Different variations of Entropia?


MindArk Official
Staff member
MindArk Official
Feb 10, 2006
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Formerly "Foeburner Nighthawk Delta"
So I got some weird idea about making some possible planet partner names from the following 'equation':

Word ending with 'en' + tropia

Here is a list with what I came up with, I'll give 500 EFD to anyone who can figure more of them out :D (remember, it has to end with 'entropia', and have at least one more letter in front of it)

Bentropia - Go on adventures with famous Ben's, such as Ben Hur, Ben Kenobi and Ben Affleck!

Dentropia - Build your own den to hang out in.

Camdentropia - The trendy Camden Lock Market comes into Entropia directly from Camden Town, London!

Hentropia - Raise hens and chickens and sell eggs. (Ahh, the egg)

Kentropia - Even Barbie's boy needs some time for himself sometimes...

Pentropia - The worlds first writer MMO.

Rentropia - Become a Saami and raise reindeers in the cold north. (Ren is Swedish for reindeer).

Spleentropia - Play doctor and operate on people, earn money by selling their organs on the black market.

Sventropia - Meet the legendary viking Sven the Berserk from the movie Erik the Viking!

Zentropia - Find inner peace.

Yentropia - Like a trip to Japan!
Maidentropia :D

..either a very clean place or...

..where do i sign up :)

Cheers :beerchug:

A place to spend all your spare cash. :scratch2:
Spamtropia and Farmtropia where you could log in there for yer efd

Where you can play with DNA and build your own Atrox-Turp crossover
A virtual world where no women are allowed
Hallucinogentropia :)

Wow, did you see that pink Atrox with bunny ears just fly by...

Sixteentropia or Teentropia

Damn kids, get off my lawn! :)

Cheers :beerchug:
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OK, once again...

I had to do a few my self:

  • Entropical - A game set in a Tropiacl environment
  • Entrepreneuria - Build your own business
  • Tentropia - Play and live in Tents. Design your own Tents, build your new Tent career.
  • Sentropia - Hi, that was an interesting smell you got...
  • Christropia - Mount your donkey, curse at Fig trees, get your own band of apostles.
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Cheaptropia? Not bloody likely.
planets suitable for ageing Scottish bands?

soddentropia (wet wet wet)
heaventropia (blue)
thirteentropia (teenage fanclub)
hallowe'entropia (primal scream)

Here's a few more

Oventropia - Starter universe for fans of roast snables

Coventropia - Uber fiendish pace where FPC cook up new nerf ideas with a pinch of eye of newt

Heathentropia- universe for all those who don't believe in Lootius

Swollentropia- where men can pretend they have the biggest universe

Mujahadeentropia - where you run about blowing everything up. Hang on that sounds familiar

Goldentropia - a mythical place from days of old
Here's a few more
Goldentropia - a mythical place from days of old
Posted via Mobile Device
Maybe the sister world is even more mythical, the Secondgoldentropia:p
How about PMTropia? You dont need weapons, you just bitch at each other
Whentropia... "Oh God, what time period am I in now??"

Albumentropia... "Ahh... the eggs"

Arfentropia... "Joe's here!" "Joe's here!" "SHUT UP!!!" (Arfenhouse flash animation)

Bedriddentropia... Having fun in a weight loss clinic!
Grindentropia- No Deposits only Sweat :D

Stalkentropia- a place ware they cant see you but you see them :eek:

Dungentropia- a place for Dominatrix, Gimps, and Slaves :ahh:

Cajentropia- a place of Spicy food & Moonshine (more of a play on words then spelling)

Internetropia- A virtual space within a Virtual space within a Virtual space...:scratch2:

Tubentropia- river rappids, snowy slides, and all things fun on an inner-tube

Shamentropia- Chant, cast spells, magical cure's and all things 'Shamen'

Trackentropia - track your pray like a ranger of old

Stackentropia - stack boxes and build a path all the way too the top
Angstropia: A world of troubled teens and black makeup
MStropia: a world filled with bugs and constant update patches... Watch out for the WGA MOB!
Torrentropia: run missions where you gather copyrighted material and try to evade smartly dressed groups of subpoena wielding mobs that shoot class action lawsuits.
Bailoutropia: watch as your iconic industries fail and then receive massive assistance to allow you to reward your SOC leaders with bonuses.
Unemploymentropia: an exciting world filled with advertisements and newspapers filled with want ads. Wander the land handing out applications and resume's and standing in long lines to gather unemployment insurance.
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i'm suprised i didn't see these yet
Hentatropia: your perverted dreams come true, but most things are mosaicked.
animetropia: always wanted to live in an anime, now you can!
tentacletropia: japanese school girls beware!
labortropia: after a hard days work for minimum wage, log into to work for minimum virtual wage.
subtropia: virtually experience what its like to pilot a submarine
subwaystropia:virtually experience a never ending maze of subway trains and tunnels.
subwaytropia: come in and order your virtual samwich!
ninjatropia: be wary of the shadows!
mindarktropia: virtually work for mindark developing planet calypso virtualy!
firstplanetropia: virtually work for first planet companys to virtualy develop planet calypso!
playertropia: play as a person playing planet calypso!
lasvegastropia: virtualy explore lasvegas! gamble, eat, get a hotel room, shop, go bankrupt! or just be the creepy guy who sits in the corner of the monorail car.
Frightentropia: A land where everything scary comes out to scare you. :D
Whitentropia: Go around colouring everything white to keep it 'clean' *maniacal face*
Lycantropia: Be a lycan and spend your cash killin' vampires for the Silver DOA VampRipper. :cool: (an en, close enough)
Coventropia - Get sent there if you have no peds (or to make the nudity people happy (Lady Godiva, for those that do not know))

Ops, some one already said Coventropia, but for a different reason lol.
Alientropia: Just go arround and pew pew aliens !

Awakentropia: You better kill some zombies before they eat yo brainzzz !

Drunkentropia: Yeah, drunk 24/7 !!

Firementropia: Obvious right?

Heaventropia: You dead and go to heaven to kill some angels.

Hiddentropia: Everything is hidden, so cool...

Indigentropia: lol !! :bandit:

Citizentropia: Well I don't know, something kewl !

Gardentropia - Tend to your own garden and live off the land...

Hey wait, is old Larry next door putting up a new shed? :boxer:

Woodentropia - Everything is wood? Become a woodpecker and peck to victory!

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