Delta Discounts - Calypso's TRUE Bargain Shop - Omegaton West Habitat, Delta Tower






a few examples of the low prices...
Merry Christmas to all.
Many items can be found at the shop for very low prices

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The day the Merry Mayhem got fixed (hopefully) bump.
bump. A couple of things have been sold and a couple of others put in their place. Come on by the shop to see what's there any time of the day or night (as long as the server is online)
current list of what's in the shop

Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint
Alternative Ingot
Aurora Arm Guards (F;L)
Azzurdite Ingot
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint
Basic Engine Blueprint
Beacin Laser Sight Blueprint
Bear Gloves (M;L)
Bear Helmet (M;L)
Bear Shin Guards (F;L)
Bear Thigh Guards (F;L)
Bear Thigh Guards (F;L)
Bjornir Precision Scope
Bjornir Precision Scope Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint
Bull Tac20 (L)
Bull Tac20 (L)
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint
Daikiba Leather
Durable Coil Blueprint
Durable Motor Blueprint
Durable Structure Blueprint
E-Amp 11
E-Amp 11 Blueprint
Electric Attack Chip II (L)
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Electropositive Connector Blueprint
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
Galaxy SII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Pipe Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Jashonich MP Blueprint
Lamp Attachments Blueprint
Maddox I Blueprint
Maddox I Blueprint
Mannell Shoes Blueprint
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint
Nallo Ceiling Lamp Blueprint
Paladin Face Guard (M)
Polaris Arm Guards (M;L)
Polaris Arm Guards (M;L)
Polaris Arm Guards (M;L)
Predator Arm Guards (M;L)
Predator Gloves (F;L)
Regeneration Chip I (L)
Reinforced Plate Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Robot Weapon Sight
Rubber Lists Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint
Small Minstrel Vase
Small Plugs Blueprint
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Super Alloy Mountings Blueprint
Thunderbird Arm Guards (F;L)
Thunderbird Gloves (F;L)
Thunderbird Helmet (F;L)
Tiger Gloves (F;L)
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint
Triphased Wires Blueprint
Urban Pattern Pants Blueprint
Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint
Alternative Ingot
Aurora Arm Guards (F,L)
Azzurdite Ingot
Basic Auxiliary Socket Blueprint
Basic Engine Blueprint
Bear Gloves (M,L)
Bear Gloves (M,L)
Bear Helmet (M,L)
Bear Shin Guards (F,L)
Bear Thigh Guards (F,L)
Bear Thigh Guards (F,L)
Bjornir Precision Scope
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint
Bull Tac20 (L)
Bull Tac20 (L)
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint
Daikiba Leather
Daikiba Leather Texture Blueprint
Durable Damper Blueprint
E-Amp 11
E-Amp 11 Blueprint
Electric Attack Chip II (L)
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
Fine Frote Fabric Texture Blueprint
Galaxy SII Ion Conductors Blueprint
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint
Hardened Pipe Blueprint
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Jashonich AP
Lamp Attachments Blueprint
Large Plug Blueprint
Mannell Shoes Blueprint
Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint
Metal Mountings Blueprint
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint
Paladin Face Guard (M)
Polaris Arm Guards (M,L)
Polaris Arm Guards (M,L)
Polaris Arm Guards (M,L)
Predator Arm Guards (M,L)
Predator Gloves (F,L)
Regeneration Chip I (L)
Reinforced Bearings Blueprint
Reinforced Plate Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Robot Weapon Sight
Rubber Lists Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Small Minstrel Vase
Small Plugs Blueprint
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Thunderbird Arm Guards (F,L)
Thunderbird Gloves (F,L)
Thunderbird Helmet (F,L)
Tiger Gloves (F,L)
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint
Triphased Wires Blueprint

The above items are in the shop. Most items are marked up at prices below auction value!
bumping it up.

Just a reminder - the armor, especially the stuff inside the shop's interior on the shelf near the back wall does take a while to come on screen for me, so it will likely take a while for you too unless you have really good graphics card, and even then, it may take a little while. Don't rush in and out when shopping since some of the best deals may not be on screen where you can select the items if you hurry too fast. Really wish MA would fix the lag issues eventually.
Most armor parts, scopes, amps, and other stuff other then blueprints have been removed from the shop for now. Saw an embra c1 on auction last night and TTed most of the stuff in the shop other then blueprints to get enough peds for it... Will restock with that sort of stuff eventually when I deposit again someday. For now, I've put a few blueprints in the shop and will restock with fresh blueprints more often til I'm out of them or have managed to do a sell off of them in forums.

When I do get back to regular deposits eventually, you'll likely see more loots and things in the shop again eventually. After all, now I have one of the most economic weapons in game, along with a couple of whips for when taming comes back (bought a cobra last night to go with my viper - even bought a full set of 5b plates again to go with my armor so I will get back in to hunting eventually )...

