News: Introducing TWEN Token

what about sweat gatherers, traders, pilots, colorers, fruit collectors, healers, evaders, dodgers, pvpers, translocators, jammers, sculptors, etc. ? why are they all excluded from TWEN? :(
what about sweat gatherers, traders, pilots, colorers, fruit collectors, healers, evaders, dodgers, pvpers, translocators, jammers, sculptors, etc. ? why are they all excluded from TWEN? :(
sweat farmers*

Let's be real - miners and crafters will see increased markup during TWEN restarted event, which is sort of meaning of "being included". What I am suggesting whole time is for the items for mining and crafting, being looted exclusively trough mining and crafting activities, nobody should be able to loot excavator from the eomon. Would be a better system to introduce mayhem mining tokens, that would be used to get limited mining gear, and why not even UL excavators, finders and vehicles.

For crafters there are a lot of blueprints that are unique, but their title doesn't state they are unique. Those blueprints can be distributed in such events, and it would only make economy more alive.

EDIT: Why not even PvP tokens, for exclusive PvP gear? It's something that already exists in almost every MMO out there. Whatever someone is passionate about, invests their money and time towards it - reward them.
Thats a fair question. And i would really wish to share it with all of them. We all are part of this Metaverse.
All tho TWEN did have little gifts for everyone in form of mask. Which was nice.
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I think both sides are right here. The hunter that says it was allways like that and the crafter who wants some tokens for his contribution.
The crafters are the reason why MU goes up.
The hunters and miners are mostly the reason why it goes down, but keap the crafter busy.
~~ just a side note ~~ The balancing atm is shit ~~

Suggestion for the Token:
Give every profession its own tokens: (Hunting TWEN Token, Crafting TWEN Token, Mining TWEN Token)

Hunter pulls Hunting gear (L) and (UL)
Miners gets Finder, Driller, Amps, maybe also some Protection.
Crafters could get some Gizmo TWEN BPs UL which are able to drop (L) BPs for (L) TWEN guns, armor, tools. Also some (L) BPs for (L) items to be pulled directly.
Some items might need all 3 Tokens.
~~ unlikely to happen now that close to the start of the Event~~

I still dream about better balancing and already gave up to suggest to focus more on (L) which should keap the economy alive. But one day MA will maybe introduce a new mob, that can only be protected with a (L) armor or that takes dmg only from a (L) gun.

~ offtopic ~
Also thought that this survival missions we have on Mayhems should requiere (L) gear. Like you farm Anhi-Mode to get (L) stuff which is the key then to be succefull in survival mode.
I think both sides are right here. The hunter that says it was allways like that and the crafter who wants some tokens for his contribution.
The crafters are the reason why MU goes up.
The hunters and miners are mostly the reason why it goes down, but keap the crafter busy.
~~ just a side note ~~ The balancing atm is shit ~~

Suggestion for the Token:
Give every profession its own tokens: (Hunting TWEN Token, Crafting TWEN Token, Mining TWEN Token)

Hunter pulls Hunting gear (L) and (UL)
Miners gets Finder, Driller, Amps, maybe also some Protection.
Crafters could get some Gizmo TWEN BPs UL which are able to drop (L) BPs for (L) TWEN guns, armor, tools. Also some (L) BPs for (L) items to be pulled directly.
Some items might need all 3 Tokens.
~~ unlikely to happen now that close to the start of the Event~~

I still dream about better balancing and already gave up to suggest to focus more on (L) which should keap the economy alive. But one day MA will maybe introduce a new mob, that can only be protected with a (L) armor or that takes dmg only from a (L) gun.

~ offtopic ~
Also thought that this survival missions we have on Mayhems should requiere (L) gear. Like you farm Anhi-Mode to get (L) stuff which is the key then to be succefull in survival mode.
That... sounds amazing...
Suljes solution points on the same way.
Would be great to have something like that. All tho would require quite some work.
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That... sounds amazing...
Suljes solution points on the same way.
Would be great to have something like that. All tho would require quite some work.
it should never be straight what someone just suggested on the forum, but i am sure they have smart people that can think of something to keep people doing activities they like without damaging other participants.
it should never be straight what someone just suggested on the forum, but i am sure they have smart people that can think of something to keep people doing activities they like without damaging other participants.
Ofc it requires balancing, but imo Skorp did a well organized plan (+PvP tokens you suggested)
If no idea should ever be implemented directly :dunno:, then make it sweat x1.9. Oh, damn, self-defeating.... something else then...... !
Also those who complain about crafting...holy shit. You want to craft and get tokens or what ? Start crafting what got demand in next period : damage enhancers, weapons, faps, just adapt.
Hard disagree.

Any profession that has inputs and TT loss output that gets loot as a mechanic, should have a shot at tokens.

It doesn't make sense that the only viable way in which crafters can participate in TWEN is by crafting items from just 2 categories for slightly higher MU than usual. That makes TWEN virtually meaningless to them.
its just my opinion, as crafter you buy 2-3 bps rest is afk 24/7 and you also help the economy buying mats
anyone who engages in a system that has loot and TT loss should get a shot at TWEN

any other limitation is arbitrary
Choosing professions in EU is totally free. If you pick hunting, crafting or mining, that is your personal choice. Events have always been mainly for hunters in EU.

