Mining with profit : Monthly results

Leeloo Miner

Jan 5, 2020
Hello all

I have decided to make an mining overview of all the months with links.

For now I will only mine on Caly and Ark and a bit on NI but untaxed only.
I might do RT later, partly, because there are also a lot of mobs here.
I'm mostly mining for enmatter for now, stocking on several planets isn't cheap.

Where I won't mine and why (so far) :
I'm currently skipping Cyrene and Toulan, too many mobs to mine.
FOMA + Ark Underground is indoor + taxed.
Ark Moon is taxed and you can mine the same without taxing on Ark itself.
Monria also has too many mobs + indoor : UPDATED since Monria isn't taxed.
You cannot mine on CP.

Just a word of explanation about the table.
Cost : self-explanatory, these are all costs meaning all probes, decay, MU
TT return: is what I get back in TT and the % behind it how much profit/loss you make based on TT in %
Sales return : since I work with a fixed profit %, I can calculate exactly how much I have after sales.
% after sales return : represents how much % after sales you have compared to the costs.
TT needed : is the minimum TT return I need to make a profit after sale.

And finally how much I spent on probes per day:
The TT return, the sales return and the profit, all calculated per day.
As you can see what I use per day on probes is very low and the time I spend... maybe 1-2 hours mining per day so far.

For each server I will mine on, I create a separate Excel file, which I put in a separate thread and these are linked (working on it)
In this thread you can see what I find there with any finder + the average results of all finders I use.
Currently I use every finder I have from MD-10 to TM5

I do runs of 100 ped for ores and 50 ped for enm.
If mining is good, I do several runs / day, If mining is bad, I only do 1 run.
I don't use amps or pre-amped, they just give more fillers.
I don't use pets.
I only go for single drops, so never dual/triple.

I started this table on September 1ste, so 4 months of mining and you can clearly see how stable it is.
On some servers I always make a profit, even just with TT. On other servers I never make a profit with TT alone.

Skills are just there so you can use a deeper finder, that's it...
And deeper mining does not mean more profit!!!
I think I have already proven that you can make a profit with any finder.

How MA works, with which parameters, algorithms ... no one knows, except themselves, but you can observe a lot yourself and respond to that.

You can expect new results after every month.

First results...COMING SOON
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First of all Happy New Year everyone and let it be a perfect mining year.

Second I want to thank all of you that have been encouraging me to keep doing what I'm doing, some have adjusted their mining style and are now also making a profit.

And 3rd I also want to thank all those buyers cause I couldn't have done this without you.

Here are the results of 4 months of mining in 2023 from September 1 to December 31 with as many different finders as possible.
I would like to point out again that the results with each finder give approximately the same outcome, but sometimes you get different resources.
You can find all this by following the links for each zone separately.
I haven't made a separate thread for some of them yet because I'm still collecting data.
With this I want to show that you should not calculate with TT alone, but also with TT +% which can make a huge difference depending on what you mine

These 4 months are mainly Caly and already a bit of ARK.
As soon as I have enough data, I will post it in a separate thread.
The start of mining treasures on Ark has also been initiated.

Last weekend I also made a trip to NI to do the first tests there.
Here too it is fun to test what is where and how deep.
As soon as I have more results available, I will post this again.
On NI I go for ores first.

Am I satisfied with these results after 4 months?
Certainly, there is still room to expand and above all, with any finder and with any amount of skills you can make a profit.

All results do not include the sale of boxes, fruits, stones, dung and artifacts.

Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L without expensive purchases
Extractor(s) : Exhumer MK1 (UNL) + Demonic MK1 (L)
Refiner : Refiner B1 (UNL)
All mined UN-amped

Cost (all decay/MU included) 21153,97 Ped
Netto TT return 20996,55 Ped : 99,26%
After sales net (so with % and minus fee) 23880,70 : 112,89%
Profit/Loss so far : 2726,73 Ped
Profit / day : 22,35 Ped

CostTT%SalesSales + %TT
LA 5Enm381,23403,57105,86%438,58115,04%86,92%
LA 63Ore3184,763093,3497,13%3322,59104,33%95,85%
Next Island
Zone 1Ore313,12298,3795,29%300,7296,04%
20232023DaysPed spend/dayTT return/daySales returnProfit/day
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2024 Januari

January is one of the months that I would like to label as bad mining.
This is a recurring phenomenon.

The only positive thing is that this month was, and still is, very important to sell your stock at a good/better or high price.

I even found oil or melchi much less so that even that stock sold well.

For those reasons I have been mining much less this month as well as to minimize loss and as you can see I have not even been to other planets.
Normally, if mining is normal to good, I do several runs / day, but now, with results like this, I have done a maximum of 1 small run per day and have not even been mining for several days.

