Consolidated Rocktropia Guide and info

Mission Name: The Hatred of Vampire Stephano
Mission Broker: 1 of the 7 gravestones right next to Evil Cathedral TP [Rocktropia, 136210, 95014, 139, Waypoint]

Stage 2 (500 Foul) now rewards 10 ROCKStar Dust, instead of 250 Nova Fragment.

Not sure which is more valuable though :D
Stage 2 (500 Foul) now rewards 10 ROCKStar Dust, instead of 250 Nova Fragment.

Not sure which is more valuable though :D
Did not have any reewards listed so no change needed, just added it instead :)
Stage 2 (500 Foul) now rewards 10 ROCKStar Dust, instead of 250 Nova Fragment.

Not sure which is more valuable though :D

Stage 3 (1000 Foul) rewards 0.60 PED Evade.

Stage 4 (5000 Foul) promises...


...which isn't necessarily true though.
30 Pound Workout #3 (1000 Daikiba) rewards ~0.43 PED Alertness. (entropiawiki has it at 0.50 PED but we've seen discrepancies before)

30 Pound Workout #4 asks to kill 5000 "Dakibas".
30 Pound Workout #3 (1000 Daikiba) rewards ~0.43 PED Alertness. (entropiawiki has it at 0.50 PED but we've seen discrepancies before)

30 Pound Workout #4 asks to kill 5000 "Dakibas".
Added the fouls. As for Daikiba already had it on there. Stage IV should net you about 2ped of courage. Not sure on stage 5.
Not sure if this thread is used by anyone, but are the workout missions repeatable?
I dont know about all of them but a very high skilled player confirmed yesterday that the Atrox one is repeatable, allowing you to repeatedly hit that stamina reward again...and again.... and again... and also redeem your caly codex at the same time
Just copied waypoints for the Hell teleporters from the map for someone, so may as well post them here too:

[Hell, 36966, 20497, 111, Abraxas North]
[Hell, 36392, 20497, 111, Acid North]
[Hell, 36392, 19406, 111, Agena North]
[Hell, 35227, 19406, 111, AntiCMOS North]
[Hell, 36966, 19406, 111, Byte Bandit North]
[Hell, 39407, 19725, 109, Club Hell]
[Hell, 39407, 19681, 109, Club Hell Landing]
[Hell, 34673, 19406, 111, Commwarrior North]
[Hell, 34673, 20497, 111, Creeper North]
[Hell, 34673, 21593, 111, Eliza North]
[Hell, 36966, 21593, 111, Elk Cloner North]
[Hell, 39160, 21252, 178, Firewall Ridge]
[Hell, 34665, 22670, 111, Graybird North]
[Hell, 35227, 22680, 111, Koko North]
[Hell, 36392, 21593, 111, MacMag North]
[Hell, 38073, 20009, 158, Masterpass]
[Hell, 35815, 22669, 111, Natas North]
[Hell, 35815, 21593, 111, RavMonE North]
[Hell, 35261, 23970, 262, Ring of Fire Mines]
[Hell, 33844, 18336, 194, Ring of Fire Shadows Pass]
[Hell, 33541, 19713, 214, Ring of Fire Shadows Pass]
[Hell, 40601, 20467, 368, Ring of Fire Shadows Pass]
[Hell, 33749, 22461, 241, Ring of Fire Shadows Pass]
[Hell, 33715, 23197, 301, Ring of Fire Shadows Pass]
[Hell, 38320, 23993, 242, Ring of Fire Valley of the Sinners]
[Hell, 35815, 19406, 111, SCA North]
[Hell, 36966, 22668, 111, Scott's Valey Northeast]
[Hell, 36392, 22680, 111, Scott's Valley Northwest]
[Hell, 35227, 20497, 111, Seven Dust North]
[Hell, 35815, 20497, 111, Zmist North]
[Hell, 35227, 21593, 111, nVIR North]
Thanks I don't think I have any of those in my DB
Company Mission for the Cure:
The safe house you are lookin g for is the Wild Side Safe House

This info per Sir Waffles and Image ZZ. No credit to me
Is there a map of RT shops somewhere?
200 Pound Bench Press Workout #2, kill 500 hiryuu, gives 0.91 ped dexterity, #3, kill 1k hiryuu, gives 0.95 ped dodge, #4, kill 5k hiryuu, gives first aid

120 Pound Workout #2, kill 500 atrox, gives about 1.8 ped evade

100 Pound Bench Press Workout #4, kill 5k rippersnappers, gives 3 ped first aid. No stage 5 on rippersnappers.

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30 Pound Workout #5 asks to kill 10k daikibas, didn't specify a reward, but hinted that it could be a repeatable stage after this.
Done that. There's no repeatable stage.
Ok, thought "A special reward after this" was for the repeatable. Btw, do you remember what you got as a reward for stage 5?
Ok, thought "A special reward after this" was for the repeatable. Btw, do you remember what you got as a reward for stage 5?
I don't recall a stage 5 at all. maybe I missed it I'll have to check in few days time when I'm back on RT. 5k was tedious enough though.
I don't recall a stage 5 at all. maybe I missed it I'll have to check in few days time when I'm back on RT. 5k was tedious enough though.
Yeah, don’t think I’ll do stage 5. Not that good loot on the daikibas either, mostly tt food.
If I remember correctly the repeatable was removed because botters were camping the daikiba spawn.