Delta Discounts - Calypso's TRUE Bargain Shop - Omegaton West Habitat, Delta Tower


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh - New focus for the shop.

The above link is where I'll put future updates to my shop instead of in this thread.

I've decided to change the focus of my shop from a 'discount' store to a Melee Shop. I will still sometimes put blueprints in the shop since I have so many, and right now that's primarily what's still there, but I put in a clericdagger 1a in the shop window today, and will slowly start adding more melee items over the coming days/months/years...

My goal is to ultimately have an interesting and unique shop where you can find just about one of almost any kind of craftedmelee item in game. Since I'm on a budget, I'm starting with the UL items from book I weapons for the most part as they don't require me to have a ton of residue to build, and will craft one of each craftable melee item I have blueprints for to put in the shop. I will sometimes also buy melee items from other shops and auctions if I see descent prices and put them in my shop at LOW prices. Sometimes might even try for such a small markup in profit that I'll only add +1 to the price I buy at, and still shoot for prices below auction in doing that. If the shop gets completely full, I may even sell at prices below the price I paid! Crazy I know, but I've got a bit of a unique little goal here, and want to see it succeed.

As items sell, I'm going to try to focus on replacing each item one by one.

I won't be changing the sign on the shop until at least half of the item slots are full of melee items. I don't know how long it'll take me to get there since I'm on a budget as I'm only depositing a certain set amount monthly, but over time, expect to see more and more melee items in this shop.

I'll try to make future updates in these forums at instead of here.

Happy Hunting.


The above items are in the shop. Most items are marked up at prices below auction value!
========================= - the shop! - the Library - the crafting service.

How to get to the Shop & Booth:
Take the TP to Omegaton West Habitat, then head down the stairs to the Delta Tower. The shop is closest to the far entrance, on the side nearest the auction room. The Booth is just around the corner from there, as you enter the building's main hallway. Currently, only one wing of the Delta Tower has booths in it - the booth and shop are in that part of the building on Floor 00. Actual locations are Omegaton West Habitat, Delta Tower, Block A, Shop 1 & Booth #3. Eventually, other shops in the same building may be added... Here's a view of how to get there from the TP at Omegaton West Habitat:

View from the TP at Omegaton West Habitat (Omegaton City):

It's just up the sidewalk from the Auction Room (see lower right part of the next pic to see where auction is)

Happy Shopping.

:) ;)
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Visit other shops in the area.

Got a particular Item you want to see in the shop? Shoot me a PM. When the item you request is available a Special Delivery notice will be sent back to you via PM. Hurry after you receive a Special Delivery notification since others might buy what you requested!

**Please Note: This thread is about more than one location in the Delta Tower at Omegaton West Habitat, so items listed may be in either of my estates. However, they are just around the corner from one another, so this should not cause you too many problems finding what you need.**

When in Town, you might try visiting some neighbor's shops. Most of them have pretty good prices. :) - Mitera's Place - SirEmi's discount OA105s!!

AGENCY 65 Shop


--- - the shop! - the Library - the crafting service. - Holiday Party Pad
and don't forget to get the Atrax and Allophyl Iron Challenge before visiting so you can head over to Atrax Beach, one hop southwest of Omegaton for some skilling when in the neighborhood.!!

If Atrax are not your thing, head up North to the LA that is two or so hops just north of Omegaton for some fun with Allophyl and Mollisk!

Need to do some sweating, why not head about 2 jumps east of Omegaton West Habitat and join the circle sweaters at Neas Place?

There's a little bit for everyone in this little corner of our virtual world.
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A sampling of what used to be available:

