Information from MindArk Balancing Team

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
Due to the last days’ speculations regarding the balancing in Entropia Universe, MindArk want to present the following statement:

MindArk´s vision with Entropia Universe is that all planets are a part of the same universe and follow the same balancing rules. In order for participants and items to move between planets, they have to be balanced with the same system. This is fundamental for the rule system and the market to work.

No changes have been made nor will be made to these core rules. At the same time, MindArk is continuously monitoring the balance of the system and all planets within the universe. Anomalies are constantly analyzed and adjusted to maintain the balance.

The market begins with the core rules, but is to a large extent affected by demand. Participants in a supply and demand situation strive towards stability to be able to predict the future, while at the same time it is in the unexpected and not so frequent situations that real opportunities can emerge.

In the last couple of days, a few rare incidents occurred within an unusually short period of time in conjunction with a release. These incidents have been analyzed in accordance to our routines.

On rare occasions, items and opportunities can be found letting participants with lower skills to also try out other aspects of the universe not usually available to them. These items should not be considered to be common in any way, nor competing with regular items. Participants investing time and funds into their avatar should be able to see their avatar progress.

For MindArk, the individual progress is a core part of the universe and the market.

With this MindArk hope you have a greater understanding of last days’ events and see them in a new light.

- MindArk Balancing Team

Originally Posted Here
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In before the crapstorm :D

Wow. MA at least be original and not so darn lazy when it comes to items like this.. You spit in the eyes of the folks again that have been around a while and had paid a fair amount for some of these items because of their rarity..

Does this mean that because Rocktropia isn't balanced with Mod Faps, Mod Merc, Imp Mk2, Imp Fap and other extremely rare items that it will need to be rebalanced as well, and this goes for all the other planets as well (these so called anomalies as they were which sounds like a joke to me)??? Why would anyone at all have confidence in the price of their items in this universe as of now? How did you determine that ES series scanners in particular were needed to rain down in droves from the heavens.. Why is it that ND knew of this 'rebalancing effort'?

Would this not pull every single person from Calypso if they were to know that every update for a new planet there would need to be this 'rebalancing' of rare items???

'These incidents have been analyzed in accordance to our routines.' You guys sounds like robots.. Has MA been taken over by a robot threat! :D They have been analyzed seems like you are saying you didn't know really what would happen..

'On rare occasions, items and opportunities can be found letting participants with lower skills to also try out other aspects of the universe not usually available to them. These items should not be considered to be common in any way, nor competing with regular items. Participants investing time and funds into their avatar should be able to see their avatar progress. ' I deleted my comments here as it appears at least this particular sentence was aimed at the new rifle that was looted.. I believe that some of their message in total is still targeted at the looting of ES series scanners and Fap 90's though.

Why in the heck can't you create items specific to the planet that they are from.. Creativity in items is seriously lacking to the unique 'Worlds' that they should come from. This just screams screwup or maybe at worse incompetence.

Sad sad sad..
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here it is:
Due to the last days’ speculations regarding the balancing in Entropia Universe, MindArk want to present the following statement:

MindArk´s vision with Entropia Universe is that all planets are a part of the same universe and follow the same balancing rules. In order for participants and items to move between planets, they have to be balanced with the same system. This is fundamental for the rule system and the market to work.

No changes have been made nor will be made to these core rules. At the same time, MindArk is continuously monitoring the balance of the system and all planets within the universe. Anomalies are constantly analyzed and adjusted to maintain the balance.

The market begins with the core rules, but is to a large extent affected by demand. Participants in a supply and demand situation strive towards stability to be able to predict the future, while at the same time it is in the unexpected and not so frequent situations that real opportunities can emerge.

In the last couple of days, a few rare incidents occurred within an unusually short period of time in conjunction with a release. These incidents have been analyzed in accordance to our routines.

On rare occasions, items and opportunities can be found letting participants with lower skills to also try out other aspects of the universe not usually available to them. These items should not be considered to be common in any way, nor competing with regular items. Participants investing time and funds into their avatar should be able to see their avatar progress.

For MindArk, the individual progress is a core part of the universe and the market.

With this MindArk hope you have a greater understanding of last days’ events and see them in a new light.

- MindArk Balancing Team

These items should not be considered to be common in any way, nor competing with regular items.
Huh?!?! If the item in question has a market value, and is tradeable, how is it not competing with regular items?!?

By the way, how are the new estates on new planets that are on the auction right this minute, which I assume are functional, not unbalancing the estates on Calypso that have not been working at all since the first week of December, and were not working at all for about 4 months after vu 10?!?

In order for participants and items to move between planets, they have to be balanced with the same system.
That system might be great, if the system actually existed. For those with taming skills and items related to it, that system is currently non-existent... Taming is considered to be a "system"
Work has already started on the “Taming” and “ Mentoring” systems which will be back with a number of added features. Next in line is the “Makeup” and “Beacon “systems and mutants.”

