I'm not disagreeing, that's why I said in the U.S
But according to Mindark, THEY only value the digital good as $15(based on TT).
Once again, Physical items and digital items have very different precedents left.
Once again, I'm not discouraging anything, but make sure you know the laws and whatMindark and the police are willing to do.
Like you said, Mindark has the log and information of every single thing done in the game within the last 3-4 years (their words) and MOST games have everything since damn close to when they started the game to begin with.
I also simply asked, when is the last time Mindark was involved with the police and helping someone recover a digital asset. This is so not just me but the common people know how often/successful one of these legal battles has been in the past and how recently this has happened.
But thank you for your not so blatant bigotry towards America.
I understand that you have precedences and common law in the US and it´s all about them.
But that´s not how it works in Europe (only in UK), or at least for 100% not in Czech Republic.
Precedent is something that is not important here at all. It´s about what you did, not what someone else did before.
You can have completely different penalty for same crime, from very same judge and that´s normal here.
And yes, it leaves wide open window for corruption. Nothing is perfect.
Digital asset is still asset here, trust me or not, it will not buy me anything one way or another.
MA are the ones who have evidences and who runs this platform. They can have some comments on value ofc, someone can ask for their opinion, but again value is based on expert witness and that´s based on common market price if there´s any. And that guy you are taking to court, in case you do, can have one as well. And both parties can have completelly different opinion. But it´s judge and senate who have last word here. That´s short version of how this works, ofc it is more complicated.
I don´t know what you have with that what is police willing or not willing to do? Did they laugh at you about something similar or what?
If someone scams me on FB marketplace, they will contact FB marketplace about it and they will get those data if FB have them.
So if they scam me in Entropia they will contact MA about that. Maybe I´m just not getting what´s so weird about it?
Should I drop real name of guy I never saw, with full address from top of my head or what? Of course police will ask provider.
And they even must do it, again here this is crime. It´s called appropriation of the thing imho.
You really don´t need to know much about law to do so.
You will just go to police, that´s for free, tell them what it´s about, free, they maybe even offer you free coffee, they tell you what to expect (free) and will contact MA in this case (free) and that´s it. Half an hour, maybe hour of your time?
And they will come back to you once they find some info or when they drop that case after some time.
For me it was always just about reaching that person.
Once police start calling them or pay them a visit and explained what´s up, they start communicate like never before and were more than happy to give you your stuff back and make agreement. At least from my experience. You don´t need start big drama for cost of slightly used right kidney, it´s not about that.
I see you are thinking about it in a way that MA directly will return something. Why they should do that? Are we in kindergarten?
John stole my toy, miss teacher please bring my toy back? No, they just have all or most proofs needed, that´s all.
It´s just about who´s behind that account, they can have info, they can not have it, there are just these two options here.
Other than that nobody cares about MA since it´s clearly not their business by their terms.
But it´s not player who´s asking for personal informations of someone else that they of course can´t provide. It´s authority who can get them.
Sorry for not being polite and being sarcastic about US. That wasn´t nice from me, have to admit it. Will do better next time.
I´m just not much in love with people that are saying don´t do anything, let other ppl *hit on your head, it´s no biggie, it doesn´t have any sense and so on and so on.
He didn´t start auction for CLD at price of AUD or something like that. There´s no way back, I understand. It´s business.
But he gave his item to another guy by mistake. There´s no chance that guy thought it´s trade within those circumstances.
Chat can prove it. That´s what´s called appropriation of the thing here. Like it or not.
It´s lost once you are like, nah I don´t care, not before.
Especially in digital era on digital platform where ALL proofs needed are on one place and where you must have bank account registered on your name when you want withdraw your PED.
But that´s my opinion, others can have different ofc.