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  • Thanks Hon, I really appreciate your intellect in these types of discussions, because it adds constructive value. :)
    Hey mate, how do I get access to the EFD growh fund social club? Thanks in advance.
    Hey Dave - have a great Christmas !

    Maybe we both cannot read. The deal WAS completed with creature, the highest bidder, the winner of the auction. Have a good evening Nihilist
    No, I cannot read... The auction was completed today, by the highest bidder. Thanks
    lol, thx for the rep, "Bad Business Person..." thread. Even if he apologized, I doubt it was sincere...he just got caught with his hand ind in the cookie jar and then tried to turn things around afterwards ;)
    I am a finance student, writing my master thesis about socs in EU. i would like to interview some of the members of this soc.
    I hope that you soc, will help me

    best regards
    miss master thesis
    OoOoOoO I'm not putting it public til closer to the closing date.
    I can't have peeps stealing my shit, dawwgggg !

    But, if you want a sneak peak right now, gimme your YooToob name & promise you won't tell anyone about my movie thingies. :D :ahh:
    I just uploaded my contest movie and realized I used a shot of your shop front and didn't ask.
    I didn't think it would be a big deal being you're my SLC homey - but I tried to ask everyone I used - just somehow you slipped my mind to talk to you before I finalized it. :ahh:
    Let me know if you are completely opposed to it being there and I can take it out. :D
    Hi, how do i join the EFD Growth Fund? If possible?
    Best regards
    Sungam Sun Nosskire
    if your serious I would be happey to meet you ingame. I will be on line tonight. I am ssuming by your reputation here you are not planning on taking the 20 peds and running. Please do this deal only if your serious.
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