JetStar Alliance adds yet another New Member!


Self-Requested Deactivation
Jun 15, 2005
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It is my pleasure to announce ... that JSA has another new member in its ranks as of the wee hours of the morning this past Saturday, July 28th. He (Buckeye) comes to us from NBK (one of their gazillion socs) ;) ... and has nothing but good to say about them. The "Pimp in Pink" (Pole) who leads the "Engineers" division is one of my special friends (among others), so it's all good. The change was due mostly to time zone differences, as he claims that the majority of his previous soc mates were European-based. We only have one European-based soc member (JackFree) and we love him to death and don't care what time he's able to join us ... we'll accommodate him as much as possible because we enjoy his company and friendship.

So how did Buckeye end up with JSA ... sometime ago, he ran into "BlackRain" ... our soc mate's original avatar before he retired it (who now uses BlackReign). They enjoyed some hunting and hit it off as friends. Not that long ago, Buckeye ran into Blood Moon (Moonie), another soc mate, and had a nice long chat ingame. He said he had learned a lot about JSA from the forum and how we love to have fun ingame. He expressed his interest, which Moonie shared with me being that we were on Skype at the time. I said that I didn't know him well at all, but we could talk more about the situation.

Next day ... I received a nice PM at the forum from Buckeye, and was very impressed with how he presented himself. I wrote back and extended an invitation to join JSA and friends whenever we went out on a hunt to see how things work and whether we would be comfortable with each other. He accepted the invitation, and on Wednesday, July 25th, a team of us ended up South of Ithaca in a major troxie hunt.

Buckeye seemed to acclimate quite easily ... he fit in very nicely with our hunting style, and exhibited a caring toward other teammates by looking out for them, and fapping as a helpful gesture. However, if you know anything about JSA, you know that we like to test (or surprise) friends and potential soc mates with a little mob-herding JSA-style, so this was a perfect opportunity to see how he handled himself in the midst of chaos ...


I'm pleased to say, that he did extremely well, and hung in there like a champion. Our good friend "Slapnuts" had joined us, and he too knows how to kick it up a notch for sure. My dear Slappy, we are making you an honorary JSA nutbar, because you surely rose to the occasion. We also invited a new friend from Sakura (Cee) who was less skilled, but did quite well holding her own during the craziness. We all kept a watch in case we had to move in to help, and later on when she was out of ammo, she offered to fap ... now that's a great friend, thanks Cee. Ok, so who was the "restless soul" showing on the team list ... unfortunately, it was our sweet soc Bunny, but he's a trooper and came back for more.

Anyway ... it was late Friday night the 27th when Moonie, Jet and I were in a Skype conversation with Buckeye for quite some time exploring more what JSA was about, as well as what Buckeye's needs were. Zar (aka rwin at EF) signed out for the night and missed the conversation, but after the inquisition and information-sharing, the four of us got ingame and we did the deed, which is gather around the soc terminal in the Sakura Trade Center and make Buckeye an official JSA soc member.

First ... there was the customary fireworks from our soc pyromaniac (Moonie), and a champagne shower by yours truly, as well as a grenade launch by Jet to test avi durability ...


Second ... we needed to check out his dance skills prior to advancing him another rank in the soc ...


Third ... after a nice display of footwork, he was promoted to the next rank by our Leader Jet, and unfortunately, it was well into the morning hours and we were all too pooped to do a celebratory dance as a welcome ...


Fourth ... our new soc mate totally surprised us yesterday when he bid on the entire first floor of the CND Beta East apt complex. When I found out who he was bidding against, I initially cringed ... my good friend Lykke ... because I'm sure she and the Priest had things in mind for it, but ... as the auction drew close to the end, I hung in there with Buckeye to see how it would play out. However, given that the auction ended at midnight MA time, I had a feeling that Lykke and the Priest would probably be sleeping, or something like that ;) ... and perhaps not get back in the forum.

The last moments were tense, because even though Lykke wasn't in the forum, you never know about sleepers who come in at the last chance possible to sweep it away. Finally, with two minutes to spare (or close), Buckeye makes his last bid, 100 ped above Lykke's last bid. I think we were holding our breath, and were surely watching to see who popped into the thread. At the stroke of midnight MA time, there were no more bids, and it was official that Buckeye had won the auction.

