One Sad Story

We must not give up and continue to bring this thread up. And definitely mention the full name of the guy who did this. You don't have the private_chat.log to find it?!
i loged almost after a year, reinstalled system and game. all was new for me after the i didnt do the enable personal chat log in menu...
It won't help, it will be simply moderated/removed as my previous post and few other posts in this thread, since we mentioned someone's name and accused him of illegal activities, like alt creation, which was against the rules of this forum.

Rules of the game are clear here, it was a P2P trade, where both parties confirmed the trade.

Being dishonest scamming little piece of shit is not a crime in this game (general comment not pointed towards anyone), but maybe karma will find him one day, or she won't, we will never know, same as we will never see his name in-game.

OP can and I think he already did file a support case to ask MA to check the situation for possible violations on that players side, so we can only wish him good luck and put pitchforks and torches back to the shed as there is no witch hunt happening today.
Can't remember part of his full name?
Can't remember part of his full name?
We know the whole name but Ludvic blocked it due to forum rules.
If kubanec takes it to the police then karma will be given a helping hand. It won't matter if he had chat log active or not MA can then make this right.
Have we had a recent case where a $700 ($15.6 according to tt) virtual item has been reported to the police and Mindark has helped with the case? Or even the police giving a shit?

Cause here in the U.S the police will laugh, say fuck off, then eat a donut I assume.

And if cops do that was thousands and thousands of dollars worth of a vehicle. Where they know it's exact location with an air tag and they don't do shit, idk why they would with a $15 virtual item.

Once again, at least in the U.S
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Can't remember part of his full name?
yes i remember whole name,also nick of the guy who helped him with the selling...both names were removed by administrator, cuz rules of the forum. If u want to know just beep me in game.
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I don't agree with these rules but someone gave me the name by private message. :)
I really hope somehow you manage to get it back. Mistakes are easy to make and we all make them. Personally, I could not enjoy an item or the PED gained from it at somebody else's expense for which they were hurting, but not everyone has empathy or a good conscience. As I say, really hope somehow this works out for you.
I really hope somehow you manage to get it back. Mistakes are easy to make and we all make them. Personally, I could not enjoy an item or the PED gained from it at somebody else's expense for which they were hurting, but not everyone has empathy or a good conscience. As I say, really hope somehow this works out for you.
thx bro...i like the community in always fair to others, who knows me, then know what im talking about...but unfortunatelly not everyone have the same mindset. Thats life
There's no need to rely on Mindark-made regulators, because we know that they can turn a blind eye or an ear for reasons that defy common sense and fairness.
They still haven't understood that their role is to put in place measures that safeguard their main asset, us, by chasing down bad behavior.

Letting the wolves and hyenas do their business as if it had no impact on resentment and the risks of losing their victims as a loyal player base, this is totally destructive; injustice is poison, trust is paramount.
But I'm not surprised by Mindark's ability to always brush it off, because we could make an endless list of all the times we've been the victim of errors, bugs, unprofessionalism on their part, without them ever seeking to make amends through compensation; at most a vague repeated message 'we apologize for the inconvenience'.

I still believe that, without naming names, we have to go through the corridor of the big players who populate this game; they have weight, play in weighty companies and have, in fact, like a council of wise men; the duty and the interest, to bring this weight into play, by coming into contact in numbers, with these players and the managing members of their companies, if they are not freelancers.

I invite the big names, whom I read carefully on this and other threads, who have an enlightened voice and legitimacy, to do what's necessary to get in touch with those primarily responsible and those who may be in charge.

having great skills, great stuff, great companies gives you a moral obligation to act in this kind of situation.
No, you won't gain 1 extra hp, but you will gain respectability.
We know the whole name but Ludvic blocked it due to forum rules.

Have we had a recent case where a $700 ($15.6 according to tt) virtual item has been reported to the police and Mindark has helped with the case? Or even the police giving a shit?

Cause here in the U.S the police will laugh, say fuck off, then eat a donut I assume.

And if cops do that was thousands and thousands of dollars worth of a vehicle. Where they know it's exact location with an air tag and they don't do shit, idk why they would with a $15 virtual item.

