Major tier upgrade process

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
I hope to shed some light into the UnL-item Tier upgrade process introduced in VU10.6, as it is currently under speculation.

Let me start with that I have received information from MindArk that there is currently a bug present which blocks the skill and profession associated with the action of upgrading UnL-items. It will be fixed in a mini-update next week.

Please view the Tier Upgrade User Interface. When attempting to upgrade an unlimited item to the next major tier, a profession check is made against the Tier Upgrader profession. If the check is within the Success Rate percentage range the item is upgraded to the next major tier. The Secondary item (the copy of the upgraded item) is salvaged fully (meaning you get to keep the item). The rest of the ingredients are consumed. A percentage of the TT value of the consumed ingredients is added to the TT value of the upgraded item and any excess is returned as residue.

If the check is over the Success Rate percentage but within the Salvage Rate percentage range the item is not upgraded to the next major tier. The Secondary item is salvaged (you keep the item). The rest of the ingredients are consumed. A percentage of the TT value of the consumed ingredients is returned as residue.

If the check is over the Salvage Rate percentage the item is not upgraded to the next major tier. The Secondary item and the rest of the ingredients are consumed. A percentage of the TT value of the consumed ingredients is returned as residue.

Originally posted on Entropia Gateway
Another fail?

Posted via Mobile Device
Wow this is exactly what I was thinking could be introduced :)

Very good initiative! However I still think people with really rare stuff should be able to uptier!!!
Does this mean that it is possible for an "upgrader" to get to the point where a secondary item would have a 100% chance of being salvaged even on a failed combine? Glad to see a success will return the secondary item.
still a bit confusing, can you exactly explain what needs to happen to not loose the secondary item? What is this check thing? A check mark? A program check?

Would be nice to have clean concise answer with pictures maybe? so no one has to risk loosing a fortune to tier up.
I am still confused after reading this. not sure how to tell what the COS will be
still a bit confusing, can you exactly explain what needs to happen to not loose the secondary item? What is this check thing? A check mark? A program check?

Would be nice to have clean concise answer with pictures maybe? so no one has to risk loosing a fortune to tier up.

pls read :
Let me start with that I have received information from MindArk that there is currently a bug present which blocks the skill and profession associated with the action of upgrading UnL-items. It will be fixed in a mini-update next week.

in another way : skill on cheap UL items to raise ur chance to be more succesful when upgrading
If the check is over the Salvage Rate percentage the item is not upgraded to the next major tier. The Secondary item and the rest of the ingredients are consumed. A percentage of the TT value of the consumed ingredients is returned as residue.

Originally posted on Entropia Gateway

oh cool so you can loose a MM or Mod fap if your drunk while playing! lol

there should be a warning if the second item could be lost
When attempting to upgrade an unlimited item to the next major tier, a profession check is made against the Tier Upgrader profession.

If the check is within the Success Rate percentage range the item is upgraded to the next major tier. The Secondary item (the copy of the upgraded item) is salvaged fully (meaning you get to keep the item). The rest of the ingredients are consumed. A percentage of the TT value of the consumed ingredients is added to the TT value of the upgraded item and any excess is returned as residue.

This sounds like great news for UL item owners. There is a possible way to upgrade our UL items at a 100% success rate being able to keep the 2nd UL item. :yay:

But it all depends on your skill level and profession level to see what range of success you are in for this to work.

So in other words, Skills Matter :wtg:

I hope I interpreted this correctly.

Thanks Marco for getting to the bottom of this situation.
Thanks Marco for getting to the bottom of this situation.

I think it's less of "getting to the bottom of the situation" and more "how to fix an ill conceived idea".

It's clear that the Tiers were never intended for UL items. A "bug" that "blocked" the Tier Upgrader profession? Complete BS.

They caved to the community and decided to let ubers upgrade their UL weapons with less risk.
The way I see it, for each weapon to upgrade to a certain tier level, it requires a certain profession level to successfully upgrade it and not loose the second item. Maybe it's like a 10 level increase for each tier level. I wonder if lvl 10 tiers require something like 90-100 in that new profession with at least 95 to be successfully every time.

This system actually sounds interesting.
But you still need a secondary item?!. Which imo is kinda retarded cuz there is unique items out there.. Aswell as semi-unique.

As far as i know there is only two imk3's ingame, i own one and that scammer has the other.. in other words there is no chance for me to tier my gun.

I was really looking forward to a good solution to this, but guess i was wrong in thinking it could be solved..

So now there will be skilled Tier Upgraders standing at Twin, advertizing: "Hand me two MMs and I'll upgrade them for you."

MA has revived the old armor upgrade scam :eek:
fcvuk me bertha stays up late! :D

in other words there is no chance for me to tier my gun.

MA says they have some other things in the system that hasn't been found yet. Even unique items will be upgradable.
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But you still need a secondary item?!. Which imo is kinda retarded cuz there is unique items out there.. Aswell as semi-unique.

As far as i know there is only two imk3's ingame, i own one and that scammer has the other.. in other words there is no chance for me to tier my gun.

I was really looking forward to a good solution to this, but guess i was wrong in thinking it could be solved..


And then there's the AMM, Mod DAR, etc ;)
And unless you can use an opposite gender carramone part to upgrade your carramone part, that doesn't quite work either.
do many late-night crisis meetings much?

No doubt it was decided before work ended and he decided to post it when he got home. Then after he walked the dog, had dinner...groped the girlfriend, well...that led to other stuff...he fell asleep...then woke up at 3:00 am and said...whoops!! :D

I can relate. :laugh: :wtg:
wazzahuuuza fooo?

I wanna think that I know what he is talking about.
I heard something about the 2nd item is returned. I'm gonna focus on that part cause it sounds good. The rest was very confusing.
I also hear something they have will be fixed.. so that is good
I dunno, but thanks for the update and the upcoming fix.
In the mean time i'll just collect the ingredients
MA says they have some other things in the system that hasn't been found yet. Even unique items will be upgradable.

Get some sleep, I'm sure there's a lot of work to do. :)
oh good, a bug, not a feature. hilarious. blame a bug. that's tight.
Get some sleep, I'm sure there's a lot of work to do. :)
He's right y'know I said this earlier, go to bed, or get sme girls in or something! :yay:.......Or both ;)


I think it's less of "getting to the bottom of the situation" and more "how to fix an ill conceived idea".

It's clear that the Tiers were never intended for UL items. A "bug" that "blocked" the Tier Upgrader profession? Complete BS.

They caved to the community and decided to let ubers upgrade their UL weapons with less risk.

:) you got it :p
MA says they have some other things in the system that hasn't been found yet. Even unique items will be upgradable.

why is there no one from MA here to talk to us? only FPC people? wouldn't it be better to talk to them directly?

Wondering as well how I will upgrade an UL HL12 that appears to be the only one in game...

And as well if we will know what we will be getting out of the upgraded gun to know if its even worth the trouble!

MA says they have some other things in the system that hasn't been found yet. Even unique items will be upgradable.

woot....well this is definatly good news...
and maybe ill find my first item! that would be cool