PURGER EVENT Saturday and Sunday UTC 16:00-18:00 OLA 66

I Really Love Purgers so i sent a request to Mindark if we can have one event
and they happily said yes

So on Saturday and Sunday 16:00 UTC thets 18:00 European time
Purgers visits OLA 66 for 2 hours
Usually we are about 100+ players

I'm gonna stream the event
and probably a few more streamers gonna hang on.

cu there
i try to be there on saturday to heal !
thanks for letting us know :)
Thanks for the saturday event!

Was exciting and fun!

See you tomorrow! 🙂👋
that was one heck of green dots and floating guns and swords lol
thank you solo and MA !
Thanks for the sunday event!

Was fun! 🙌
Cheers, nice event both days - It would be cool if they could do this once every 2 weeks or something in a schedule spawn ;).
Great job organizing Solo and Kaj! ;)
Was only a visitor this time around, but it was awesome. Grats to all HOF participants!
Caught some of the stream. Very cool to see! Hope to participate sometime in a future one
This was a great event. Thank you Solo and MA.
wish i cud join again (´・ω・`)
thank you for making this events happen anyway ‹‹\(´ω` )/››
Im glad you gueyz liked it :) we where 151 players at peak and around 100-120 watching the stream. Purger has 1450000 HP and it tok us 1 min 40 sec to take it down thets insain amount of DPS. I calculated thet we had around 100.000 ped turnover/hour now i call thet FUN :))) im gona make a dedicated page for Purger events on www.entropialan.eu pleas visit and i hope you gueyz can come 29 march to Gothenburg. Cu around :)
Sign up and nice! 🙌

Edit: "Brain fart" on my end.
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