Once again, at least in the U.S
Well we live in Europe. Dunno how it works in Sweden, but here any scam, stolen goods in shop, whatever over 400 USD is crime and you can go to jail for it in our country. It is super rare for those kind of money, but we have those laws. We are in same European Union as MA is in btw. But yes, sums can be different in Sweden. But Cubanec should start case in Czech Republic as Czech citizen and one more time, here IT IS CRIME.
And with all the respect, police here will not laugh to you. Maybe after you leave police station, but who cares? Please don´t discurage victims, that´s not cool at all ! If you GF or wife got !!!!! it´s her fault because of that short skirt she wore? A bit extreme example, but I don´t think so at all.

As I stated here in my previous post, they helped me multiple time with stupid Magic cards worth few hundreds bucks, that is basically piece of paper for about 1 cent in your eyes I guess. But it´s worth money, there´s some market with them so they can evaluate them and so on. FAP is digital asset btw. So they will start case, it´s not about if they want or not. They simply have to, it´s what´s part of their job. Worst part of that was that shame going to police about stupid Magic. In the end it wasn´t that bad at all, guys were nice. Tested for like three or four times total? Sorry, I will not feed criminals or other wonderfull people like them with silver spoon just because I´m ashamed, that´s something you can´t want from anyone.

So what will most likely happen? Police will reach MA and ask details about that guy. MA should give them to police if they have any, because why not? All trades are final, I got it. But stoling items from other people (or using their mistake as advantage, as it was in this case), selling them for money and then use that money for your living outside from game or in game is simply criminal. Laws > any TOS. Public prosecutor is that person who will say yay or nay if this is case or it´s not. Not MA, me or you. Come on, MA´s power is limited by their office doors.
Police will ask MA about that guys identity and probably chat logs/item logs, whatever. They should give it to them with no problems and after it noone no more cares about MA. It´s problem between Cubanec and that guy. Sadly on MA´s platform. He stole him item worth money - he will pay him money instead of giving back some stupid item he sold meanwhile. That´s how it works in our system. Dunno how it works in the US and honestly I don´t even care much since it´s not relevant and I also do not plan live there.


And it´s not 15 USD digital asset, it have some markup and there is also some market for that item. The guy who will tell what value it had is called expert witness, again by law... And yes, that would be funny :)

Cubanec sadly is not super happy with this solution at the moment, but well it´s not end of all time and he still have lots of time to change his mind... Not gonna lie, I will try push him a bit more...

I knew that we have some trash ppl here, but it´s always super sad when you find another one.
And pardon me for gramma and stuff like that. I still have some gaps in my english. not gonna lie :)
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Well we live in Europe. Dunno how it works in Sweden, but here any scam, stolen goods in shop, whatever over 400 USD is crime and you can go to jail for it in our country. It is super rare for those kind of money, but we have those laws. We are in same European Union as MA is in btw. But yes, sums can be different in Sweden. But Cubanec should start case in Czech Republic as Czech citizen and one more time, here IT IS CRIME.
And with all the respect, police here will not laugh to you. Maybe after you leave police station, but who cares? Please don´t discurage victims, that´s not cool at all ! If you GF or wife got !!!!! it´s her fault because of that short skirt she wore? A bit extreme example, but I don´t think so at all.

As I stated here in my previous post, they helped me multiple time with stupid Magic cards worth few hundreds bucks, that is basically piece of paper for about 1 cent in your eyes I guess. But it´s worth money, there´s some market with them so they can evaluate them and so on. FAP is digital asset btw. So they will start case, it´s not about if they want or not. They simply have to, it´s what´s part of their job. Worst part of that was that shame going to police about stupid Magic. In the end it wasn´t that bad at all, guys were nice. Tested for like three or four times total? Sorry, I will not feed criminals or other wonderfull people like them with silver spoon just because I´m ashamed, that´s something you can´t want from anyone.

So what will most likely happen? Police will reach MA and ask details about that guy. MA should give them to police if they have any, because why not? All trades are final, I got it. But stoling items from other people (or using their mistake as advantage, as it was in this case), selling them for money and then use that money for your living outside from game or in game is simply criminal. Laws > any TOS. Public prosecutor is that person who will say yay or nay if this is case or it´s not. Not MA, me or you. Come on, MA´s power is limited by their office doors.
Police will ask MA about that guys identity and probably chat logs/item logs, whatever. They should give it to them with no problems and after it noone no more cares about MA. It´s problem between Cubanec and that guy. Sadly on MA´s platform. He stole him item worth money - he will pay him money instead of giving back some stupid item he sold meanwhile. That´s how it works in our system. Dunno how it works in the US and honestly I don´t even care much since it´s not relevant and I also do not plan live there.

