Event System Guide


Aug 15, 2006
Leeds, UK
Avatar Name
Oleg Oleg McMullery
I've been checking out the new event system and have started to put together this guide for event participants and creators. There are still a few things I need to check and some detail to add, so this is a work in progress. I've made notes in the text about things that are missing or uncertain. I'll update more as I fill in the gaps.

I hope this helps :)

The Event List

You can access the Event List by right-clicking and selecting System -> Main -> Event List. You can also access it through the action library or set up an icon on your quickbar.

You’ll see a list of forthcoming events with some brief details about them:


View image in gallery

By clicking on the running stick-man icon at the bottom right, you can view full details about the event you’ve selected, including the rules, the prizes, and the names of the participants who have already registered.


Click the second icon at the bottom right of the event list to see map of the event area so that you know where you need to go. Events are held either on a Land Area or in a designated Event Zone (e.g. Zychion Citadel).

Event Rules

An event can have several different rules or combinations of rules.

Most importantly there is the Win Rule, which will be one of the following:

  • Most Loot: Points are awarded for every mob looted, 1 point for each pec of loot (TT value), so the player who gets the most loot during the event wins.
  • Highest Single Loot Wins: Points are only awarded for your biggest kill, again at a rate of 1 point per pec. Players can only improve their points by killing a mob with more loot than their previous best. The player who gets the highest loot from a single mob wins.
  • Most PvP points: Points are awarded for killing other participants. Only the kill shot counts. You get most points for killing someone you haven’t killed earlier in the event. If you kill someone more than once, each time you kill that person, the number of points you score from the kill will decrease.
  • Most Votes: Participants must award points to each other to determine the winner. This option is rarely used.

Additional Rules can be selected by the event creator. Not all of these options are available for every type of event.

  • No Healing
  • No Melee Weapons
  • No Ranged Weapons
  • Accumulate Ammo/Deterioration: this is an option that can be used in PvP events only. The winner will receive the PED spent on ammo and weapon decay during the event by all participants.
  • Accumulate Loot: the winner of the event will receive all of the loot collected by the participants during the event. The others get no loot at all.
  • PvP enabled
  • Max Health: enabling this option allows the event creator to select a maximum health level. Any player with more Health than the set limit will be unable to participate.
  • Disable SatNav: selecting this option will disable the radar during the event. Note that this prevents both mobs and players from being seen on radar.

There will be also be a Minimum Reputation requirement. You can not enter the event if your Reputation (see the Social category in your skills window) is below this level.

Registering as a Participant

To register as a participant in an event you need to go to the LA land marker or the Event Organiser NPC in the area where the event is taking place.

At an Event Organiser, you must click on the Organiser to access the event list. At an LA, click on the marker and then click the running men icon at the top right to get to the event list.


Once you’ve got to the event list you can view full details of the event by clicking on Settings. In the Settings window, click the Register button to enter the event, then click again to confirm your entry. The entry fee will be deducted from your PED card.

It is not possible to register for an event through the global Event List. You must visit the area where the event is being held, and you must register before the event begins or you will not be able to take part.

If the event organiser has reserved tickets (see the Event Creation section) then you can use one of these to register. You just need to have the ticket in your carried inventory, and when you register it will be removed from your inventory. When using a ticket the entry fee will not be removed from your PED card - in fact you'll receive 1 PED from the TT value of the ticket.

The event creator does not need to register their place. They will be automatically registered when they complete the event creation process.

During an Event

When the event begins you’ll see the Event Window pop up, which looks something like this:


Here you can see the current Top 3 scorers in the event. At first these positions may be empty, but they will update a minute after the event begins. The scoreboard will then be updated once every minute during the event.

If you scroll down from the top 3 you should be able to see the whole top 10. However this feature is currently bugged and the names do not display.

Underneath the top rankings you can see your own current rank.

You can also review all of the event details and the participant list. From the participant list, you can award a reputation point to another participant. Right click on their name and select Event -> Reputation to bring up a small window:


Use the arrows to select +1 (or –1 if you want to leave a negative rep), and click the tick button to confirm.

The event creator can award 10 points of reputation. Other participants can only award one.

You can rate the event by selecting an option in the drop-down window. The value defaults to Average, as seen in the picture above. At the end of the event, the event creator will receive Promoter Rating points based on the ratings awarded by the participants.

