Paolo's Diary

Have to have this list!

Snowflake said:
Umbranoids used to drop the modified faps. I'm not sure about feffoids dropping them, but could be.

Last improved fap dropped from a molisk.

Last adjusted faps dropped from Allophyl and Ambulimax.

Improved MK II used to be Longu (and i believe but not sure that steele looted one from a tantardion about 3 years ago, then MA decided to cancel all items on tantardions... these beasties used to produce V1's and Adj V1's out of thin air).

Adj V1 used to be Cornundacauda.

V2 used to be Armax.

Improved M2870 used to be Spiders and Troopers, Snables (old times).

Foeripper used to be Hispidus and Warlock. (Or either one of them not 100% sure)

Mod DAR used to be Spiders.

Mod ML 35 used to be Hogglo, Armax, Formidon (old times)

Imp MK3 used to be Hogglo.

Imp FF8k used to be Atrox.

Adj Hero used to be Daikiba.

Imp EWE used to be Merps and recently Equus dropped Imp EWE's.

Adj MK 5 used to be Molisk.

Mod BGH 4400M used to be Armax, Neconu.

Mod Imp MK2 used to be Neconu.

Adj Stakhov used to be Feffoid.

Adj M2722 used to be Feffoid.

Mod Starkhov used to be Spiders (time when only 1 Spider or so spawned every week/ month in a random place (guaranteed Hof)).

Mod Tegretov... Ambulimax Provider

Imp Strikehammer... Aurli Weak/Watcher

Adj Kangoo used to be Goki.

Adj Outbacko... no idea what dropped these.
List by Snowflake, addictions by Tyra and Optima.
Sorted by Paolo :)

Sorry, but really had to copy that to a safe place... might want to extinguish all that population, one day! :p

If you appreciated that list too, point your browser here and here and here and give those two guys some +rep!
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My story on PE-Wiki

Hello there,
since I had some spare time today :handjob: I decided to write down a couple line on my Avatar page on PE-Wiki...

Well, it turned out a tad more than two lines, and I had to cut it thru!
If you've got spare time to, go and have a look at it here, and tell me what you think about it! :hammer: :tiphat:

Keep on HoFfing!
Two quickies

Hello everybody!
Today hasn't been one of my best days, for a number of reasons that I just won't say here.

I'm writing this page of my Diary just to put up a couple images.
That's the first.
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
It was shot at Club NeverDie thise evening, just before the PolyLux TV show Event started.
Main reason why I post that is that this one is the only of a few screenie I took that got safe... don't know how, but the others were just lost.
Plus, you can see that MA Monitor speaks too! :)

The bad news over that picture is that at a certain point I had to disconnect in hurry, and when I got back my pall stool was not there anymore...
Yeah, I know that items dropped, etc etc... It's only that I'm a bit sad to have lost it... it was a present from Suicide from the old days back at the rig... :p

The other pic is that:
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
a picture that transmits the feeling of being stuck at cND :p
And you can see my wonderful pimped up by Noggin outfit! ;) (even tho a bit too darkish)
My copy of The Entropian, Issue 001 shipped

Hello everybody!
Just a quick note to say that I'm back from cND and that my copy of

has been shipped!
The value infact dropped to 10PED as stated in the description.

I'm eager to see it, and will report you as soon as possible! :D
Paolo :smoke:
Calypso's Flat!

Hello everybody!
Just been wasting some time yesterday, and decided to go out on a scientific experiment trip.
After a lot of swimming, I've reached the end of the world, clearly demonstrating it's FLAT!
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
The strange thing here is that, after swimming in the air when the ocean finished, I'm able to stand on a gray nothing surface, literally nowhere...
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
I dediced to be brave and try to go ahead, but a strange red message told me that I've gotten to the end of the world, and currently wasn't able to go further...
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

The last image is my position on the map... will soon go and find out if I'm skilled enough to walk beyond Amethera's borders...

Way to go MA!

WARNING: this post is more of a rant and whine than else!
Feel free to skip ahead, please!

Today I went on a beacon mission (29Pedder) with Echo, Duncan, Mags, Jacko and Sheryo east of Troy.
We grouped and run towards the beacon location, activated and got on the ship.
The spaceship departed and we started running and killing drones, everything looked fine.
Then, first room, third or fourth drone, a big lag spike caught all of us... we couldn't hit shit, we couldn't FAP, we couldn't switch weapons... nothing at all for more than 5 secs.
Result of that lag is that I died, being targetted by 4 drones who thought my Rascal was better looking when slightly burned than other's armours, and even decided to show their appreciation criticalhitting me twice while I couldn't do nothing.