And it´s not 15 USD digital asset, it have some markup and there is also some market for that item. The guy who will tell what value it had is called expert witness, again by law... And yes, that would be funny :)

Cubanec sadly is not super happy with this solution at the moment, but well it´s not end of all time and he still have lots of time to change his mind... Not gonna lie, I will try push him a bit more...

I knew that we have some trash ppl here, but it´s always super sad when you find another one.
And pardon me for gramma and stuff like that. I still have some gaps in my english. not gonna lie :)
I'm not disagreeing, that's why I said in the U.S

But according to Mindark, THEY only value the digital good as $15(based on TT).

Once again, Physical items and digital items have very different precedents left.

Once again, I'm not discouraging anything, but make sure you know the laws and whatMindark and the police are willing to do.

Like you said, Mindark has the log and information of every single thing done in the game within the last 3-4 years (their words) and MOST games have everything since damn close to when they started the game to begin with.

I also simply asked, when is the last time Mindark was involved with the police and helping someone recover a digital asset. This is so not just me but the common people know how often/successful one of these legal battles has been in the past and how recently this has happened.

But thank you for your not so blatant bigotry towards America.
I'm not disagreeing, that's why I said in the U.S

But according to Mindark, THEY only value the digital good as $15(based on TT).

Once again, Physical items and digital items have very different precedents left.

Once again, I'm not discouraging anything, but make sure you know the laws and whatMindark and the police are willing to do.

Like you said, Mindark has the log and information of every single thing done in the game within the last 3-4 years (their words) and MOST games have everything since damn close to when they started the game to begin with.

I also simply asked, when is the last time Mindark was involved with the police and helping someone recover a digital asset. This is so not just me but the common people know how often/successful one of these legal battles has been in the past and how recently this has happened.

But thank you for your not so blatant bigotry towards America.

I understand that you have precedences and common law in the US and it´s all about them.
But that´s not how it works in Europe (only in UK), or at least for 100% not in Czech Republic.
Precedent is something that is not important here at all. It´s about what you did, not what someone else did before.
You can have completely different penalty for same crime, from very same judge and that´s normal here.
And yes, it leaves wide open window for corruption. Nothing is perfect.
Digital asset is still asset here, trust me or not, it will not buy me anything one way or another.

MA are the ones who have evidences and who runs this platform. They can have some comments on value ofc, someone can ask for their opinion, but again value is based on expert witness and that´s based on common market price if there´s any. And that guy you are taking to court, in case you do, can have one as well. And both parties can have completelly different opinion. But it´s judge and senate who have last word here. That´s short version of how this works, ofc it is more complicated.

I don´t know what you have with that what is police willing or not willing to do? Did they laugh at you about something similar or what?
If someone scams me on FB marketplace, they will contact FB marketplace about it and they will get those data if FB have them.
So if they scam me in Entropia they will contact MA about that. Maybe I´m just not getting what´s so weird about it?
Should I drop real name of guy I never saw, with full address from top of my head or what? Of course police will ask provider.
And they even must do it, again here this is crime. It´s called appropriation of the thing imho.

You really don´t need to know much about law to do so.
You will just go to police, that´s for free, tell them what it´s about, free, they maybe even offer you free coffee, they tell you what to expect (free) and will contact MA in this case (free) and that´s it. Half an hour, maybe hour of your time?
And they will come back to you once they find some info or when they drop that case after some time.

For me it was always just about reaching that person.
Once police start calling them or pay them a visit and explained what´s up, they start communicate like never before and were more than happy to give you your stuff back and make agreement. At least from my experience. You don´t need start big drama for cost of slightly used right kidney, it´s not about that.

I see you are thinking about it in a way that MA directly will return something. Why they should do that? Are we in kindergarten?
John stole my toy, miss teacher please bring my toy back? No, they just have all or most proofs needed, that´s all.
It´s just about who´s behind that account, they can have info, they can not have it, there are just these two options here.
Other than that nobody cares about MA since it´s clearly not their business by their terms.
But it´s not player who´s asking for personal informations of someone else that they of course can´t provide. It´s authority who can get them.

Sorry for not being polite and being sarcastic about US. That wasn´t nice from me, have to admit it. Will do better next time.
I´m just not much in love with people that are saying don´t do anything, let other ppl *hit on your head, it´s no biggie, it doesn´t have any sense and so on and so on.
He didn´t start auction for CLD at price of AUD or something like that. There´s no way back, I understand. It´s business.
But he gave his item to another guy by mistake. There´s no chance that guy thought it´s trade within those circumstances.
Chat can prove it. That´s what´s called appropriation of the thing here. Like it or not.