New event prizes will have to be tiered, and use enhancers, which support mining crafting and hunting again. That is how it works!

Compare it to a F1 competition for example:
- the racecar drivers are the heroes who get the prize money
- the pit crew does all the supporting work
- the part manufacturers sell their stuff to the pit crew
- the factories make the car parts
- the mining companies supply the factories
- ...
This is called a supply chain and economy, and everyone can profit!


Just accept reality and adapt. EU is always evolving. Make your choice and pursue your goal. Everyone in the supply chain is of equal value, but noone is equal. Every person is different, and therefore by definition not equal. One person is not worth more then the other, just different. Since professions are your personal choice in EU, everyone has the same chances to becoming the F1 driver, however, most don't have the dedication to get there.

Without the F1 drivers, the supply chain will fail, and leave everyone unemployed.

If you are complaining about your profession, you are:
- failing to see the opportunity and advantages your profession gives you
- failing to see the hardship of other professions
- exposing your personal weakness in having made a poor decision to take this profession.

For instance: me? I'm a hunter, not the best one, but somewhere between medium and uber I guess. I could envy crafters, who do a run whenever they want, can go afk crafting, and just put their stuff in auction or in their shops. As a hunter, I hunt like 20hours out of 24 during mayhem times! You think I like doing that? No I don't, but it is a choice and a sacrifice I make for being a hunter. I won't envy crafters though, I stick to my choice, because it is my decision. I won't complain about it either.
Complaining is stupid. Does the racecar driver keep whining about his car not being fast enough? No! He finds a better sponsor and upgrades his car. Your future is in your own hands.
Gonna be straight with you. If hunters think they are "F1 Drivers" then it's just self-delusion. You're just pulling the one-armed-bandit in a slightly different way.
I still hunt more than I do anything else, but we are talking TWEN, not Mayhem

Mayhem is obviously a hunter only event, where other professions, as you say, see some minor bump in markup

TWEN is supposed to be an anniversary celebration for the whole game. as such it should include everyone. a few percent of markup is not a TWEN souvenir. it's just a demand markup like mayhem. hardly adequate.
I heard Red cross is recruiting volunteers to help people in need all over the world.I hope to read good stuff about you there.
volunteer work is good for the soul

this is why i donate to sweaters. they give me an hour of their life, i trade them the equivalent of 12 US cents

am i not generous
The discussions herein are amusing to read.

I see a lot of discontent from lower turnover players, when a token system is factually pretty much only to their benefit.

A little tip for those of you who missed FEN and haven't had a chance to try a "similar system" before:
If you do not want to take this opportunity to "invest in your character", and if history is any indication it is a good opportunity to do so (albeit there is a significant difference in the "timing" of this one), here is what you do:
1. Hunt the same way you normally would
2. Enjoy extra markup.

Do NOT, go out of your way to hunt big stuff for tokens (now, this should go without saying at this point). If you want to know why, go read the complaints threads from FEN. A significant portion of those were people who hunted way above their bankroll and was upset with what they got in return.
Do NOT, go out of your way to hunt big stuff for tokens (now, this should go without saying at this point). If you want to know why, go read the complaints threads from FEN. A significant portion of those were people who hunted way above their bankroll and was upset with what they got in return.

Finally a reasoned and intelligent advice.

So many in this thread have spent time disparaging others in this thread , instead of offering actual advice on playing well.
instead of offering actual advice on playing well.
There is actual advice for over 20 years on this forum yet people still sweat to death like never before and then it have you wondering why the waste of valuable information if still people do retarded shit over and over?
There is actual advice for over 20 years on this forum yet people still sweat to death like never before and then it have you wondering why the waste of valuable information if still people do retarded shit over and over?
Hey man, hope you are well. I´d say its because they are .... well u know... people. They do weird shit over and over again no matter what. :)
There is actual advice for over 20 years on this forum yet people still sweat to death like never before and then it have you wondering why the waste of valuable information if still people do retarded shit over and over?
missi you never Wrong about that <3
High on hopium I hope MA thought about balancing the drops by adjusting the TT of the token so there'd be more mob variety instead of min-maxing by mob lvl threshold that has the lowest HP.
And to more diversify where ppl would hunt I hope MA made the tokens planet specific to benefit PP's.

Possible issue:
- Too many trying to camp the META mobs causing KS
- People 24/7'ing the tokens on said META mob and then pulling items from different planet's vendor - no benefit for the PP, only for the planet that has the best mob

But im sure they brainstormed this
So the TWEN vendor on Calypso has TWEN mining gear...
While i am a full time miner and would definitely have loved to see some tokens drop for us and crafter, i think we are kind of sidelining and imp fact here. this is an opportunity for people of all professions to hunt and get their looter lvls up for a lot less loss. If twen items and UR tokens are dropping along with Twen tokens, this is the best time to wipe the dust off your ol hunting gear and start shooting. like someone suggested theres no need to go hunt high lvl creatures outside your bankroll. At this point you are just going to be mitigating losses with the twen UR tokens. The grapes are sour, but does not mean we cant still make some least thats the way i chose to see it.😋