Well, I'm not complaining at all to have died... those things happens and its part of the game, even tho I'm sad I left my mates alone.
I'm complaining badly because once more MA showed that they can't deal with their own problems.

Only thing MA seems to be doing well lately is to piss people off, and they're reaching Great Grand Master rank in that skill very very soon if they keep going this way!

Rant finished for the moment.
54PED Snablesnot-Female Young North of Caravan

Just got this little globie here while skilling some more ShortBlades north of Camp Caravan:
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Nothing much, but always a nice surprise! ;)

Thread for your always well-accepted +gratz here! ;)

Paolo :smoke:
Free Noggin!

It's now over a week...
7 Days of PE without Noggin!

We just can't stand the lock, or better the motivations behind the lock of Noggin!
Noggin has been locked out of Project Entropia for using a tool created by MindArk (the Powerful Wormhole Chip) that's used to create a path between point A and point B. The user is point A, and opens the wormhole to an user in his FriendList, which is point B.

Now MindArk tells us that Point B can't be in space... in Club Neverdie to be exact, our brand new Asteroid Space Resort.

Well, beside the fact that that's simply :bs:, I think that a fair warning should be given to a player using one of his items that way.
And I don't think that a fair warning is a lock out of the game, even if only temporary (a fact that is still to be seen!).

So, simply put:
[sign]Free Noggin!
click here and show you support[/sign]
or I'll do all that I can do to show how much I'm pissed off: sell out and quit!

:thumbup: Way to go MA!

P.S.: nope, I'm not scared of saying what I'm going to do, because I'll simply do it... and guess what, if I'll do, I'll just donate to MindBuster, Minder, Chainfire and Travis so that they can keep those wonderful services up and running! Keep on going guys!
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Noggin Free! Everybody rejoy!

Hello everybody!
Just a quick update on that subject: Marco himself showed up yesterday night and took time to further investigate the matter. Then this morning came out with this: (link)
Marco|MindArk said:
I usually don't comment on specific cases, but I'll make an exception this time (based on Noggins replies, I take he won't mind) - but Noggin is once again welcome to the virtual universe.

And then somebody opened a whole new Welcome back Noggin thread, where Marco showed up again to say that CND is supposed to be a WormHole-Free zone... well, I leave the comments on that up to the reader! :/

Now a quickie side note... I've had my signature removed during that event, and wondered why... I didn't really wanted to bother the mods and the admin with extra work, so I just sit back and used a smaller one than the [ sign ] with the link etc... Today, PMing with Skam, I've found out what the problem was... have a look at this test thread ;)

Over and out,
Paolo :smoke:
Goodbye, mate!

You've got to do what you've got to do...
Plain and simple.

Really sorry to know you're leaving mate, but I'm sure our ways will cross again, some time.
Have fun and good luck IRL too, Chainfire, and thanks again for making PE a better place!

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Two great news!

Hey there!
I've got a couple great news to share with you folks!

First of all, I've received today my own copy of The Entropian, shipped 12 days ago!
First impression is that its a good product, valuable for all of us really into PE, and of course can have some enhancements. But it's always easy to say that on others' work, so :thumbup: for you! ;)

Second news is that today we got VU8.2 which introduces some much waited things:

  • Event system
  • Advertising system
  • New items! Can't wait to see them :)
Well, now I'm finished downloading and loggin in as fast as I can to look at those new thingies! ;)

Good luck and have fun!
Paolo :smoke:

P.S.: on a side note, anybody's interesting of what video technology will be used by MindArk for video/audio streaming ingame? Well, while browsing the PEFolder on my HD for new things, I've noticed a new library right there... binkw32.dll, version, from RAD Game Tools, Inc.. Have a look at their website... *hint*: bink and smacker!
Bink is in fact present also in the loading screen:
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
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RC Car!

Hey everybody!
Am I the only one who's RadioController doesn't seems to work anymore after the last VU?
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
:rofl: :eek:

I know that to many of you that isn't new, but I was just roaming around the other day when I found this tiny little vehicle in Hades!
Looking closely at it I think it resembles Audi's last SUV: Q7.