It´s lost once you are like, nah I don´t care, not before.
Especially in digital era on digital platform where ALL proofs needed are on one place and where you must have bank account registered on your name when you want withdraw your PED.
But that´s my opinion, others can have different ofc.
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Well yes, MindArk hates the attention of the police, because it always sheds a little light on MA's practices with PE in general.
And they really don't like that.
It is bad propaganda for MA in general and it is also not very good for MA's very... hmmm... 'improvable' new player attraction.
A credible report to the police can set things in motion that a few forum posts alone cannot.
Kubo just go to police. MA have to cooperate with them. It feels super akward, but that´s probably last chance. When I was trading Magic cards they always solved this kind of problem for me. And that´s like $300 piece of cardboard, more or less. Explain this to someone who have no clue lol. But I have to admit, officers always understood it quickly. Can imagine it´s the same with items in video game with monetary value.
Only catch I see in this aproach is that "all trades are final" rule. But from chat log they can clearly see it was not intended sale or nothing like that.
I think this would have a lot more merit if we were talking about the item being stolen via a hack, impersonation, upgrade scam, etc. Folks are speaking loosely when they call this type of thing theft. Expanding your Magic analogy, it's kind of like when someone misses a Triggered Ability, the opponent calls a judge to fix the matter, and everyone in the YouTube comment section calls the player a cheater, undeterred by the fact that cheating has an official definition, and calling a judge instead of letting opponents resolve Triggered Abilities late most certainly doesn't quality. It's just folks using whatever language they find likely to cause the most outrage, because "I think X is morally impermissible for reason Y" isn't a great way to start a virtual riot. I think I mostly agree with the moral conclusion here that the player should return the item, possibly contingent on the details of the case, but especially if the purpose of putting the item in the window was made explicit at the start or end of the healing session or even during a previous healing session, but it would be kind of insane for this situation to be legislated. It needs to be legal for games to allow players to roleplay actions which would be illegal if performed in the real world. It needs to be legal for games to allow players to make mistakes, even when played for money (are governments supposed to regulate how many takebacks players are afforded in Chess tournaments?). What criteria could possibly be used to draw a legal distinction around this case to categorize it as theft without implicating huge portions of the broader gaming space, especially when the idea is that the reason we're looking to law is that the action isn't even a game policy violation?
If you involve police and explain the situation, MA WILL have to take a look into it ;) Posting on forums is useless.

Oh you think so? So the police must force MA's hand to force a player's hand because another player who DID NOT protect his item [though the feature is there an clear as daylight] SAYS that he did not intend to 'trade' the item when he TWICE confirmed in a trade window?

This is your ideal of justice?🤦‍♀️
[IRONY mode] I hope those people that sold me my current guns, armor, amps and rings don't decide to go on a one-sided crusade against me in the forums and get the cops involved :LOL: . Who knows, they might have been tired, high, hungry or stressed and not fully aware that our agreed upon price was what they actually wanted for the stuff. Heaven forbit I fell short of that crucial 5ped by misreading the TT value with MY tired eyes XD
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I just wanna thank anyone that reached out to me regarding this situation. I understand that situations like these are really frustrating and disappointing. Sadly, as per our policy, it's not anything I can do as all trades that are completed are considered final. We have this policy to maintain fairness and prevent potential abuse, such as claims of accidental trades or post-trade regrets which would disrupt the integrity of trading within the community.

As due to our policy we will not get involved in this case, I encourage direct communication between you, if both parts are willing. After all, the new owner of the mod 2600 has all the right to keep the item, as the trade was completed according to the rules of Entropia Universe.

We appreciate your understanding of our policies and why we have them, and your continued participation in our community. If you happen to have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact support.

All the best,
I just wanna thank anyone that reached out to me regarding this situation. I understand that situations like these are really frustrating and disappointing. Sadly, as per our policy, it's not anything I can do as all trades that are completed are considered final. We have this policy to maintain fairness and prevent potential abuse, such as claims of accidental trades or post-trade regrets which would disrupt the integrity of trading within the community.

As due to our policy we will not get involved in this case, I encourage direct communication between you, if both parts are willing. After all, the new owner of the mod 2600 has all the right to keep the item, as the trade was completed according to the rules of Entropia Universe.

We appreciate your understanding of our policies and why we have them, and your continued participation in our community. If you happen to have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact support.

All the best,
That’s a very old explanation and I’d expect Mindark to be able to tell the difference between a genuine and attempt at gaming the system mistake after 20 years of being able to analyze in game chats and behaviors of each individual avatar.
You don’t though.
All I asked is if ANYONE can give any proof of the last time police and mindark got someone their item back. I just want proof of SOMETHING.
Maybe My can share something
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That’s a very old explanation and I’d expect Mindark to be able to tell the difference between a genuine and attempt at gaming the system mistake after 20 years of being able to analyze in game chats and behaviors of each individual avatar.

That's also a very clear and very reasonable approach (and I am no friend of Mindark). You'd open a 10,000 support case floodgate the moment you deviate from this thin line separating in black and white where the responsibility lies.

PLAYERS are responsible for making sure THEY trade THEIR items with eyes wide open, NOT Mindark! <-- How is this unclear, unfair and unacceptable? There is a protection feature built into every tradable item that prevents it being traded. It takes all of 20 second to set it up, and then when you trade high as a kite, you never need to fear waking up to a $800 loss. Put another way: "I forgot to put up my parking brake, and now my one and only car I used to get to work rolled down the hill and got totaled against a tree. The manufacturer must be held responsible for my loss." Fair?

To the thumbs-down brigade hitting my posts, how about you step up and make a sound argument, and then hit thumbs down? Maybe then I can return the favor based on the merits of your arguments.
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I understand your point of view but to err is human and for this kind of case Mindark should be able to do something.
That’s a very old explanation and I’d expect Mindark to be able to tell the difference between a genuine and attempt at gaming the system mistake after 20 years of being able to analyze in game chats and behaviors of each individual avatar.
It's important for you to recognize the complexities involved. First off, it's challenging to definitely discern a genuine mistake from manipulation; anyone can easily claim an error on their part to revert unfavorable trades they a day later regret. Furthermore, not all communications between players occur in Entropia Universe anymore, which limit our oversight. Many, if not the majority, just like in any other gaming platform, use external apps and social media platforms for chats - which is beyond our monitoring capabilities. And even provided screenshots of such conversations can be fabricated, which makes them unreliable. A quick google search and you can find free websites that let you fabricate anything as proof.

Our rules are designed to protect you, as a player. We're protecting you from potential exploitation by those who might wish to retract a trade, because they feel like it, because they started to dislike you, or because they want to abuse the system. It's crucial for you to understand that these safeguards are in place for your benefit, for you to keep what you bought and probably worked really hard for to afford or get, putting loads of money and time. Imagine finally getting a weapon you wanted for a year, just for it to get ripped out of your hands from us because the previous owner said the trade was a mistake.
I just wanna thank anyone that reached out to me regarding this situation. I understand that situations like these are really frustrating and disappointing. Sadly, as per our policy, it's not anything I can do as all trades that are completed are considered final. We have this policy to maintain fairness and prevent potential abuse, such as claims of accidental trades or post-trade regrets which would disrupt the integrity of trading within the community.

As due to our policy we will not get involved in this case, I encourage direct communication between you, if both parts are willing. After all, the new owner of the mod 2600 has all the right to keep the item, as the trade was completed according to the rules of Entropia Universe.

We appreciate your understanding of our policies and why we have them, and your continued participation in our community. If you happen to have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact support.

All the best,
This case if the player had not yet sold the item through auction. You guys would have been able to intervene.
I think adding players an ability to make an item not tradeable. For example we have the protect item but it needs to be removed in order to trade, in instances such as the OP if we were able to still trade the item but it would fail the final trade confirmation, same if trying to put on auction it would prevent such problems in the future. Since then players would only need to remove the protect from item if they actually want to make a trade and finalize it if you understand me.
For auction mistakes you can just add a 5 minute or smt waiting time before the auction is actually listed. Plus another check if the item value markup is too low in your pending auction listing, it would notify you, allowing time for the player to cancel it. Since the auction wasn't actually listed on auction no auction fee should be taken.

I think QoL improvements such as this would be greatly appreciated by the community.
It is allowed by RL law in almost any country that you can back out of any purchase which is not a consumeable if you mention it in time. Involve police and u get your item back in the end. MA will need so much time to deal with your case that they probably will react before police starts doing anything.

Ingame rules of MA dont aplly since this is virtual. Anything you write down which is against real law have no value if it comes to court. (example, a lot of the text in real estate lease contracts is illegal by the owner of the property. In case something goes to court. Its illegal as it would not be written down.) This applies also to anything MA writes down.

In the end you should get back what is yours. Since the law of sweden is probably pretty similar to middle europes law.

Just keep going. You tie there workers to the case. Which cost them money to deal with it. So if u keep going they will do something about it to save working cost. At some point.
It's important for you to recognize the complexities involved. First off, it's challenging to definitely discern a genuine mistake from manipulation; anyone can easily claim an error on their part to revert unfavorable trades they a day later regret. Furthermore, not all communications between players occur in Entropia Universe anymore, which limit our oversight. Many, if not the majority, just like in any other gaming platform, use external apps and social media platforms for chats - which is beyond our monitoring capabilities. And even provided screenshots of such conversations can be fabricated, which makes them unreliable. A quick google search and you can find free websites that let you fabricate anything as proof.

Our rules are designed to protect you, as a player. We're protecting you from potential exploitation by those who might wish to retract a trade, because they feel like it, because they started to dislike you, or because they want to abuse the system. It's crucial for you to understand that these safeguards are in place for your benefit, for you to keep what you bought and probably worked really hard for to afford or get, putting loads of money and time. Imagine finally getting a weapon you wanted for a year, just for it to get ripped out of your hands from us because the previous owner said the trade was a mistake.
Yeah that's not a great response. Why can WoW do it with 100% certainty and many many other MMORPGS that are NOT real cash economies?

In those games you aren't even dealing with legal real money(ignoring black markets for those games).

If as a company you can't determine when something is legit or not, that's very troubling when other companies can very easily.

I understand that conversations can be had outside the game to fabricate something, BUT I was told by you directly, that for any conversations such as death threats, doxxing, etc. can ONLY be looked at and assessed from INSIDE the games chat.

So if our voices inside the game can't provide proof from inside the game, and anyones proof outside the game doesn't mean anything. Then what the hell?

If you assume every single person is always lying, then that shows zero trust in your community and player base and basically calling everyone a cheater, liar, etc.

Why be a community manager if you don't believe or trust the community?

I feel the same way about charging people $100 to get an item back from the trade terminal. I can't think of another game that charges their player base SO HEAVILY for a mistake. And if your systems are that horrible inside, that you can't easily remove someone's ped and give them back their item in a quick and timely manner, especially if no other action has been done after, that's down right ridiculous.

Essentially the "punishment" does not fit the "crime.
Just keep going. You tie there workers to the case. Which cost them money to deal with it. So if u keep going they will do something about it to save working cost. At some point.

Sounds good, but not gonna work, for example:

"keep going, tie there workers, cost them money so they will do something" - Deathifier

Tbh not sure the charges would stand. The guy not stole the item, not scammed it out of Kubanec with some bullshit story, he traded it, and Kubanec accepted the trade. It was underpriced, sure. It a mistake, sure. Still the other guy not comitted a crime by laws.
Telling to police it was stolen / scam is false accusation.

Would be moraly right to return if, yes ofc, and if the other guy not doing it, he should rot in hell for being this greedy little MF, but not sure police would do anything with it. Best we can do is ignore that guy as a community, go get the name from Kubanec if you not remember it from the first post, send a mail to him about "get ignored by the whole game mf".
Maybe after an 50-100 mail he returns at least the ped.
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Sounds good, but not gonna work, for example:

"keep going, tie there workers, cost them money so they will do something" - Deathifier

Tbh not sure the charges would stand. The guy not stole the item, not scammed it out of Kubanec with some bullshit story, he traded it, and Kubanec accepted the trade. It was underpriced, sure. It a mistake, sure. Still the other guy not comitted a crime by laws.
Telling to police it was stolen / scam is false accusation.

Would be moraly right to return if, yes ofc, and if the other guy not doing it, he should rot in hell for being this greedy little MF, but not sure police would do anything with it. Best we can do is ignore that guy as a community, go get the name from Kubanec if you not remember it from the first post, send a mail to him about "get ignored by the whole game mf".
Maybe after an 50-100 mail he returns at least the ped.
Yes exactly...i can live with that loss...i just dont wanna play with scumbags... all
Props to Kubanec for handling this like a true gentleman. and F Mindark for backing the thief. As well as censoring their name. The entire community should know the parties involved. Really bad look on Mindark.
Common L by MA. Nothing new here.

You'd hope they would be actively trying to change their customer support reputation as well as attempting to have player retention