to offer the best service possible.

My only concern about the "short survey" is that it will be too short. People have a lot of genuine concerns that have been building up over time and I would hate them to be given 1 page with a few tickboxes.

We need a minimum 10 page survey with ratings out of 1-10 we give different aspects of pe as well as checkboxes and comment fields.
6 support personal u say.

EU website copy/paste
"Join the 442315 people before you, and get a life in the Entropia Universe!"

So each supportpersonal is responsible for over 73719 PE "users"

Lets say 3% of these make one supportcase per month that still leaves 2211 supportcases making it 100 per day if u count 22 workdays.

Oh man...


Some of the posters on this forum seem to have an illogical expectation of what MindArk should provide to them.

MindArk is not your friend or your lover. They are not your parents or children. They are not your psychologist. They are not your priest or your doctor. They are not responsible for making you "feel good." They are also not philanthropists hoping to find that "one special person" to give lots of money to.

They are a group of techy people who produce an online universe for you to use and them to make money from. That's it!

Thanks Marco and Cornelia. :)
Out with it man! Just what are you trying to say- don't beat around the bush!


P.S. Just kidding in case you couldn't tell....
Donald said:
P.S. Just kidding in case you couldn't tell....

He probably can't tell so its good you let him know
Needless to say, I think 6 people for a support team is a bit low, I've seen much smaller companies with much less revenue and amount of clients involved have more than 6 people in customer service, so truth be said, I'm a bit dissapointed to see that there are only 6 people in charge of responding to day to day support cases from a few thousand people in EU in an online Massive Multi Player "game" that refers to themselves as a virtual universe...

A good improvement would be to receive a support case with the name of the person who responded, as a way to ensure proper customer service, being a person that works and revolves around customer service, people like to feel they are heard, an impersonal response doesn't make things better, if everyone started responding with a name (which shouldn't be a problem if you only have 6 people responding) it's a better way of tracking responces and enhance customer service, and if the customer feels they are not being properly taken care of, there should be a higher person (manager) where they can report to.

I understand Mindark is a company, not a charity, but there are paying customers that go as far as spending thousands and thousands of dollars inside EU, with that said, I personally think that there is a way to improve customer service, whether it's on the "to do list" thats a different story.

How about putting some pictures up from your offices, I'd like to see the faces behind support, visuals... have more information available to players, i'm not saying reveal top info, but throw us a bone every now and then, and providing us with visuals of your physical internal location, inside support and different departments, may ease the minds of many players, instead of just seeing names, I can't connect that to anything...

So what are the behind scenes? All I heard was someone describing their job position, but nothing else that has yet not been said :dunno:

I agree with Tom, why not hire someone to just be in charge of forums and be ingame? Give people more attention and they shall follow! Especilly when dealing with real money...

Phew, okay now I feel better ;) ....
Marco|MindArk said:
It varies somewhat, but between 0600 to 1800 UTC. Sporadic during the rest of the time (the system is being monitored 24/7).

I got 3 cases updated all at once around 21:00 - 22:00 UTC.

And indeed 6 employees is a bit limited, and it takes them allot of time to communicate with the management and development departments. How can that be?

Another thing is, they expect us to be able to understand and apply every rule in the EULA to the universe, they rarely give a hint, they are eating the EULA daily with a big spoon, but we are not.

I like how lately they do not close support cases and are extremely compliant, congratulations go to Cornelia Sundström.
I'm sure if people would stop sending the same freak'n exact question that has been asked a quadzillion times before and the answer is of no help to either the person asking or the person answering, they would stop using cut-n-paste :wise:

(Yes, I've worked support before)
Dino said:
I'm sure if people would stop sending the same freak'n exact question that has been asked a quadzillion times before and the answer is of no help to either the person asking or the person answering, they would stop using cut-n-paste :wise:

(Yes, I've worked support before)

The problem is ppl DO NOT FREAKIN' KNOW THE ANSWER TO THE EXACT QUESTION, so they will put it over and over again....

The solution is to enhance the on-site guides and ask the players to only badger the support team when the questions are not clearly answered.

RTFM - Read the fine manual << WHAT MANUAL?

Worse even, no answer is given, or the problem is not fixed. You want an example? You won't like it!
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I know what I would like to see....

Instead of spending a lot of time and assets giving places in game a face-life, how about fixing the crashing issues? It gets really tiresome to hit a good vein of ore only to have the system crash and then send you 5000 km from where you were mining. Keep in mind, real money is being used here so I don't think this issue can be minimized by sarcastic remarks. If there are too many people online, perhaps a stop on new members is in order. It is a simple equation really - if I run a movie theater with 500 seats, I would obviously stopp selling tickets when I sold the 500th one. I tend to agree with those in this thread that are not too impressed so far. Yes, it is nice to at least see someone begind the scenes typing directly to us... just don't forget that "us" is the customer.

Anxiously awaiting others to tear this apart and slam me... ;-)

Nice to know a bit from the world of the support team!

Though it would have been greater if the person would post on her own - and even reply on her own? But thanks anyway ;) ... It is always nice with information!

When you get time, please look at THIS

Thanks :)