Other's thoughts were about the Nissan Murano and some other SUV which I can't remember right now :p
Have a look yourself... you can find it in Hadesheim City, Eudoria (7470, 17383)

Just thought the RC joke was too funny not to put it here :)
101 Health Points

Yeah, just got this! :banana: :headbang:

It took more than 20 days from the 100 one, but I'm quite happy nonetheless!
Here's the moment when I gained it. I was skilling some Amped Opalo on the Cornundacaudas north of Argus, and that was the only good thing in the whole session:

As you can see, it seems like I got it from a Courage skill increase; it is the only skill gained before and after the health gain, so that must be it. And once again Wiki agrees :p
Here's the Courage level at the moment of the gain:

Now, let's go for the 102! :smoke:
Attributes Skill Ranks?

Hello everybody!
Today I was out skilling some Opalo on Corn Beach north of Argus, when I got this message:

Cool! I thought... but then... wait a second... New Rank? Where is the rank of the Attributes skills?! Must have missed it! :p

Well, indeed I didn't missed it, it's just not written...

According to PE-Wiki I've now reached "Weak (Grade 1)" Agility :p
Well, since I didn't knew that, I thought I would have written it down somewhere, so here it is! :p

Oh, and yes I know... I R NUB! :D
Paolo :smoke:
No Loot counter

Please Note: The No Loot counter project was suspended, last data is from 24Jun06. No more news for now.

Hello everybody!
I've decided to embark myself on an useless and boring thing, for me at least, but that maybe will help have an idea of what's going on under PE's hood:
I'm going to count noloots

I'm going to count both the noloots (in yellow) and the loots (in black), so to have a good idea of the ratio. I won't take into consideration the value of the loots.

Cornundacauda 289/215 (74.39%)
Mature 253/182
Old 25/20
Provider 9/8
Guardian 2/4
Alpha 0/1
Merp 22/13 (59.09%)
Young 14/6
Provider 0/1​
Plumatergus 43/27 (62.79%)
Young 34/20
Mature 2/2
Old 7/5
Snarksnot 24/19 (79.17%)
Young 16/10
Mature 7/9
Old 1/0
Gibnib 15/9 (60.00%)
Mature 3/3Old 1/0
Provider 10/5
Guardian 0/1
Dominant 1/0
Chirpy 1/1 (100.00%)
Provider 0/1
Guardian 1/0
Snablesnot-Male 377/322 (85.41%)
Young 296/248
Mature 55/60
Old 24/12
Provider 1/2
Guardian 1/0
Snablesnot-Female 217/133 (61.29%)
Young 165/99
Mature 37/26
Old 14/7
Dominant 1/1
Armax Cow 0/1 (0%)
Young 0/1
Daikiba 3/2 (66.67%)
Young 3/1
Exarosaur 1138/972 (85.41%)
Young 1/0
Dominant 50/38
Alpha 28/19
Old Alpha 148/217
Prowler 382/297
Stalker 420/319
Berycled 19/18 (94.74%)
Young 5/2
vs. 1732loots
% of loots
29 hunting sessions counted
(31Mar06, 03Apr06, 04Apr06, 05Apr06, 06Apr06, 07Apr06, 08Apr06, 15May06, 16May06, 17May06, 18May06, 20May06, 22May06, 23May06, 24May06, 25May06, 31May06, 01Jun06, 09Jun06, 10Jun06, 12Jun06, 14Jun06, 15Jun06, 17Jun06, 19Jun06, 21Jun06, 22Jun06, 23Jun06, 24Jun06)
Watch out this post because I'll try to keep it updated as much as possibile!
Paolo :smoke:
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Alertness is a Skill or an Attribute?

Hello everybody!
Today while out skilling I got two normal skill gains, but all of a sudden something hit me...
Here's the two culprits:


Yeah, I know, nothing strange, at first glance.
But think about it a second: Athletics is a skill of the General group, shown below, and also is Alertness. :rolleyes:
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Now what bugs me is this: it is simply a spelling error on MA's behalf, or maybe the Alertness skill isn't a skill but an Attribute?! :wise:

I think this little thing goes on the same line of the recent Attributes Skill Ranks? post, a couple posts above.

We shall see...
Paolo :smoke:

Hey, would you say I'm bored?! :p

Quick update

Hello everybody!
Just a quick update to tell you that I'm still alive and playing :)

EDIT: some content removed due to worries about its suitability. Sorry :p

Here's a quick and fun shot of me running in front of a Trooper 02 and /em irritateing him!
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Just for fun, you know :p

I've also tried to gather some data on the value of each skill gain message while I were at it (that means how much experience will every gain give you at different ranks), but that needs some more data and work before I can publish anything off of it ;)

Oh, one more thing:

Happy Easter!

