Guess what this is!



MindArk Official
Staff member
MindArk Official
Feb 10, 2006
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Formerly "Foeburner Nighthawk Delta"
Place your guesses, what is the thing in the red ring @ the map? :D

The person that guesses right (if anyone do) will win 2500EFD! :yay:

Thanks to Henceforth and steffel for adding 1k EFD each to the pot :)


(btw, a bit off-topic: is it just me or does it look like there is a lake w. an island in the crater? if you compare to the look of the islands to the NW...)
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Corinth West hangars.
a castle, dont know wich one
spots of white on ground from the terrain
A new bot base
Really big Stonehenge type thing.
lots of quick guesses, so far no one has guessed the same as me :D

(no, not going to tell ya what I thought until after ;))

Looks like Stone Henge.
Its me drilling a tower:)
A temple would be my guess.

Oh I know what it is, its Abby vissible from space! :holyshit:
The camp SSW from Corinth in pre-CE2 version. I don't remember it's name, but it had few tents and one small building with some terminals.
Place your guesses, what is the thing in the red ring @ the map? :D

I think it is a new settlement ;)

VU10 Content List said:
Some places have been rebuilt and others are under construction. Also, one new settlement has been constructed and one has been redesigned.
Wreckage of the Titan thingy or oilrig would be my guesses.
The Mushroom alive!
It a horse?! It a cow?! It a cotton ball?! It a rump roast?! It a pogo stick?! It a moose?!


But seriously, it looks like a little patch of ringworm, like a tiny little infection left after Hadesheim got wiped off the map. Probably one of the locations nearby, like Corinth Beach, or that outpost mentioned earlier with the tents (buildings now?) . . . maybe even Cape Corinth itself, there is a drastic shift in the coastlines over that part of the map, so its possible, right?
We're all gonna find out in a couple of hours...
Enough with the spammage for now.
maybe even Cape Corinth itself, there is a drastic shift in the coastlines over that part of the map, so its possible, right?

actually, you can see Cape Corinth a bit to the North, just where it always were :silly2:
It's a large feffoid camp/village. Didn't read all the responses to see if someone already said that. :ahh:
New Casino & settlement:silly2:
a patch of hills with two really tall ones that have snow?
The arrangement of the dots, presumed to be either large stones reflecting light, or light sources, is about right for Hadesheim West settlement, however the position is too far NE, just over the blue acid pools.

From the relative position of the impact site to the river bend running around Atlas Island, and tactical expectations that the bot ship would attack, not Hadesheim C, but the reactor in the industrial sector to the south. The Tactical War Office confirms initial intelligence of a direct strike on the reactor core.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

The guys buidling the citys and houses and replanting the repopulating the animals have been working over-time, or maybe a time element is going to be added to account for the massive changes. Something along the lines of, the Major and a team of specialists wasn't able to regenerate us from DNA records, until now....