Pricing will continue to be as low as I can make it.
In the shop today:

Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint
Azzurdite Ingot
Basic Coil Blueprint
Basic Engine Blueprint
Basic Nuts Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Rings Blueprint
Basic Screws Blueprint
Basic Structure Blueprint
Bjornir Precision Scope
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint
Bull Tac40 (L)
Bull Tac40 (L)
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint
Christmas Reindeer
Durable Damper Blueprint
E-Amp 11 Blueprint
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Ganganite Texture Blueprint
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint
Hardened Pipe Blueprint
Heavy Duty Core Blueprint
Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint
Lamp Attachments Blueprint
Large Plug Blueprint
Loughlin Cutter One (L) Blueprint
Mannell Shoes Blueprint
Metal Mountings Blueprint
Metal Ruds Blueprint
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint
Pixie Foot Guards (F)
Reinforced Plate Blueprint
Reinforced Rod Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Rubber Lists Blueprint
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint
Small Plugs Blueprint
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Standard Hinge Blueprint
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint
Standard Rod Blueprint
Stinktree Texture Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint
Tiger Gloves (F,L)
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint
Welcome to another fine and funky Tuesday.
mostly all that is in the shop currently is blueprints. Other items are in inventory and may be TTed soon so I can do a bit of crafting. One thing I'm contemplating crafting is killian swords, but not sure there's much demand for them. I do need to increase my longblade engineering skills a lot, and that's one method of doing that... Also still collecting eye oil and muscle oil from various hunts to start the long process of collecting ingredients needed to start crafting rutic slo eventually. In the coming months I probably will chip up engineering a bit.
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Happy Friday. Blueprints are in the shop!
In the shop today...

Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope
Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint
Basic Coil Blueprint
Basic Engine Blueprint
Basic Nuts Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Rings Blueprint
Basic Screws Blueprint
Basic Structure Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint
Bull Tac40 (L)
Bull Tac40 (L)
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint
Durable Damper Blueprint
E-Amp 11 Blueprint
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Ganganite Texture Blueprint
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint
Goblin Arm Guards (M)
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint
Hardened Pipe Blueprint
Heavy Duty Core Blueprint
Heavy Duty Coupling Blueprint
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint
Killian Sword
Killian Sword
Lamp Attachments Blueprint
Large Plug Blueprint
Loughlin Cutter One (L) Blueprint
Maddox I
Mannell Shoes Blueprint
Metal Mountings Blueprint
Metal Ruds Blueprint
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint
Omegaton M2732A1
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint
Pixie Face Guard (F)
Reinforced Plate Blueprint
Reinforced Rod Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Rubber Lists Blueprint
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Small Plugs Blueprint
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Standard Hinge Blueprint
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint
Standard Rod Blueprint
Stinktree Texture Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint
Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint
Triphased Power Systems Blueprint
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint

Most weapons armor, and attachments other then one sword are located outside the shop near the auction. The blueprints are mainly inside.
back to all blueprints in the shop til I can deposit again next month!

There's quite a variety. It's mostly divided up by level inside the shop.
In the shop today...

Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint
Atrox Claw
Basic Coil Blueprint
Basic Engine Blueprint
Basic Filters Blueprint
Basic Nuts Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Rings Blueprint
Basic Screws Blueprint
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint
Basic Structure Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint
Disc Brake Blueprint
Durable Damper Blueprint
E-Amp 11 Blueprint
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Ganganite Texture Blueprint
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint
Hardened Pipe Blueprint
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint
Killian Sword
Killian Sword
Lamp Attachments Blueprint
Large Plug Blueprint
Loughlin Cutter One (L) Blueprint
Mannell Shoes Blueprint
Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint
Metal Mountings Blueprint
Metal Ruds Blueprint
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint
Reinforced Plate Blueprint
Reinforced Rod Blueprint
Reinforced Sheet Metal Blueprint
Rubber Lists Blueprint
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint
Small Plugs Blueprint
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Standard Hinge Blueprint
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint
Standard Rod Blueprint
Standard VisioMem Blueprint
Steering Rod Blueprint
Stinktree Texture Blueprint
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint
Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint
Triphased Transmitter Blueprint
Triphased Wires Blueprint

The above items are in the shop. Most items are marked up at prices below auction value!
a few things sold over the weekend, and new blueprints have been put in the shop's empty slots.

Also, I recently chipped up my engineering skill a little so am now level 4 longblade engineer :)

In the coming months, I'll likely chip up more here and there until I'm at a comfortable level to click on more weapon blueprints so that I can stock the shop with weapons.
just a little bump
In the shop today...

Alekz Precision Scope Blueprint
Allophyl Leather Texture Blueprint
Armor Defense Enhancer I
Atrox Claw
Basic Coil Blueprint
Basic Engine Blueprint
Basic Filters Blueprint
Basic Nuts Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Processor Blueprint
Basic Rings Blueprint
Basic Screws Blueprint
Basic Sheet Metal Blueprint
Basic Structure Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves (L) Blueprint
BodyGuard Gloves Blueprint
Caldorite Texture Blueprint
Cbase Plastic Texture Blueprint
Disc Brake Blueprint
Durable Damper Blueprint
E-Amp 11 Blueprint
Electropositive Capacitor Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Electropositive Communication Blueprint
Evenweave Cotton Fabric Texture Blueprint
Galaxy SIII Ion Conductors Blueprint
Ganganite Texture Blueprint
GEC Spur Gears 2K Blueprint
GeoTrek Buttstock Blueprint
Hardened Foil Blueprint
Hardened Metal Mountings Blueprint
Hardened Metal Ruds Blueprint
Hardened Pipe Blueprint
Heavy Duty Filter Blueprint
Heavy Duty Seals Blueprint
Hessian Fabric Texture Blueprint
Isis CB5 (L)
Killian Sword
Lamp Attachments Blueprint
Large Plug Blueprint
Mannell Shoes Blueprint
Medium Frieze Fabric Texture Blueprint
Metal Mountings Blueprint
Metal Ruds Blueprint
Mourner Leather Texture Blueprint
Oxidized Iron Texture Blueprint
Paladin Face Guard (M)
Riker UL1 (L)
Riker UL2 (L)

Rubber Lists Blueprint
Rutol Stone Texture Blueprint
Sabakuma Leather Texture Blueprint
Shogun Foot Guards (M)
Simple I Plastic Springs Blueprint
Simple II Conductors Blueprint
Simple II Plastic Springs Blueprint
Small Plugs Blueprint
Snablesnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Snarksnot Leather Texture Blueprint
Soft Leather Texture Blueprint
Solar 6V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Solar 8V Gel Batteries Blueprint
Standard Hinge Blueprint
Standard Intelligence Module Blueprint
Standard Matrix Blueprint
Standard Rod Blueprint
Standard VisioMem Blueprint
Steering Rod Blueprint
Stinktree Texture Blueprint
Super Alloy Plating Blueprint
Super Alloy Ruds Blueprint
Tantardion Leather Texture Blueprint
Terrycloth Fabric Texture Blueprint

The above items are in the shop. Most items are marked up at prices below auction value!
Riker Bump.

Did you see the
Riker UL1 (L) and
Riker UL2 (L)
I crafted a few Maddox I guns today and one of them is now in the front window of the shop.

Got a Killian Broadsword crafted today too that's in the shop.
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Now there's a Killian Longsword in the shop.

Come on buy and pick up a trio of Killian's... We got the sword, the longsword, and the broadsword. More might be coming in the not too distant future too.
Longsword G2.

The first Killian Sword sold last night, so I replaced it, and while doing so decided to craft up a Killian Longsword G2...

so now you can find a 4 pack of Killian swords in the shop.

I'll add more to the variety later if these start selling often.

Also, if you want to start seeing L blades in the shop eventually, you might want to buy some of the swords because the more of those that sell that I crafted, the more I will craft, the more residue I'm building up to start crafting the L blades later. If that historic place on Next Island that we keep hearing rumors about that will have no rifles will start existing, swords might be the best means of survival there due to the high dps.

In the shop right now as far as the swords goes is:
Killian Sword
Killian Broadsword
Killian Longsword
Killian Longsword G2

I might add more of the Killian line if they start selling fairly often, and make it a point to restock when one sells. Once I have residue I'll likely start supplying the rutic line next.
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time for a bump.

Killian Sword G2 was added to the pile.

Now we have
Killian Sword
Killian Sword G2
Killian Broadsword
Killian Longsword
Killian Longsword G2
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added more Rikers

Added a few more Rikers to the front window. Prices are BELOW auction house prices!

Riker UL 2(L)
TT 46.75

Riker UL2 (L)
TT 39.6

Riker UL2 (L)
TT 61.13

Riker UL1 (L)
TT 32.56

bump. Also, I bought Apartment 15 E in the Delta Tower last night, and it's open to the public, so come on by and take a look around if you want. Not a lot up there yet, just a few odds and ends. More will be added later.

I did add quite a few of the holiday "gifts" up there, and will likely put more up there in the future, so if you are feeling festive or want to do something that won't cost you some peds, take a look sometime.

I may buy more apartments in this building in the future?

... for ya since this thread is not a complaining or bug report one :laugh:
Time for a bump. Going to try to not complain and grumble as much anymore since life is too short for that crap (even though it would be nice if SEE could make the booths work again).

Swords were removed from the shop and replaced with blueprints for the time being. Moved the swords upstairs to apartment 15 E for now.

That apartment is now the "Holiday Party Pad" and I'll be putting the various holiday gifts Calypso's Planet owner gives us from time to time, (and/or buying some from the era before I was an estate owner). Swing on buy sometime. It'll be sort of a museum but also a party pad as I continue to redecorate the place. Might eventually put in a dance floor and bar or something. I really like the freebie holiday gifts that have area light effects to create an atmosphere/mood.

May get more over time.

bumping up the shop. The "Holiday Party Pad" up in 15 E. is starting to near completion. Did lots of Christmas shopping for the place last night, even got it a Christmas tree! :)

I still have a few things to buy to get all the "gifts" in there but the list is getting shorter daily. Come on by and take a look at the various Halloween, Valentine's Day, and Christmas items, as well as a couple of other old timer things like the First Wave Colonist Beret and Vu 10 shades.