A sampling of what was previously available in the past...
Some Items that were previously available in the distant past:
**This list exists to show you just a small sampling of what used to be available - which might give you an indication of the types of things that might become available in the future**
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint
Basic Coil Blueprint
Basic Engine Blueprint
Basic Nuts Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Structure Blueprint
Bigwig Texture Blueprint
Blausariam Texture Blueprint
BodyGuard Harness Blueprint
Brushed Aluminium Texture Blueprint
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Calypso Snowman
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint
Christmas Reindeer
ClericDagger 1A Blueprint
Cornundos Leather Texture Blueprint
Daikiba Leather Texture Blueprint
Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint
E-Amp 15 Blueprint
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint
Electropositive Modulator Blueprint
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint
Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint
Fine Leather Texture Blueprint
Flexur Precision Scope Blueprint
Frigulite Texture Blueprint
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
Galaxy SII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Ganganite Texture Blueprint
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint
Brukite Stone Texture at a nice price.
Guardian Thigh Guards Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint
Hardened Screws Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Jashonich MP Blueprint
L/Murdand Groover Blueprint
Large Woven Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint
Mermoth Leather Texture Blueprint
Mir-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint
Omegaton Bur Ning (L) Blueprint
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint
Reinforced Plate Blueprint
Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint
Standard VisioMem Blueprint
Stinktree Texture Blueprint
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint
Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint
Wrinkled Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Cobalt Texture Blueprint
Durable Damper Blueprint
GeoTrek Super Alloy Talytic Converters Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Pipe Blueprint
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint
Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Jashonich MP Blueprint
Jester D-1 Blueprint
Plasma Kyller Blueprint
Reinforced Bearings Blueprint
Shriek Covert Ops Blueprint
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple III Conductors Blueprint
Simple III Conductors Blueprint
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Urban Pattern Pants Blueprint
Work Pattern Shirt Blueprint
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint
Basic Coil Blueprint
Basic Coil Blueprint
Basic Engine Blueprint
Basic Filters Blueprint
Basic Nuts Blueprint
Basic Pattern Shirt Blueprint
Basic Structure Blueprint
Basic Tube Blueprint
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint
BodyGuard Face Guard Blueprint
BodyGuard Harness Blueprint
BodyGuard Thigh Guards Blueprint
Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint
ClericDagger 1A Blueprint
Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint
Daikiba Leather Texture Blueprint
Dynera Laser Sight Blueprint
E-Amp 11 Blueprint
E-Amp 12 Blueprint
E-Amp 13 Blueprint
E-Amp 15 Blueprint
E-Amp 15 Blueprint
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint
Elkarr Precision Scope Blueprint
Flexur Precision Scope Blueprint
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Guardian Thigh Guards Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Jashonich MP Blueprint
Jashonich MP Blueprint
Jester D-1 Blueprint
L/Murdand Groover Blueprint
Maddox I Blueprint
Mannell Shoes Blueprint
Metal Ruds Blueprint
Midastree Texture Blueprint
Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint
Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint
Mux-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint
Omegaton Bur Ning (L) Blueprint
Pioneer Shin Guards (L) Blueprint
Plasma Kyller Blueprint
Reinforced Plate Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint
Shriek Basic Blueprint
Shriek Covert Ops Blueprint
Shriek Street Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint
Snarksnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Sopur Stone Texture Blueprint
Standard Hinge Blueprint
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint
Standard Rod Blueprint
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint
Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint
Basic Rings Blueprint
Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint
Castar Laser Sight Blueprint
ClericDagger 1A Blueprint
E-Amp 13 Blueprint
Electropositive Modulator Blueprint
Electropositive Security Module Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple III Conductors Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint
A-3 Punisher Mk.I
Abrer Laser Sight
Abrer Laser Sight Blueprint
Adaptive Fire Rate Component
Advanced Matrix Blueprint
Advanced Processor Blueprint
Advanced Security Module
Advanced VisioMem Blueprint
Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint
Animal Adrenal Oil
Animal Heart Oil
Animal Muscle Oil
Animal Oil Residue
Animal Thyroid Oil
Armor Defense Enhancer I
Armor Plating Mark.3B
Armor Plating Mark.6A
Atrox Claw
Aurora Arm Guards (F, L)
Aurora Shin Guards (M, L)
Basic Auxiliary Socket
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint
Basic Bearings
Basic Bearings Blueprint
Basic Coil Blueprint
Basic Electronic Fluid Memory
Basic Electronic Fluid Memory Fluid
Basic Engine Blueprint
Basic Filters
Basic Filters Blueprint
Basic Leather Extractor
Basic Nuts Blueprint
Basic Nuts Blueprint QR 23.4
Basic Pattern Pants (F, C)
Basic Pattern Pants (M, C)
Basic Pattern Pants Blueprint
Basic Pattern Shirt (M, C)
Basic Pattern Shirt Blueprint
Basic Pattern Shirt Blueprints QR 13.6
Basic Power System Blueprint
Basic Power System Blueprint QR 18.9
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint QR 20.6
Basic Processor Blueprint QR 39.8
Basic Pump Blueprint
Basic Relays Blueprint
Basic Rings Blueprint
Basic Rings Blueprint QR 4.5
Basic Screws
Basic Sensor Blueprint
Basic Sensor Blueprint QR 2.2
Basic Servo Blueprint
Basic Servo Blueprint QR 34.2
Basic Sheet Metal
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint
Basic Stone Extractor
Basic Structure Blueprint
Basic Tube
Basic Tube Blueprint
Basic Tube Blueprint QR 2.1
Basic Wires Blueprint
Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint
Belkar Texture Blueprint
BJornir Precision Scope Blueprint
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint QR 12.1
Black Marble Pedestal
Blazer Fragment
Bodyguard Faceguard Blueprint
BodyGuard Foot Guards (L) Blueprint
Bodyguard Gloves Blueprint
BodyGuard Harness Blueprint
BodyGuard Shin Guards (L) Blueprint
BodyGuard Shin Guards Blueprint
BodyGuard Thigh Guards Blueprint
Breer M3a (L) Blueprint
Breer P4a (L) Blueprint QR 12.7
Breer P5a (L) Blueprint with QR 8.9
Brukite Stone Texture Blueprint
Bull Tac50 (L) Blueprint
Burlap Fabric Texture Blueprint
Castar Laser Signt Blueprint
Caudatergus Leather Texture Blueprint
Cinclar Precision Scope Blueprint
ClericDagger 1A Blueprint
ClericDagger 1B Blueprint QR 3.4
ClericDagger 1C Blueprint
ClericDagger 2A Blueprint
Dacascos Precision Scope Blueprint
Daikiba Leather Texture Blueprint
Deep Cadmium Paint Can
Denim Fabric Texture Blueprint
Direct Miniskirt (F, C)
DNA Fragment A
DNA Fragment B
Dragon Gloves (M)
Durable Coil Blueprint
Durable Damper Blueprint
Durable Structure Blueprint
E-Amp 11
E-Amp 11 Blueprint
E-Amp 12 Blueprint
E-Amp 13 Blueprint
E-Amp 14 Blueprint
E-Amp 15 Blueprint
Ecivox Laser Sight Blueprint
Electronic Stabilizing Component
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint
Emik S30 (L)
EMT Kit Ek-1000 Blueprint
Energy Matter Residue
Erionite Ingot
Estate Deed - Omegaton Delta Complex, Apartment 1D
Estate Deed - Omegaton Delta Complex, Apartment 1A
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
Explorer Foot Guards Blueprint (L)
Explorer Foot Guards Blueprint (L) - 47 Remaining Attempts
Faucervix Leather Texture Blueprint
Felt Fabric Texture Blueprint
Firn Texture Blueprint
Flame Pattern Shirt (M
Flannel Fabric Texture Blueprint
Focus Lense Component
Foul Bone Buttons
Frigulite Ingot
Galaxy SI Ion Conductors
Galaxy SI Ion Conductors
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Gargul Laser Sight Blueprint
Gek Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
Generic Leather Texture
Brukite Material Texture at a very nice price.
Geotrek H40 Brody (L) Blueprint
GeoTrek H49 Poros (L) Blueprint
GeoTrek LP470 Manis (L) Blueprint
GeoTrek Super Alloy Talytic Converters Blueprint
Guardian Thigh Guards Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Metal Plating Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint QR 11.1
Hardened Nuts Blueprint
Hardened Screws Blueprint
Heavy Duty Core
Heavy Duty Core Blueprint
Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint
Heavy Duty Engine Blueprint
Heavy Duty Filters Blueprint
Heavy Duty Joints Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprints
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint
High Performance Filters Blueprint
High Speed Control Component
Hobb Bomberjacket (M
Ignaritz Laser Sight Blueprint
Ikamar Precision Scope Blueprint
Infrasound Emitter Component
Interactive Simplifier Component
Jashonich FP Blueprint
Jashonich MP Blueprint
Jester D-2 Blueprint
Kaldon Stone Texture Blueprint
Kesmek Slo (L) Blueprint QR 2.1
Killian Longsword
Killian Longsword Blueprint
Killian Longsword G2
Killian Sword
Large Plugs Blueprint
LifeScanner-I Blueprint
Lip Liner (Hollywood Cerise)
Luna Pattern Shirt (F, C)
Luna Pattern Shirt (M, C)
Lysterium Ingot
Maddox I Blueprint
Maddox I Blueprint QR 29.0
Mann MPH DLx Blueprint
Mann MPH DLxE Blueprint
Mann MPH DLxEGrd
Mannell Shoes Blueprint
Mannell Shoes Blueprint QR 3.5
Mar-Peeker Davidov Blueprint
MatterDriller MD-101 Blueprint
MatterTransformer MT-101
Medium Nerve Blast Chip
MegaView Screen (PC)
Metal Residue
Metal Ruds Blueprint
Midastree Texture Blueprint
Minor Heal Chip
Mir-1 EnergyGlove Blueprint
Mir-2 EnergyGlove Blueprint
Nallo Ceiling Lamp (C)
Nallo Ceiling Lamp Blueprint
Narcanisum Texture Blueprint
Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint
Nissit Stone Texture Blueprint QR 12.7
Omegaton Bur Ning Blueprint
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-28
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-35
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-50
Omegaton Sports (M, C)
OreAmp OA-101 Light (L) Blueprint
OreFinder OF-101
OreFinder OF-101 Blueprint QR 5.9
OreMiner OM-101 Blueprint
Over a Million Explosive Projectiles
Paint Can (Deep Cadmium)
Paladin Arm Guards (M)
Pall Stool Blueprint
Pall Stool Blueprint QR 3.1
Pioneer Face Guard (L) Blueprint
Pioneer Shin Guards (F)
Plasma Kyller
Plasma Kyller Blueprint
Plasma Kyller Zwei Blueprint
Polaris Arm Guards (M
Pole For Shoji
Predator Gloves (L) Blueprint (L)
Reinforced Nuts Blueprints
Reinforced Plate Blueprint
Reinforced Rod Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Renegade Arm Guards (L) Blueprint
Renegade Foot Guards Blueprint (L)
Renegade Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint
Reon-T Screen (PC)
Ribbed Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint
Robot Com Unit
Robot Heat Sinks
Robot Hyper Charger
Robot Image Amplifier
Robot Weapon Sight
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint QR 2.1
Settler Arm Guards Blueprint QR 2.7
Settler Harness Blueprint QR 1.2
Settler Thigh Guards Blueprint QR 1.2
Shear XR50
Shear XR50 (L)
Shear XR50 (L) Blueprint (L) - 10 Remaining Attempts
Shogun Harness (M)
Shoji With Door
Short Firn Board
Shriek Back Alley Blueprint
Shriek Basic Blueprint
Shriek Combat Blueprint
Shriek Covert Ops
Shriek Covert Ops Blueprint
Shriek Street Blueprint
Shriek Street Blueprint QR 79.6
Simple I Conductors Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Ruds
Simple I Plastic Ruds Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint QR 43.5
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Plastic Ruds Blueprint
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint
Small Plugs Blueprint
Snarksnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Socket I Component
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Sopur Stone Texture Blueprint
Standard Core Blueprint
Standard Hinge Blueprint
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint
Standard Lever Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint QR 1.2
Standard Matrix Blueprint QR 9.3
Standard Plate Blueprint
Standard Rod Blueprint
Standard Valve Blueprint
Standard VisioMem Blueprint
Street Pattern Pants Blueprint
Street Pattern Shirt Blueprint
Sun Cap (F, C)
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint QR 3.2
Super Charger Component
Surface Hardener Component
Svempa S60 (L) Blueprint QR 15.6
Svempa X1 (L) Blueprint
Thunderbird Glove (M, L)
Thunderbird Harness (M, L)
Thunderbird Helmets (F, L)
Tier VIII Component
Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture
Tight Knitted Wool Fabric Texture Blueprint
Triphased Auxillary Socket Blueprint
Triphased Intelligence Module Blueprint
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint
Triphased Tranmitter Blueprint
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint
Triphased Wires Blueprint
True Faith Blueprint
Trutun Stone Texture Blueprint
Urban Pattern Pants Blueprint
Velvet Fabric Texture Blueprint
Vindicator Arm Guards Blueprint
Vindicator Foot Guards Blueprint (L)
Vindicator Foot Guards Blueprint (L) - 8 Remaining Attempts
Vivo T10 (L) Blueprint (L)
Vumpoor J 4 (L)
Vumpoor J Ero
Vumpoor Rx10 (L)
Wooden Kitchen Table
Work Pattern Shirt Blueprint
Work Pattern Shirt Blueprint QR 2.5
Ziplex 'Fashion Line' Colorator (L)
Ziplex Ju40 matterSeeker Blueprint (L)

