Rayne Jade Blackmoore (GloryHound Irregulars)
Feefee Flick Field (Praetorian Guard)
We try to do a lot together ingame, but with 3 little ones running around the house it can be a challenge. Many times we figure that we can get in for an hour of killing Aurli then once we enter a dome all hell breaks loose (in our house, not in the dome).
I am slightly involved in the WoF in case you may not have noticed, and as a result Flick is on Canada Support this year.
At one time, Flick stopped playing with the thought of being done for good (kids and school taking over). So I saved all looted ESI (GSI back then) and chipped a lot of her skills over to me. She returned to EU, as many do, and is building herself back up again - doing a fine job of it as well. It is for that reason I am more skilled in hunting than my wife... but make no mistake - she can grind mobs with the best of 'em
One nice aspect of the couple-theme is that when I upgrade, she can get the left-overs. I don't mean that in a bad way at all. I recently upgraded to the Starkhov AS-147, which meant she got my Starkhov AS-117 so everyone wins.
We have globaled / HoF together just over 100 times and it is nice indeed. Very nice that we are sitting next to each other so we do not have to stop and type to communicate... we can just yell at each other:
"Not the mature, dammit!!! SHOOT THE GUARDIAN!! THE GUARDIAN!!!"