Name that Asteroid and win 5000 peds!!!

Last time I checked the porn industry was a multi billion dollar market.
You want to make it sound appealing to the crowd?

Call it:
Club XXX
More realistic:

Club Gamble
The Fame and Voyage Resort
Club Fame and Voyage
Club Mammoth.

Mammoth Rock

Mammoth Inc

Refers ofc to the potensial of a ATH over 100k :eyecrazy:
Acheron Asteroid Resort
The Diamond Jumpgate
The Space Island
MoonShine City
The Multi-Sunshine Gate
Land of the many names! ;)
Calypsian Orbital District (COD)
Big Bang (District-Oasi-Asteroid...)
Club LastHope or
Club LASTHOPE which is not much difference, just like it is Club NEVERDIE in game.

Invitable, isn't it ;)
Interplanetary Space Station (ISS) Like the International Space Station (ISS)
FOMA - First Orbital Mining Asteroid

Calypso Orbiting Leisure Organization Service Station