My monthly goal so far is 500 ped profit / month but I haven't even achieved that.

Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L without expensive purchases
Extractor(s) : 2x [Rookie Rock Ripper] - 1x [Exhumer Mk1]
Refiner : [Imperium Resource Refiner B1]
No amps at all

Cost (all decay/MU included) 3386,10 Ped
Netto TT return 3268,48 Ped : 96,53%
After sales net (so with % and minus fee) 3688,50 Ped : 108,93%
Profit/Loss so far : 302,40 Ped
Profit / day : 9,75 Ped
CostTT%Sales Sales + %TT
LA 5Enm778,94835,77107,30%930,44119,45%83,72%
LA 63Ore
Next Island
Zone 1Ore
2024DaysPed spend/dayTT return/daySales returnProfit/day
This month I'll keep it simple

Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L (range MD-10 up to TM5) without expensive purchases (max 125% MU)
Extractor(s) : 3x [Rookie Rock Ripper] - 1x [Exhumer Mk1]
Refiner : [Imperium Resource Refiner B1]

No amps or pre-amped finders where used for minimum fillers and maximum decent MU resources.

So far jan-feb 2024 :

TT return 101,43% and after sales 114,52%
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Another month has passed and what a mining month !!!

Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L (range MD-10 up to TM5) without expensive purchases (max 125% MU)
Extractor(s) : 3x [Rookie Rock Ripper] - 1x [Exhumer Mk1]
Refiner : [Imperium Resource Refiner B1]

No amps/depth enhancers or pre-amped finders where used for minimum fillers and maximum decent MU resources.

So far, after 3 months mining in jan-march 2024 :

TT return 106,22% and after sales 118,57%

I had many globals and even scored a hof with the MD-10 !!!
Another month has passed and what a mining month !!!

Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L (range MD-10 up to TM5) without expensive purchases (max 125% MU)
Extractor(s) : 3x [Rookie Rock Ripper] - 1x [Exhumer Mk1]
Refiner : [Imperium Resource Refiner B1]

No amps/depth enhancers or pre-amped finders where used for minimum fillers and maximum decent MU resources.

So far, after 3 months mining in jan-march 2024 :

TT return 106,22% and after sales 118,57%

I had many globals and even scored a hof with the MD-10 !!!
100 ped turnover?
Point still stands though. This information is near useless without at least a ballpark of TT cycled.
Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L (range MD-10 up to TM5) without expensive purchases (max 125% MU)
Extractor(s) : 3x [Rookie Rock Ripper] - 1x [Exhumer Mk1]
Refiner : [Imperium Resource Refiner B1]
No amps/depth enhancers or pre-amped finders where used for minimum fillers and maximum decent MU resources.
If you assume ~8 hours avg per day max, it's not hard to drive yourself to the ballpark you are looking for.

But let's say it's half that, or maybe twice that. Which of those 3 scenarios do the numbers suddenly no longer matter?
Mining is incredibly simple. Put as many probes in the ground as you can as fast as possible. If you are not satisfied with the results on your 2nd or 3rd probe, pack it in and try another day... Dynamic system yea !!!
A lot has changed!!!

First of all I decided to start withdraws, but on a 2-monthly base cause I still want to grow ingame and start stockpiling on other planets.

Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L (range MD-10 up to TM5) without expensive purchases (max 125% MU)
and another change ... I'm also using some more MU expensive Ziplex TK-finders (max 150% MU) so 24 different finders now
Extractor(s) : 3x [Rookie Rock Ripper] - 1x [Exhumer Mk1]
Refiner : [Imperium Resource Refiner B1]

No amps/pre-amped finders where used for minimum fillers and maximum decent MU resources. BUT I started to use depth enhancers for certain ores as a test.

I keep doing the same spot over and over again after testing and setting a goal of what I want to mine :
Availability - Finder testing - Analizing - Determing sales prices
All this gives me the following results :

So far, after 4 months mining in jan-april 2024 :

TT return 111,54% and after sales 122,48%

TT return 102,55% and after sales 105,96%
On NI, I only tested the same area for 1 week now.
Are you still doing 3k ped a month or have you increased that?

So latest results based on around 12k only I guess?

Either way looking good and profit is profit so gz!
Thank you

First I do more than 3K cycling / month, that was for testing finders only and show results.

Second, as I tested ... doing 100 ped or 500 ped (or more) / day gives me about the same results in the end.

Cycling ... even when I'm possitive in TT return (so over 100%) I'm getting globals/hofs so those are extra's and not needed to plug a well.
Because I wanted to test and compare something deeper but with such a high MU I'm obviously not going to use it everywhere. It really depends on what's in the ground

Once I know approximately what is in the return, I analyze it and only use those finders that give me what I want.
The return % will increase, rest assured.
Leeloo said it was taxed
doesnt matter if she does indoor or not
Another month has passed and what a month it was !!!

