Arm, please let's start witn Correct Wording. ROI = RETURN on investment
To calculate ROI, the benefit (or return) of an investment is divided by the cost of the investment. The result is expressed as a percentage or a
in this case the ROI formula is (LOOTVALUE - PED PURCHASED)) / PED PURCHASED
so i go back to my message (avatar skioll value + equip market value + storage + ped card - pedpurchased) / Ped purchased is the ROI
the statement 98% of ped are returned in the form of loot (Statistical average,, i accept it as true, for some reason that i discussed in other threads)
here comes second statement: You can not beat game (it is EVIDENT that there is a HARD CAP of return at 99% that means as you convert you go max to 99.99
and probabaly to allow MA to pay for development, servers and staff the cap is 98.5 AVERAGE
i kill 1 to 3 ped mobs and loot randomizer give me a good one every 200 to 300 in the form of a 30 to 90x multiplier..... statistics
Sorry Messi but you posted a Despletor rank 25 codex .... each of those is 26 PED..... the whale takes 20x my risk of a bad loot string
and statistically NOT every 200 to 300 ped he gets a fat loot... he gets every 5000 to 7500 ped cycled.
if i ask him "messi hos is average loot on 25 ped mobs? I AM SURE THAT THE ANSWER IS "A delusionary 13 ped for most of them".... same as my 45 pec per argo
i have small esperience in mining but i usually tell mates when the wave starts and the collected heaps of belkar and alternative that have good markup.
when u will sue MA, please use correct words

apart jokes i am experiencing a ROI of about 1% per year that is my formula above is over PED paid. ...... it is a VALUATION, not a market value.
if i am not miustaken MA will in case of closing the game return the TT value of all..... MU is player perception
i am sure they have very good lawyer and a White Paper on loot system ready to be disclosed to a court that will make your requests rejected
if ou say my ROI is 5% intending i lost 95% of my ped card..... that is UNEXPLAINABLE to me if not with martingale factor
each cycle you loose average 2%... iif you play a costly way in term of risk and your returns are 10% loss per cycle
then your martingale is 100*0.9=90%*0.9=81*0.9=72.9*0.9=65.61*0.9 =59.04
in 5 rounds you lost 40%..... that is not clear maybe in the 98% loot to ped ratio but someone has 90%... and it leads to ruin... according to rules
and according to contract
read carefully Messi statements... between lines there are very useful informations.... hidden in full light
When the Guro points finger to the moon.. wise man look in the sky.. someone look at the finger.