Paolo :smoke:
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Promoted to Sergeant

Hello everybody!
The other day was a busy one for nAn, since we had a lot of talking to do, decisions to make and a lot of other soc-related stuff...

Still can't tell anything in public of what's going on, but I'd like to share with you the joy for this:

I'm now Sergeant!
Thank you very much, Noggin, our brand new General Kyndig, and thanks to all the nAners - present, past and future ones!
Keep it rocking, guys! :headbang:
Paolo :smoke:
Funniest quote ever!

Just a quickie one... I was looking around in the gallery for some action shot of some creatures when I saw in a chat window this...

I cast my vote for this entry of the Funniest Quote Ever competition!
GJ Akoz!

P. :smoke:

P.S.: original image here...
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Some random screenshots..

Hello there,
just a quick post to save somewhere those few random screenies...
I took them recently, and would like to save them for posterity :p

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
The Blue Car in Hadesheim, with me color-coordinated showing off! xD

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Did you know that at New Oxford the trees grows inside the bridge's stones?! :p

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
A nice view from the top of one of Twin Peaks' peaks ;P

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Mini-mini-mini chairs in one of Hadesheim bars... that should be the kindergarden for newbs while grown-ups are drinking and chatting!
Give me another one, Jack! Make it double-milk, this time...

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Last but not least, this car in Hades... You know I like it, because it's always been my own avatar's place... now in Blue! (to celebrate Premium Membership on the Forum, bigger avatar! ;D)

That's all, folks!

EDIT: Oh, I've also got a new Profile Picture! :p
Keep that +rep coming, I need to reach 8550EFDs for that Glowing, Bold and Blue forum username! :D

UPDATE: Glowing (White), Bold, Italic and Colored (RoyalBlue) username bought! ;D
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Lol another poll on Lootius vs. SnableSnot...

Tell you what, I'm becoming a Marco-zealot!

All hail Marco! :bowdown:

P. :smoke:
Avatar already logged on...

Hey guys, just a quick update...
Yesterday I was out hunting and at a sudden I got disconnected... Tried to get back in, but you know: "Your Avatar is already logged on...".

After a few minutes the thing didn't worked out, so I got kinda paranoid: logged on the CL and wrote support, while checking the My Items list every odd second... I was fearing an hack, since I'm waiting for the GoldCards to be available again!

A few mins after I've noticed the thread "Avatar already logged on?" here on EF, and eased my mind a bit.
Still, up to 32 hours later, and with 2 support cases open (a total of 5 posts there spanned in that time) without any answer from Support, I managed to get back in...
Checked that everything was safe and fine, and continued my hunting trip.

I'll write later on (prolly tomorrow) with the details of the support cases, how I was pissed off and what/how may be improved in a similar situation (IMHO, ofc!).

But now I'm posting mainly to let you see that: I met Nity at North Space Base just before going south for some Corns, and here's the wonderful blessing she gave me:

Hey, never underestimate the power of a blessing!

Hope it's valid for 24hours or something, because now I really need to get some sleep!
P. :smoke:

EDIT: oh, and talking about blessings, did you see the latest CoL's invention? I already signed up, now we'll see what the real powers of the Nun are! ;P
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Come fly with me...

Lyrics by Ol' Blue Eyes, pictures by me :p

Come fly with me, let’s fly let’s fly away
If you can use, some exotic booze
There’s a bar in far Bombay
Come fly with me, we’ll fly we’ll fly away

Come fly with me, let’s float down to Peru
In lama land, there’s a one man band
And he’ll toot his flute for you
Come fly with me, we’ll float down in the blue

Once I get you up there, where the air is rarefied
We’ll just glide, starry eyed
Once I get you up there, I’ll be holding you so near
You may hear, angels cheer - because were together

Weather wise it’s such a lovely day
You just say the words, and we’ll beat the birds
Down to Acapulco bay
It’s perfect, for a flying honeymoon - they say
Come fly with me, we’ll fly we’ll fly away

Was going to climb the 500m mountain north of Orthos West Mound, when I got stuck inside a mountain... 5secs later, I started flying all around, and glitching and bugging, with the chat window that kept telling me that You may not move... Only solution was to T-out, but not before taking a couple Polaroids :p

As you see, nothing much new... wasted a lot of PEDs today, and loot completely sucks! :( :/