And then I'm talking about the resource event... which in my opinion was extremely good for miners, even better than a mining event.
Especially for miners like myself, who stock to sell at the highest %, this was a dream come true so thank you MA :)
Let's hope this happens more often.

Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L (range MD-10 up to TM6) without expensive purchases
And another change ... I'm also using the TM6
Extractor(s) : 3x [Rookie Rock Ripper] - 1x [Exhumer Mk1]
Refiner : [Imperium Resource Refiner B1]
As always, no amps/depth enh/pets where used.

Time for the results now.

First of all, a word of explanation about the results of ores on Caly ...
After I announced my results from last month, which were very positive, I had a hof 2 days later.
This time with the F-103, a claim 20 (massive) 1022 ped.
The globals continued to come in the following days/weeks.
So here is yet another proof that you don't have to lose first and then win back.
Without amps these are bonuses, so this explains my high TT return for this month


Ores : TT return 119,39% - After sales 131,24%
Enmatters (still in testing mode) : TT return 94,14% - After sales 98,25%


Ores : TT return 99,58% - After sales 114,46%
Enmatters : (still in testing mode) : TT return 84,69% - After sales 105,48%

Next Island :
Ores (still in testing mode) : TT return 99,57% - After sales 105,92%

Ores and enm : TT return 108,84% - After sales 121,10%

EDIT : forgot to mention if you are mining for GOLD you need minimum or higher :
F-105 : TT-decay 0,0205 ped - depth 522,40
F-212 : TT decay 0,0134 ped - depth 592

So far the ziplex 20 did NOT gave me any gold : TT decay 0,01456 - depth 552,30
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Mining in Juni

Summery from my (cheap) gear that is available to everyone.
Any finder UNL and L (range MD-10 up to TM6) without expensive purchases
And another change ... NOT using TM1 anotmore
Extractor(s) : 3x [Rookie Rock Ripper] - 1x [Exhumer Mk1]
Refiner : [Imperium Resource Refiner B1]
As always, no amps/depth enh/pets where used.

Time for the results now.


Ores : TT return 108,53% - After sales 120,39%
Enmatters : TT return 99,11% - After sales 109,98%

Ore mining on Caly was mainly done with shallow finders because I was focussing mainly on copper and zinc.
Both of these area's contain Azzurdite, something you do NOT want to hit.
Mining with finders MD-10 up to Ziplex 10 (depth 204 up to 403)


Ores : TT return 102,52% - After sales 116,06%
Enmatters (still in test-mode) : TT return 84,69% - After sales 105,32%

On ark I only went to mine vesp and erdo.
Erdo can be mined with any finder, but I needed to go deep for the vesp so mined with finders F-213 up to TM 6 (depth 631,8 up to 885,60 and deeper)
Not the return I expected but for a week there was a lack of lyst, after the lyst booming weekend.

Next Island :

Ores : TT return 98,27 - After sales 105,02%

On NI I went for platinum and quantum.
Both can only be found a bit deeper, starting with the Ziplex 25 up to TM 6 (depth 626,9 up to 885,60 and deeper)
Not the return I expected but there was a lack of iron.
can you shed light on your skills levels? I am using f-101 and always gets 60% or lower tt returns. I just unlocked ground assesment.
what tool you use with new UI to track tt returns?
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can you shed light on your skills levels? I am using f-101 and always gets 60% or lower tt returns. I just unlocked ground assesment.
what tool you use with new UI to track tt returns?
Skills only matter to max out finder, apart from that mining skills have no use
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can you shed light on your skills levels? I am using f-101 and always gets 60% or lower tt returns. I just unlocked ground assesment.
what tool you use with new UI to track tt returns?

As Superkanjo said, skills do not mather as long as you maxed the finder.

Any finder UNL and L (range MD-10 up to TM6) so I'm using around 25 dif finders and I NEVER double/triple drop nor do I use amps/pre-amped.

I used a self made excell file, as simple as that.
I do not look for patterns. I do not look for waves.
Skills only matter to max out finder, apart from that mining skills have no use
This is incorrect, I am using skills to find claims...

As can be seen on this forum there are a lot of opinions on exactly how to mine. Myself for example have moved on from a simple Excel spreadsheet to a semi complex semi ai generated python script that I am continuously improving.
This is incorrect, I am using skills to find claims...

As can be seen on this forum there are a lot of opinions on exactly how to mine. Myself for example have moved on from a simple Excel spreadsheet to a semi complex semi ai generated python script that I am continuously improving.
and im pretty sure your returns arent gonna be better. so i wonder who knows more