Fifth ... *took it off the pantry shelf because I think we needed it* ... what I find more amazing, is Buckeye's motivation for purchasing the entire floor of apts ... it was with JSA in mind, and re-establishing our presence at CND with some projects that will be announced in the future, but under wraps for now. I joined Buckeye ingame, and it wasn't long that I saw ND sign in. I sent him a PM and told him that Buckeye was infact "Realityczecho" at the forum, a JSA soc mate, and the person who just won the apt auction, and was ingame already at CND in the Control Room (he caught a quick flight as a last passenger). I caught a VIP flight and joined Buckeye and ND in the Control Room to witness their final exchanges. ND said that he was sure that I would be able to guide Buckeye to the apt location, and with that, we left and Buckeye claimed his new estates.

Congratulations again Buckeye ... not only for becoming our newest soc member, but also for your apt acquisition ... ok, floor! :laugh: We're looking forward to sharing a lot of great and kick-ass times with you for sure.

Now let's rock ON with our fun selves! :wtg:

Gratz on the new family member JSA. See ya round Sakura, and I guess now CND, too! :)
Very nice article Mindstar, Gratz on your latest member! Buckeye is by far my favorite NBK Rig Rat and is a helluva guy to boot. I dont understand why you guys sicced him on those poor defensless troxies tho. The poor dumb beasts surely couldnt have done anything to deserve that!!!

And Buck, when do we all get to see your new digs?

Blackjack :cowboy:
Gratz on your new member, MS9 :)

And no worries about the auction. We were asleep, yes, it was 2 in the night here and we had to get up to work around 6... !

We look forward to seeing you up there - if you get tired of the first floor, you are always welcome to visit us on the Penthouse floor 16 (Beta East .. same building, no?) :D

Welcome to JSA Buckeye, and congratulations on your aquisition! I enjoyed our little chat yesterday and look forward to meeting you in "person".

cheers :beerchug:
Well Buckeye congratulations indeed!!! :yay::yay::yay:

I had the honour of being accepted as a noobie guest to the wildest hunt I've ever been to. The troxie herding placed you among dozens of troxies with several alphas and that was quite a rush!! (Still amazed I didn't die even once but that was because of the great caretaking by this mad gang, the proof is that I relogged in the middle of the spawn the following day and didn't last tenths of a second :eek:) Thanks specially to you Buckeye, you were one of my bigger fappers!

But the fact that everyone was in for the fun was what made me stay till 5AM my time. I sure had a great time.

Now this is a bunch that really knows how to have fun as a team!! Hope I'll be able to join you guys some other day:)
Gratz on your new member, MS9 :)

And no worries about the auction. We were asleep, yes, it was 2 in the night here and we had to get up to work around 6... !

We look forward to seeing you up there - if you get tired of the first floor, you are always welcome to visit us on the Penthouse floor 16 (Beta East .. same building, no?)


Thank you my dear ... and yes, JSA will be holding down ground zero (ok, 1st floor) while you and Peter and the CoL clan are holding up the top floor. I would say that between JSA and CoL, we pretty much have the Beta East tower in our capable hands. I have a feeling that the combined efforts of JSA and CoL at CND are going to be quite a presence. Perhaps time to "Git Jiggy Wit It" again? And congratulations on acquiring your floor as well! Catch you in the corridors or secret passageways. :silly2:

Well Buckeye congratulations indeed!!! :yay::yay:

I had the honour of being accepted as a noobie guest to the wildest hunt I've ever been to. The troxie herding placed you among dozens of troxies with several alphas and that was quite a rush!! (Still amazed I didn't die even once but that was because of the great caretaking by this mad gang, the proof is that I relogged in the middle of the spawn the following day and didn't last tenths of a second :eek:) Thanks specially to you Buckeye, you were one of my bigger fappers!

But the fact that everyone was in for the fun was what made me stay till 5AM my time. I sure had a great time.

Now this is a bunch that really knows how to have fun as a team!! Hope I'll be able to join you guys some other day:)

Thank you for your nice post Cee ... and of COURSE you are invited to join our crazy-ass adventures. You were indeed a pleasure to have along, so just look for us in the Sakura Trade Center and check if we're up to anything. Also, let's make sure to FL this time to make it easier to connect ingame, because I'm not sure if we did that or not last time.

Yes, if there's anything JSA knows how to do, it's have a great time in EU. We like to let loose and not sweat the small stuff (I did not just say that). We usually don't engage in sweating unless Moonie hits the wrong quick bar button and we hear beating drums as a result, so he'll complete the process to stop it. Sometimes we might engage in it just for the fun of it outside of Troy where we terrorize the Exos and Daks. We like to mob-herd a lot of them, and then run them around in circles. I'm surprised the terrain hasn't changed. Perhaps one of these days you'll see JSA crop circles somewhere. :laugh:

See you around Sakura!