We'll see...
P. :smoke:
Silent Cornundacauda Mature North of Argus

Low on PEDs as usual, with some stuff stuck in the auctions, I decided to go waste some time (and money) on my lovely Corns north of Argus...
Let me tell you, they were behaving really strangely... running from one hunter onto the others far away, aggroing all together, etc...
The stranger one runned on me from distance, and when near enough to hit me, just steered a bit, missed me, and kept on running... had to follow him to kill and loot it! :p

Well, nonetheless one of them decided to have some pity of my PEDCard, and gave me this always welcomed silent (ESI and a few PEDs):
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Since "silents" are not admitted in the Hall of Fame, there can be no Gratz button for this one... but have you checked out the others?! ;)
Fruit/Dung HoFs :)

Hey everybody...
today I was just out skilling some around when I got this fruit HoF...

Apart from thinking of posting it here, I'm going to use this very post to track my biggest findings (fruits, dungs) around...

So, let's start with those:

228 Common Dung

213 Bombardo

179 Caroot

155 Papplon

119 Haimoros

More to come (when I'll find more, ofc! D)

P. :smoke:

  • 24Aug06 - added 119 Haimoros! :p
  • 08Sept06 - changed 103 Dung for 130 Common Dung! :p
  • 06Oct06 - added 82 Caroots! :p
  • 16Oct06 - changed 82 Caroots for 141 Caroots! :p
  • 5Nov06 - changed 141 Caroots for 179 Caroots! :p
  • 7Dec06 - changed 119 Haimoros for 126 Haimoros! :p
  • 27Mar07 - changed 130 Dung for 228 Dung! :p
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102 Health Points

As usual, was around skilling (this time on Corns south of Camp Caravan) when I got this! :banana: :headbang:

Exactly 60days after the 101 one

Here's the gain message

and the level I was in at that very moment

Once again, Wiki confirms! ;P
Yes, I know... I R NUB! :p

Now for the 103 one...
P. :smoke:
Maxed out TT HandGun

Ok, that's another one in the Maxed out Series...
(previous ones were TT PowerFist and TT ShortBlade)
I've maxed out the TT HandGun: Omegaton M2100.
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Here's the relevant stats at the time of the maxout...

As you can clearly see, ranged stats are really low... That is mainly because I'm a LongBlader.
But I've been doing some Opalo skilling lately, and that raised the LWT. The LWT raising also raised the stats on the M2100 itself, until it was maxed out: those 302HG skill levels, infact, were only from a single run on snables... 30ped ammos, if I'm not wrong :p

Well, that's it..
P. :smoke:

P.S.: as I told in the first of that Maxed Out Series, "it may come handy later on!"... and it did! ;P
Play Ad videos offline!

Hey everybody...
Was messing a bit around in my computer's folders, and I discovered that the videos that got played on the Advertising Screens inside PE/EU are stored on our very harddisk!

Now you too can see them offline... here's how:

  • go on the RAD Game Tools page and download the RAD Video Tools.
  • Install them on your system, and fire up the RAD Video Tools from your Start menu!
  • Browse to the folder you've installed PE/EU in (C:\Program Files\MindArk\Project Entropia\ for example...)
    • now broswe into the Data\video folder... here's all your videos!
  • click on a .bik file, and use the "Play" button!
    • My suggestions: 514702.bik (Spankox, To The Club), 513995.bik (John London, Houndhog Man) and 514621.bik (the excellent movie by Dub & McCormick winner of the Movie Competition 2005).

      [br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Neato! isn't it?! :p

P. :smoke:
Mistaken for a Dung Golem

OMG, can't believe it...
I go browse the Galleria McCormick for some fun and what I find?

Dung Golem Summoned!
Can't believe that happened, it's so embarassing! :p
:rofl: couldn't I be mistaken for a Land Marker, a normal Revival Terminal or whatever, like every other ingame?! :/

Well, who cares...
I'm going to get some nice EFDs from those fines! ;)

P. :smoke:
EntropiaUniverse Concept Art

Hey everybody,
was wandering on the EU website, when I noticed that the Concept Art section of the Gallery & Art part of the site eventually has some content!

The images there right now are only 5...
While both the Thorio and the Globster's sketches are kinda similar to the implemented version....
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
...the Hogglo went under massive rethinking before being put ingame :)
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Other nice things to note are, for example, that both the Thorio and the Hogglo's concepts are hand-drawn, while the Globster seems to be computer-drawn... in fact it is quite a recent mob! :)

Now, to change discussion... MA: when are we going to see the mobs that are found in the poster?

P. :smoke: