Gamer chick video

I dont think its coincidence that everytime i go to her shrine on Memorial Island that song plays. So if you miss hearing it in game try going and hanging out by the memorial for a few minutes.

Been a while since ive been there, it it could have just been chance, but I doubt it.

Nope, I've heard it there too :)
never heared it till now it is a nice song and WOW EU has come a loooong way graphics wise:yay:
Hmm, been a while since I been out to Memorial Isle.

Guess it's time I went out and listened to her song in game.

Thanks for reminding me.
That song should just stay in the jukebox forever. Much better then some of the ambient melodies that are ingame for over 6 years now.
Bring back jukeboxes :(
they could make a system, XX ped to upload a song. X ped to put it on the list :D

Jukebox system could be:
1) Upload your song - 20PED
2) Play a song - 0.5PED
3) The guy who uploaded the song you played gets 10% of the cash paid to play his song

Recently the Discovery HD channel repeated the documentary "Gamer Generation" which featured about 10 minutes on EU and Neverdie. It included how he wrote the song and its popularity.
A friend of mine still have the original sound clip from inside the sounds folder in EU and a couple more select songs that is not part of EU anymore. There used to be quite a bit of nice songs but they all seem to have been removed. hmmm Gamer chick isnt in the sound folder anymore to my knowladge so it is probably a streamed sound that plays at memorial isle.
ahh OLD GOOD times
wonder why nowdays engine cant do what old did
mob eat mob
laser "dot"
and more wonder if CE2 the ""eye candy""
will be mob eat mob, blood and laser "dot"

graphic may be better but some efects in gameplay are missing Too much

yes it is loong time ago this song was implemented

Ohyea OLD Good Times

ah jukeboxes are off line wonder why too long time ago too
nah and now back to that booring VU we got nowdays

PS: sorry but when i see it again i cant help my self....
Wow first time i her it . Love it Vixen thanks do telling me look for it . :)

Now i want here it in game all the time . :p
wow been a long time since i heard that, thx for digging out of the archieves m8 + rep to you
That brought back memories, i remember hunting spiders in the creater with Island Girl :)
true good old days...

i remember running first time to argus

saw a free hogglo, ask a friend if they were hard... => answer NO :rolleyes:

i run into it with my mann mph and was dead