However, it's not online currently... but... All systems are online is what we are told?

These nonfunctional estates and missing systems seem like a massive unbalancing that needs to be rebalanced. Are there plans to "balance" this issue as you balanced out the unbalaning in the past when personal revives were repurchased and shopkeepers were given away?
Found out yesterday Hades Booth owners got FREE shopkeepers on the VU to compensate for the booth bug. Should mean ~20 new shopkeepers in game.

It has been some rumors about removal of personal revival terminals and I got copy of something interesting here:

MindArk wrote,
"We need to inform you about an item in your possession. The management has decided that the personal revival terminals will not again be made operational and therefore we will now buy this item back from you.
You may choose between the sum of 5000 PED OR a Powerful Resurrection Chip. Please respons to this by sending us a support ticket within the next four weeks and let us know which of these two options you prefer."
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And they actually mean to tell us what with this...? :scratch2:
In before... well... everyone else,

I think what Mindark are trying to say is that they are God! :laugh:
all i heard was come rocktropia 2.0 there will be much more looting opportunities to be had over there on that rock..

readies tp fee's
Wow, guess I can sit back and wait for the shadow to start dropping....
Yes, this means we might as well get shadow drops now and then on old and new planets.

Now, what rare loot did they stuff inside which mob on Calypso, is the interesting question.
I doubt these pathetic morons even know what's that es500 or that it actually was looted.

If they know what happened tho, it means only one thing: MA giving a gracious hand yet again to their sweet child Neverdie, and over the years it makes me reconsider the whole CND auction scandal. I trusted that ND was indeed a regular player putting his money at risk. I doubt that now and probably RT will be bought by MA once they pull the Calypso stunt on SEE.

Also curious to see what's their answer regarding insider info which helped DAmanager or whatever his player account is to profit.
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I admit, it was me who was scanning +-200 ped/day for the last few days..(crashing laptop)
I admit, I tried to benefit from the drops & went to rocktropia...
I admit, with +300k skills, i got 0 MU...
I admit, I will prolly never scan again... :laugh:
SEE how balancing works...
I read that as we all might as well sign up a hundred more accounts each so that the Mod Mercs, Mod Faps, etc will drop again to balance items to participants ratio - then hope we're in the right place at the right time. :laugh:
All they are addressing in this message is the JUELZ MIC-Killa SB-ULTRA BLP rifle. I still don't know why everyone got their panties in a bunch over this as it's obviously going to be an extremely rare Limited item.

They have completely ignored the drops of ESxxx Scanners, FAP-90, and various armour parts on RockTropia. Maybe they will put out another announcement, using an image instead of a thousand worthless words:
Not sure to understand the statement...

- On one hand they say that loot should remain balanced in the whole universe and that people investing in high MU items should not be concerned. (Read: "don't panic, don't sell out")
- On the other hand they say it was needed to drop rare scanners and old FAPs to rebalance the balance. (Read: "we didnt bug, we manage everything")

So can we conclude that this was a normal, planned and wanted drop ? :scratch2:

Please explian me in 5 lines what they meant in 50 lines if i'm wrong.
That statement doesn't make any sense.

I think it was written in an 'after the fact' sort of way to try to make the recent scanner drops etc. on Rocktropia seem acceptable and part of MindArk's grand interplanetary balancing scheme.

I don't buy it at all (and owning a high-end ul gun with the word 'Rock' in it makes me extremely nervous). :confused:
i love big markets:):eyecrazy::eyecrazy::eyecrazy:. And this statment..ensure me..that will be many big events in the future..on all atract players:pP...BIG EVENTS!!!....Ofc..this have a bad face too:p..some planets will die...or explode:p
Ah that's nice !! Dropping a shit load of "rare" items for 48h or so, it's giving the opurtunity to less skilled players to get some rare items too.
Are they aware that not everybody plays eveyday... or that the less skiled player on calypso may not have 40 peds for the TP fees and funds for ammo and guns in that 48 hours period? :scratch2:
And i doubt the majority of looted items on that period went to less skilled players.
Also curious to see what's their answer regarding insider info which helped DAmanager or whatever his player account is to profit.

& that question was asked where, when & to who?
& yes, I'm very curious about the answer also
Not sure to understand the statement...

- On one hand they say that loot should remain balanced in the whole universe and that people investing in high MU items should not be concerned. (Read: "don't panic, don't sell out")
- On the other hand they say it was needed to drop rare scanners and old FAPs to rebalance the balance. (Read: "we didnt bug, we manage everything")

So can we conclude that this was a normal, planned and wanted drop ? :scratch2:

Please explian me in 5 lines what they meant in 50 lines if i'm wrong.

more of the same ol same ol... contradictory answers...
We are very reluctant to change the stats for any item in the virtual universe, as such measures would bring instability to the ingame market, which is just plain bad. We are a business and our main priority is to have pleased customers for the long haul. Anything else is just plain stupid.

Various items are more common at various times. All items can be found in PE, at any time.

Well, the frequency of no loots is reduced compared to six months ago. MA has the ambition to reduce it a lot more and with the addition of fragments and similar very-low-TT-value items there are way to balance the economy while giving stuff in loots. So steps has already been taken and will continue to be taken in the future.

The inactive accounts are eventually purged and the items go back to Entropia open market. All this is taken account for in the balancing.

There are certain items that have disappeared completely from the game, or are stuck on old avatars not active anymore. I think it’s a shame that those items will be lost in history (and in some cases, all we have is pictures to know they existed). Not only talking about equipment, but rare clothing-pieces. We all know clothing doesn’t drop anymore so getting it back seems rather hopeless unless you plan to do something about it.
Do MindArk in any way plan for these items to have their "return" on Calypso?
Submitted by Skam
We have no plans to return these items.

there is no such thing as luck.

Flattery will get you everywhere! ,-)

Everything is available for a price.

My guess is Neverdie paid the right price?!? ...
Would this not pull every single person from Calypso if they were to know that every update for a new planet there would need to be this 'rebalancing' of rare items???
Indeed. MA thinks they are rebalancing the loot, but what they are really doing is rebalancing the player base location (between planets). As for the loot balance... well... there's none!
Ah that's nice !! Dropping a shit load of "rare" items for 48h or so, it's giving the opurtunity to less skilled players to get some rare items too.
Are they aware that not everybody plays eveyday... or that the less skiled player on calypso may not have 40 peds for the TP fees and funds for ammo and guns in that 48 hours period? :scratch2:
And i doubt the majority of looted items on that period went to less skilled players.

Absolutely!! And someone mentioned in another thread (I believe it was Narfi) that 'alot of black and whites' were up there running around during this so called 'event'.
To my understandings, it was sort of intentional. They say more or less, we can do it, and if we think it balances things, we'll do it. Which is, after all, understandable from their point of view.

Still I really can't understand how people can connect the words "Entropia Universe" and "Investment" (the only exceptions are estate, IMVVHO), knowing that these things just happen.

Investing in MU items is speculation, high risk and we know in advance that MU is not guaranteed by anyone in any mean.

(Not that I'm bitching anyone, just trying to understand).
Ah that's nice !! Dropping a shit load of "rare" items for 48h or so, it's giving the opurtunity to less skilled players to get some rare items too.
Are they aware that not everybody plays eveyday... or that the less skiled player on calypso may not have 40 peds for the TP fees and funds for ammo and guns in that 48 hours period? :scratch2:
And i doubt the majority of looted items on that period went to less skilled players.

well add to that the fact that nd's digital abduction partner abducted the majority of the es500's and did a ped grab with them before people started actually hearing about it.
I think they know that they've screwed up a bit, but no sane business would admit to it.
This line should be the key:

Anomalies are constantly analyzed and adjusted to maintain the balance.

I think they know that they've screwed up a bit, but no sane business would admit to it.
This line should be the key:

Anomalies are constantly analyzed and adjusted to maintain the balance.


aaaargh, you mean constantly as in every 24h?
Thankyou MA for the respons...though..i haven't got a clue what the heck you guys were trying to tell us. :scratch2:

I will have to wait until Centech comes and clears things up :yay:
Ok so I work really hard trying to earn some peds in the game, spend 6 months grinding and working hard to scrape together 7K peds. I spend prob 10 hours a day grinding a way for those 6 months. Now I have 70K peds invested in the game and have alot of rare bps so alot of that grinding took Large investment to make any kind of profit. I then buy an ES500 for 7K to blow some peds skilling but I wanted to hit 300K skills so I made the investment. Then poof 4 days latter you let 100 times the supply of this scanner loot in 4 hours so all the new players can also get the scanner without working for it?

Really nice balancing there.

Now my question is what percent of the population looted one of these scanners or did a handful of player loot 10-40 scanners each? Also what percent of the players who looted these 10-40 scanners was brand new players and what percent where uber players that were lucky enough and smart enough to react to this situation to go and engorged themselves on loot?

I think this statement is a load of BS, it was horrible balancing, It did not benefit a ton of new players as stated but mostly got looted by a few Inside players and then a few smart ubers.

If yo had let maybe 1 every few weeks loot for a few months maybe doubling the scanner supply that would be perfectly understandable and awesome. It would give everyone an equal opportunity to loot and would bring some nice old school items back into the loot pool. Letting 1000s loot within a short window is just not fair to anyone especially those who deposit and invest money into this game.