  • Very Poor: the event creator loses 2 points of Promoter Rating
  • Poor: the event creator loses 1 point of Promoter Rating
  • Average: no effect
  • Good: the event creator gains 1 point of Promoter Rating
  • Very Good: the event creator gains 2 points of Promoter Rating

The points received are cumulative, so if there are 10 participants and they all rate the event Very Good, the event creator will receive 20 Promoter Rating points.

During the event, participants may use the event channel to communicate. This is the purple channel in your chat window, so make sure you have this channel enabled. You can type to the channel by selecting it in the chat window or by using the /e tag before you type your message.

At the end of the event prizes will be awarded automatically. Depending on how the event creator has set up the event, any or all of the Top 3 may win a prize. The winner will also receive any prize determined by the Accumulate rules, if these are used.

A global message announcing the name of the winner will be sent to all EU participants who have their event channel enabled.

Event participants will also receive a pop-up window telling them the Top 3 places, and if they have received any reputation points they will be informed of this in the event channel. The event creator will receive a notice telling him how many Promoter Rating points he has received as a result of participants rating the event.

The event chat remains active for ten minutes after the event.
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Part 2

Creating an Event at an LA

To create an event, first you need to click on the land marker and then click the event icon (the running men icon at the top right) to bring up the LA event list, as you would when registering for an event. In this example there are no scheduled events:


Now click the Create Event button at the bottom right. This will take you to the Create Event window. If the Create Event button is not visible, this means that the landowner has not enabled public event creation. They must do this before anyone other than themselves can create an event.

In the Create Event window, click on the tabs at the top to view the five different sections.

In the General section, type the name of your event and a description. This will be seen in the global event list so it’s your chance to advertise the event.


You can also add a URL for an audio stream here by clicking on the speaker button. Valid file types are .pls, .m3u (and more, need to check this). During the event, participants will be able to hear the audio stream (if they have streaming audio enabled). Volume is controlled by the Music slider in EU's sound options window (press O).

In the Date section you can select the date and time for your event. Click on the slots in the calendar to select the time that your event will run. Each slot represents 30 minutes. In this example I have chosen Friday from 2000 to 2100 in-game time:


The cost of creating the event is also displayed here. The cost for event creation at an LA is 50 PED plus a further 25 PED for every 30 minutes. So a 1-hour event costs 100 PED, a 2-hour event costs 150 PED, and so on.

You can not select a time that is marked dark grey on the calendar. Available times are marked in light grey. Existing events are marked in red. The half-hour either side of an existing event is also made unavailable, so it's not possible to create two events without a gap in between them.

In the Rules section you can select various options for your event. See the Rules section above for details of the various options.


In the Tickets section you can specify the cost to enter the event and the number of places available.


If you choose to create Reserved Tickets, these tickets will be added to your inventory when you finish creating the event. These can then be traded to other avatars. Each ticket will cost the event creator 1 PED, but they also have a TT value of 1 PED so spare tickets can be TTed.

The Ticket Price only applies to people registering for the event at the Land Marker or via the Event List. Players who register by using a Reserved Ticket will not pay to register. In fact they will receive 1 PED for the TT value of their ticket.

Note that the Number of Tickets includes the Reserved Tickets. In the example above, 10 tickets will be created (at a cost of 10 PED) and the remaining 40 places will be available for 5 PED each to people registering at the land marker.

In the Prizes window you can specify the prizes for any or all of the Top 3 scorers. If you have selected either of the Accumulate options, these prizes will be in addition to the Accumulated prize.

To add a prize, just drag an item or stack from your inventory into one of the 3 spaces. In this example I’ve awarded 100 PED to the first prize winner, and a TT Powerfist to the second prize winner. The third placed player will not win a prize.


When you’ve gone through each section and have your event set up as you want it, click the tick button to complete event creation. You’ll get a confirmation window with the details of the event including the total cost of creation. Click the tick button to finalise your event, which will be added to the global Event List and the list at the land marker.

You can click the X button to cancel event creation at any time.

Creating an Event in an Event Zone

As well as on LAs, you can also create events in designated Event Zones by using the Event Organiser NPC. There are Event Zones at Zychion Citadel and Billy's Spaceship Afterworld.

Viewing, registering for, or setting up an event at the Event Organiser works the same way as it does on an LA. There are two key differences:

  • The cost for event creation is lower than it is on an LA, and varies between event zones.
  • The Most Loot and Highest Single Loot rules are not available. Primarily the Event Zones are for PvP events.

Other Notes

When someone registers for an event, the event creator will be notified of the registration (immediately if he is online, or the next time he logs in). Any PED received from entry fees are automatically transferred to the event creator’s card.

One hour before an event begins, a message advertising it will be broadcast to all EU participants who have the event channel enabled. If there are no tickets available at the land marker or Event Organiser, the message will not be broadcast.

When an event begins, anyone who is in the event area but has not registered from the event will be transported outside of the event area to a nearby TP or revive. Anyone entering the area while the event is taking place will be transported after a few seconds if they have not registered.

It is not possible to award reputation points or rate the event after it has finished. This must be done during the event.
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good Guide thx and +rep
was thinking about writing one myself, good i dont have to :D
Great guide!

The different costs for setting up a event, who receives those PEDs?
Event Creation Cost sounds like MA.. But Event Area Rent goes to the LA owner?
Very nice job Oleg :thumbup:

I was really hoping for Pairs and Team Events to be implemented though :(
Could you elaborate on how to give rep points to other participants?

Maybe i'm blind, but i didn't find out how to in the PvP event...
(might have been because my noob ass got killed all the time, hard to concentrate when you are busy running, dodging and fapping :D )
Great guide!

The different costs for setting up a event, who receives those PEDs?
Event Creation Cost sounds like MA.. But Event Area Rent goes to the LA owner?

They all go to MA/FPC.

Could you elaborate on how to give rep points to other participants?

Maybe i'm blind, but i didn't find out how to in the PvP event...
(might have been because my noob ass got killed all the time, hard to concentrate when you are busy running, dodging and fapping :D )

I'll work on that part a bit more when I get a chance, a screenshot or two should make it easier to understand.
Nice guide ty for sharing
Oleg, the event-meister!! :yay:
Thank-you for the excellent write-up.
Well done and thank you oleg :) Was gunna do a search on the event system and then voila! :wtg:
Got a few more things checked out today in Qetesh's ambu event, and some more pics. I'll update the guide tomorrow probably.
Thanks very much for this. Looking forward to running some events once I get round to...uh downloading 10.3 cough.

Made a few updates, there's less of that red text now :)
When you create an Event, the half-hour before and the half-hour after become dark-grey, stopping events being created for adjacent time slots. This is to give participants time to enter and leave.

This is new in V10; there was a notorious incident when MA themselves set up a free event, only to have an enterprising avatar reserve the previous half-hour, and charge an entry fee.

Question to Oleg - does the Organiser get more time to give Rep, otherwise how can he reward the winners if they are not yet determined?
Great guide!

The different costs for setting up a event, who receives those PEDs?
Event Creation Cost sounds like MA.. But Event Area Rent goes to the LA owner?

They all go to MA/FPC.

Woot LA rent goes to LA owner right otherwise MA have done a falure they cant take rental ped for something they dont own

If u whant a Soc Event or arange a Event u are welcome
To anyone who knows; If I created an event in an area that has a minimum spawn of a mob, would it be maximised for the event?
Great Guide Oleg. :)

I'd like to add something you have probably missed since you always got to play the role of the organizer of the events and not a participant. If you open the Participants List in a pvp event, you can see how often you killed who. Not sure if there is something similar in Hunting Events.


Sorry for the bad quality pic, but you get the point :silly2:
When you create an Event, the half-hour before and the half-hour after become dark-grey, stopping events being created for adjacent time slots. This is to give participants time to enter and leave.

This is new in V10; there was a notorious incident when MA themselves set up a free event, only to have an enterprising avatar reserve the previous half-hour, and charge an entry fee.

Good point, I will add that to the guide, thanks.

Question to Oleg - does the Organiser get more time to give Rep, otherwise how can he reward the winners if they are not yet determined?

No, the event creator has do it within the time of the event, same as everyone else.

Woot LA rent goes to LA owner right otherwise MA have done a falure they cant take rental ped for something they dont own

No, the LA owner only gets tax as usual, the amount of which is likely to be boosted by the event.

It isn't a rental fee, it's an event set-up fee.

To anyone who knows; If I created an event in an area that has a minimum spawn of a mob, would it be maximised for the event?

No, unless the landowner changes the DNA settings in the usual way.

Sorry for the bad quality pic, but you get the point :silly2:

Thanks, yes I do, hadn't noticed this before.
No, the LA owner only gets tax as usual, the amount of which is likely to be boosted by the event.

It isn't a rental fee, it's an event set-up fee.

It was the rental fee for time on land i was mening the 25ped/30min
To anyone who knows; If I created an event in an area that has a minimum spawn of a mob, would it be maximised for the event?

No, unless the landowner changes the DNA settings in the usual way.

There are 2 things here - the DNA settings which determine the mob density are in control of the landowner, but I'm not sure if that also determines the rate of re-spawn. There have been events in the past where a LA began with a high density of mobs, but the mobs ran out halfway through the event. If that still happens in V10, we will have to try to get MA to fix it.
It was the rental fee for time on land i was mening the 25ped/30min

It doesn't matter how you say it, the landowner still doesn't get it :)

There are 2 things here - the DNA settings which determine the mob density are in control of the landowner, but I'm not sure if that also determines the rate of re-spawn. There have been events in the past where a LA began with a high density of mobs, but the mobs ran out halfway through the event. If that still happens in V10, we will have to try to get MA to fix it.

The only hunting event I've taken part in under the new system was at Nea's where you'd expect the spawn to hold up OK, and it did.

I don't think anything to do with the spawn changes for an event, it's a general issue with the way the DNA spawns work (or was in the past). But obviously in events you can have a lot of people hunting hard and fast so the spawns are under more pressure than usual.

If I remember correctly Zap once suggested that the spawn rate should be increased during an event to counteract this. If he didn't, he should have, because it's a good idea :)
Good guide +rep

2 questions:

Does the event organizer needs to buy a ticket too or can he stay in the event area for free?

Can the event tickets be sold on auction?
I've submitted some questions to MA. Oleg, you may know the answers, but they are not in your guide. I'll post the answers if and when I get them.

I have some questions regarding Events

1) If the promoter aborts an Event, does he get all monies refunded, Fees and Prizes?

2) If an Event is aborted, do registered participants get their Ticket price refunded?

3) why cannot Rules and Prizes be changed up until the point someone registers? (If all fees are refunded, this would be unnecessary)

4) even if Rules and Prizes cannot be changed, why cannot the Description be changed?

5) A Soc Mate had a problem leaving an Event last week - he gave up half way through, but couldn't join a team outside the LA.

- if you register for an event, can you join a team during the time the event is running
- does it matter if you have got event points or not.
- what happens to your event points if you could join a team
- if you are in a team when an event for which you are registered starts, do you get kicked from the team?
- does it matter if you are inside the LA or not?
- if you are in a team when an event for which you are registered starts, what happens when you enter the event LA (can you, or do you have to leave the team?)

6) Why can No Melee and No Ranged both be specified for LA Events? That surely means that no-one can win, and the Promoter takes all the Ticket money, and the Prizes.

7) Why can Accumulate Ammo/Decay be specified for PvP? Isn't this only intended for LA events where No Loot makes sense? I have seen one Pvp Event where the First Prize is accumulated Ammo/Decay. Will the Winner get anything? If this is effective, all Pvp events could be created with this rule.

Thank You for your help in advance.
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2010-01-21 09:39 Entropia Universe Support:


Thank you for your inquiries. To work them off in order:

1) No, an abortion is the same as finish as normal, only earlier. Normal rules applies.
2) No.
3) This is due to how the system is built. We cannot be more detailed than that.
4) This is a good question/suggestion, we will evaluate it further.
5) He should be able to, and we tested it again to make sure that there are no bugs. Most likely this was a lag event on his connection, and a relog would probably have solved the problem.
6) If you try to create an event with both those rules you will get an error message.
7) This rule is applicable also for PvP events; the winner will get the accumulated ammo and deterioration.

We hope that this answers your questions!

Kind regards,
Entropia Universe Support

I have follow-up questions to your answers
1) If an Event is aborted before there are participants other than the Promoter, does he get all 3 prizes refunded, or just the 1st. If the event has not yet started, who gets the prizes? If an Event cannot be aborted before it starts, why not?
6) Just after the Events system was introduced I saw such an Event, and logged a Support Case. Does this mean you have fixed this bug?