and many, many other things.
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Expansion Plans

There ARE Plans to eventually expand the booth to 70 item slots, and possibly increase the number of item slots in the shop as well. It is also possible that Shopkeepers may eventually be utilized in an apartment that I own up on floor 01, and/or that I may purchase other shops or booths in the Delta Tower at some point in the future to expand.
a few more components and a sword.

Killian Longsword G2 TT+1.02 (Week Price is TT+2.83, Month Price is TT+7.08)
400 Adaptive Fire Rate Component TT+1.02 (100.85% - Day, Week, and Month Prices are over 102%)
750 Focus Lense Component TT+1.02 (100.68% - Week price is 101.55%, Month Price is 104.52%, Year Price is 108.34%)
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint TT+1.22 (Week Price is TT+2.99)

A variety of other blueprints are still in the shop too at very good rates. Over time, if blueprint sales do not increase, I will slowly remove blueprints from the shop one at a time as other items are placed in there.

Relaxed Woman Statue is not really for sale, but if you want to buy her at the price that high put on her, go for it. I'll occasionally put her and some of my other statues in the shop at high prices just for decoration to give the place a little better visual aesthetics.

I also may put a sign with various images from my art portfolio either in the shop, outside of the shop's front wall, or on the wall by the booth on occasion. I am a bit of an artist IRL, and figure that putting a little bit of art in the virtual world seems like a neat idea.
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More L Armor and components...

Just added:

- Aurora Shin Guards (M, L) TT+1.02 (102.27% - Week Price is 111.69%, Month Price is 106.87%)

- Thunderbird Harness (M, L) TT+1.02 (100.66% - Week Price is 104.81%, Year Price is 105.66%)

- Omegaton Sports (M, C) TT+1.02 (Week Price is +7 and Month Price is +13.35)

- 245 Electronic Stabilizing Component TT+1.02 (102.08% - Week Price is 103.36%, and Month Price is 103.60%)
daily update

New Additions/Changes (added more quantity to some stacks, but left markup the same, so it's an even better savings for you!)

Alekz Precision Scope TT+1.02 (Day price is +2.35, week price is +3.11, month price is +4.18)

900,000 Explosive Projectiles (TT Value of 90.00 PED) TT +1.02 (101.13%)

Added another Thunderbird Helm, so now there's two of them.

1250 Robot Heat Sinks TT+1.02 (101.02% - Day Price is 104.99%, Week Price is 102.90%)

2000 Generic Leather Texture TT+1.02 (101.02%)

Shogun Harness (M) TT+1.02

1689 Focus Lense Component TT+1.02 (TT VALUE = 337.80 PED, 100.30% - Day Price is 101.58%, Week Price is 101.42%)

507 High Speed Control Component TT+1.02 (TT Value = 50.70 Ped, 102.01% - Week Price is 113.54%, Month Price is 105.22%)
a few more things.

75 Infrasound Emitter Component TT+1.02 (103.40% - Day price is 107.76, week price is 119.44%, month price is 175.33%)

976 Socket I Component TT+1.02 (101.05% - day price is 101.69%, week price is 101.99%, month price is 103.24%)

1106 Basic Stone Extractor TT+1.02 (109.22% - Day price is 119.07%, week price is 113.44%, month price is 109.33%)

68 Simple I Plastic Ruds TT+1.02 (103% - Day price is 104.81%, week price is 105.18%, month price is 106.07%)

215 Hardened Metal Ruds TT+1.02 (101.19% - month price is 103.24, year price is 105.27%)

3 Tier VIII Component TT+1.02 (134% - Year Price is 138.23%, Decade Price is 138.23%)

2 DNA Fragment B TT+1.02 (128.57% - Week Price is 128.57%, Month Price is 173.53%, Year Price is 175.26%)

5 DNA Fragment A TT+1.02 (120.40% - Week Price is 133.33%, Month Price is 133.93%, Decade Price is 362.31%)

Luna Pattern Shirt (F, C) TT+2.04 (Month Price is TT+6.55, Year Price is TT+14.81, Decade Price is TT+12.44)
a few more stackables

40 Animal Heart Oil TT+1.02 (100.26% - Day MV is 101.83%, Week MV = 102.37%, Month MV = 103.24%)

60 Erionite Ingot TT+1.02 (102.83% - Day Price is 106.52%, Week Price is 108.67%, Month Price is 107.55%)

100 Frigulite Ingot TT+1.02 (102.83% - Week MV = 104.29%, Month MV=104.38%, Decade MV=115.78%)

I'm working on re-organizing the blueprints again. In the not-too-distant future it will be a lot more organized and able to be listed here more often. Blueprints are interesting items to deal with as a shop owner for a large number of various reasons...

Blueprints, when available, will likely be hanging on a display on the wall or on a tron tower in the shop. I have set up consignment deals with numerous crafters via the Lost Library Consignment Shop, which the shop used to be, and will continue to do those deals.

However, I'm re-doing the way that I sell and organize them as well. Instead of doing a hodge-podge of blueprints in the shop, I'm going to try to sell consignment blueprint items for each crafter I'm in consignment deals with for about a week at a time, and then rotate things out at the end of the week, or maybe do the rotation biweekly. That means if you are in a consignment deal with me when it's your week to be in the shop the only bps that are there will be yours, for the most part.

This will hopefully increase your profit potential as a consignment crafter, and will also increase the chances that what blueprints are available will be of one particular type since most crafters specialize in one field of study, or a small handful of areas.

I think that introducing stackable items in to the shop as I have been doing lately, (see above list of what's in the shop) alongside blueprints might help make this place a bit more crafter friendly than it used to be, for both those that are regular window shoppers as well as for those in consignment deals.

If you are a crafter and want to get in to a consignment deal with me for blueprints, go ahead and PM me, or try to meet up with me in game to get on friends list.

If you are a crafter and regularly buy from the auction, I highly suggest you familiarize yourself with where my shop is because the prices that I'm marking things up at makes the auction prices look like highway robbery! See the second post of this thread to get an idea about what I'm talking about... at these prices, I'm actually surprised that a lot of resellers aren't visiting the place too sometimes, lol.

Happy shopping.
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daily bump. A few blueprints did get sold yesterday and the day before, so it seems that my decision to continue to have blueprints available might be the right idea.

I will try to keep the bps available in addition to a variety of other things going foward. I'll try to keep the stackables and blueprints inside of the shop itself (not in the window outside of the building), and non-stackable items such as weapons and clothes outside, and in the booth.

There will still be an occassional non-stackable item inside, but that area is going to mainly be dedicated to things for crafters. The hunters usually don't want to go inside and look around since they don't have the time to do so, or just don't want to do so because it's too confusing for them to figure out which shop it is inside of the building, so I'll try to put the weapons outside or in the booth more so that it's easier for the average passerby heading to the auction room or TP to see that stuff, and inside will be for more dedicated crafter types looking for stacks and blueprints. Hopefully this organization system will be useful for you. If not, please do send a reply to this or shoot me a PM letting me know your thoughts on how I should organize things. Thanks.
BOOM! Boom! BOOM! We got lots of explosives for you!!!

More items put in to the shop:

1,899,999 Explosive Projectiles TT+1.02, 100.53% (TT Value 189.99 - Day and Week Price are over 101%, Month Price is over 102%, Year price is over 104%)

Polaris Arm Guards (M,L) TT+1.02 (100.73% - Week Price is 102.73%, Year Price is 104.45%)

Added another Thunderbird Harness (M) - so now we have two available, TT+1.02 (100.66% - Day price is 102.47%, Week Price is 103.52%, Year Price is 105.62%)

580 Animal Adrenal Oil TT+1.02 (100.88% - all Market Values are over 101%)

Added some more quantity to the Focus Lense Component but kept markup the same...
Now we are up to 2424 Focus Lense Component TT+1.02 (100.21% - Day Price is 102.27%, Month Price is 103.07%)

Direct Miniskirt (F,C) TT+1.02 (Week Price is +4.63, Month Price is +4.10, Year Price is +7.78) - I''d keep it myself but don't have the right blouse to match it..
Keep up with the news while you visit!

Keep up-to-date on the latest happenings while visiting the shop! We now have an ad screen for your viewing pleasure up front in the window outside the building!

added another couple of signs that will hold artwork.

I added a couple of more signs to the estates to add my own real life artwork to the virtual world on occasion. Now I have a sign hanging on the walls at the inside of the shop, outside on the front wall of the shop, and behind the booth that are dedicated to my artwork. Yes, it's blowing a few item slots that could be used for other things, but I feel the need to do this...

As time goes on, I'll add more images to the signs. Signs in game allow you to add multiple "ads" - What I'm going to do is just keep adding new "ads" that are images of my drawings and/or paintings, as I feel new additions are needed. Over time, this will become a bit of an art portfolio in game for my real world artwork. Each Ad in the signs can have priority rates changed, but the process of which one shows if more than one ad is in the sign is a bit "dynamic" and random. Right now, that does not matter much since there's only one ad in each sign. However, as the years go by, that will play more of a role. You see, as signs sit, the ad that shows up based on priority ratings changes... so if you sit and wait long enough, once I have a multitude of ads in those signs, you might be able to see them all. Right now, there is only one ad/artwork in each sign, but in a few years, there might be a lot more there.

I'm told that MA|FPC frown on individual artists trying to sell their real world artwork and things in game, but they are ok with anyone adding PC to the game as long as it does not contain any URLs that are not for society websites...

so I likely won't put URLs to my website/blog(s) on there, but the URL is for the main blog I keep now. I don't update it as often as I should, but over time, I'm going to work on doing that.

Who knows maybe someday there will be an artists guild society in game, and then we can all in that society do stuff like this to support one another, and actually put URLs on the signs that lead to where our real world artwork and things are online - since it'd be a society's website, it'd not be breaking any rules...

My current big project on the blog is scanning a lot of old sketchbooks in to the blog that I drew back in college and a few years after college - with the images linking to Cafepress pages where you can buy the artwork on various items such as mugs, posters, tee shirts, etc.

Over time, I'll add more recent real world artwork to the blog, with the ultimate goal of scanning freshly created stuff in to there as soon as it's created. I likely won't do a lot of my images in the signs in game, but will sometimes do some that I think are of descent quality.

I really like the idea of using PC to create an art portfolio in the virtual world, and I think this is something that a lot of artists might love to get in to... but before too many start doing this sort of thing, MA|FPC should probably lower the upload costs. Right now, they seem fairly high... I know if the prices were lower, I'd probably upload a lot more myself.

MA|FPC, if you are reading this, please know that there really is a such thing as a "starving artist" type of person in the real world... and adjust your prices on uploaded PC to make this neat part of the virtual world accessible to more real world artists. I suspect that it would benefit you enormously since there will be more beautiful works of real world art in the game.

It would also be great if you could create something in game such as (L) paintings that PC can be loaded on to one time - which would decay after the one upload and never be able to be repaired again - so that each "painting" created in this manner becomes a real work of unique artwork. You might even introduce multiples of this sort of thing to create a series of unique works, each numbered, i.e. 1 of 10, 2 of 10... 10 of 10, etc. so that art buyers in game know that what they are buying is indeed a unique work of art.

We know that you can do paintings in the game already since you have released real world artists works in game in the past. Now go ahead and let participants do something similar without having to become a true "business partner."

If you do I think you'll find the number of artists in game astonishing, and the amount of great works they are willing to upload amazing, especially if you lower the upload fees and maybe even the decay fees, or lower the % that signs need to be repaired to to allow new ad additions. Remember, you folks get paid through decay. If we can't decay the signs to below 90%, those are peds that are just sitting there ready to be TTed at any time to get us our peds back. Why not lower that 90% to 3% to let you collect more decay fees, and let participants feel like the signs actually have more value to them as the peds invested in them will allow more images to be added as ads?...

Thank you.
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Nice clothes and more stackable stuff!

75 Infrasound Emitter Component TT+1.02 (103.40% - Day MV = 105.64%, Week MV = 112.63%, Month MV = 165.79%)

Luna Pattern Shirt (M, C) TT+1.02 (Year MV = +11.40, Decade MV = +12.92)

Basic Pattern Pants (F, C) TT+1.02 (Day MV = +6.77, Week MV = +4.25, Month MV = +4.72, Year MV = +6.90)
a gun and some more armor

A couple of more items in the shop...

Aurora Arm Guards (F, L) TT+1.02 (102.04% - Month Price is 103.74%)
Emik S30 (L) TT+1.02 (119.62%)
Lots more Plastic Ruds, and quite a few screws too!

Quantity Increase - Markup stays the same:
Simple I Plastic Ruds - was 34 PED TT Value @ 103%, NOW = 59 PED TT Value @ 101.73%

That is:
118 Simple I Plastic Ruds @ 101.73%, Day MV = 104.17%, Week MV = 104.55%, Month MV = 105.70%

New Item:
679 Basic Screws @ 103.76%, Day MV = 110.97%, Week MV = 107.67%, Month MV = 109.83%, Year MV = 112.52%
70 Infrasound Amplifier Component @ 102.91% (TT+1.02, Day MV=131.56%, Week MV=151.98%, Month MV=578.83%, Year MV=522.68%)

70 Infrasound Amplifier Component @ 102.91% (TT+1.02, Day MV=131.56%, Week MV=151.98%, Month MV=578.83%, Year MV=522.68%)
10 Atrax Claw @ 202.00% (TT+1.02, Month MV=312.50%, Year MV=156.98%, Decade MV=8833.47%), among other things...

A few new additions to the shop:
250 Interactive Simplifier Component @ 101.36% (TT+1.02 Week MV =
101.83%, Month MV=102.29%, Year MV=112.97%)

70 Surface Hardener Component @ 107.29% (TT+1.02, Year MV=113.60%)

10 Atrax Claw @ 202.00% (TT+1.02, Month MV=312.50%, Year MV=156.98%, Decade MV=8833.47%)

Also, please note, I'm doing inventory the next day or three so blueprints are not in the shop. If you need a blueprint that you've seen in the shop, or just need anything in general, feel free to shoot me a PM.

Blueprints will be added back in to the shop in a few days. Til then, enjoy viewing the statues that are temporarily in the shop. It's almost starting to feel like an art gallery in there with the drawings and statues.
a couple of new things added:

a couple of new things added to the shop:
Killian Sword TT+1.02 (Week MV=+3.41, Month MV=+2.59, Year MV=+1.70)
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-50 TT+1.02 (Day MV=+1.92, Week MV=+4.02, Month MV=+3.85)

550 Electronic Stabilizing Component @ 100.93% (Day MV=102.59%, Week MV=103.39%, Year MV=108.81%)

Increased Quantity, but kept the Markup the same at tt+1.02:
160 Surface Hardener Component @ 103.19% - used to be 70 @ 107.29% (Day MV=105.52%, Week MV=103.21%, Year MV=113.18%)
More Thunderbird!

Thunderbird Glove (M, L) @ 101.46% (TT+1, Week MV=102.34%)

I also just installed the new Gigantium Sign (PC) out front. If/when I do add more artwork to the virtual world, it'll likely go on this sign and a few of the other signs on the interior walls of the booth and shop.

Ad Screen has been moved inside to protect it from the elements (and more importantly to make more room outside for the sign mentioned above. I tried having both outside but it just looked too gawdy... You need a reason to come inside anyways - come on in and watch some ads to keep up on the local EU happenings)
QTY increases on a couple of more stacks, but Markup stays the same!

I just made a couple of stack deals sweeter by adding quantity but keeping Markup at the same TT+1.02.

Infrasound Amplifier component was qty 70 @ 102.91% --> Now qty 128 @ 101.59% (Week MV=141.30%, Month MV=548.02%)

Socket I Component was qty 967 @ 101.05% --> Now qty 1377 @ 100.74% (Day MV=102.56%, Week MV=103.38%, Month MV=103.13%, Year MV=114.94%)
New Addition to the shop: A-3 Punisher Mk.I TT+1.02

Just added to the shop:
A-3 Punisher Mk.I TT+1.02

bump for the day.

Have fun if you do decide to go to Rocktropia...

Have even more fun when you come back and find awesome prices here in home sweet Omegaton!

Blueprints are still not back in the shop yet because I'm taking my time to do inventory the right way. For now, enjoy the statues, ad screen, and other things in the shop. Prices are still just about as cheap as you can find anywhere.
66 Simple I Plastic Ruds @ 103.09% (TT+1.02, Day MV=105.63%, Week MV=104.62%, Month MV=105.19%)

New addition to the shop:

66 Simple I Plastic Ruds @ 103.09% (TT+1.02, Day MV=105.63%, Week MV=104.62%, Month MV=105.19%)
New things are in the shop and booth again!

170 Blazer Fragment @ 60,000% (TT+1.02 Week MV=85011.2%, Year MV=662876%)

1767 Metal Residue @ 105.77% (TT+1.02, Day MV=106.38%, Week MV=106.5*%, Month MV=107.92%)

35 Super Charger Component @ 107.29% (TT+1.02, Day MV=109.38%, Year MV=112.22%)

Added More quantity to the Surface Hardener Component Pile, but kept the price at +1.02. It Was 160 @ 103.19 --> NOW 178 @ 102.87% (Day MV=103.88%, Week MV=104.23%, Month MV=105.18%, Year MV=112.82%)
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added: Paladin Arm Guards (M) TT+1.02, Pioneer Shin Guards (F) TT+1.02

New items in the shop:
Paladin Arm Guards (M) TT+1.02 (Week MV+3.53, Month MV=+3.24, Decade MV=+10.86)

Pioneer Shin Guards (F) TT+1.02 (Year MV=+8.85)
a couple more things are in the shop now!

More items at great prices!
45 Galaxy SI Ion Conductors @ 111.33% (Day MV=122.95%, Month MV=121.65%)

Basic Pattern Shirt (M,C) TT+1.02 (Day MV=+4.10, Week MV=+4.04, Month MV=+3.76, Year MV=+5.03, Decade MV=+3.52)

250 Deep Cadmium Paint Can @ 102.91% (TT+1.02)
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700 Basic Electronic Fluid Memory @ 101.82% (TT Value = 56.00, Week MV=103.73%, Month MV=109.92%, Year MV=116.20%)

New to the shop:
700 Basic Electronic Fluid Memory @ 101.82% (TT Value = 56.00, Week MV=103.73%, Month MV=109.92%, Year MV=116.20%, Decade MV=616.20%)

It's on the same shelf as the Robot Heat Sinks on the Wally Shelving.