Question: UI Release: Bug/Crash Report Thread Part 2



MindArk Official
Staff member
MindArk Official
Feb 10, 2006
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Formerly "Foeburner Nighthawk Delta"
This thread is for reporting any UI-related bugs and crashes experienced after the release and the February 27th patch 18.0.1.

To provide feedback, please go to:

While we of course strive to provide smooth and problem-free releases, some issues may still arise after release, even after extensive testing. We hope to address any such issues via patches as quicky as possible after release, and may therefore need your help in identifying them.

Please use the templates below to report any UI-related bugs or crashes you experience after the UI release. All information given in this thread will be forwarded to the UI team, so please make sure to provide as many details as possible so that we can understand how they happen and fix them as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your assistance!

Previous thread:

List of pre-patch hotfixes:

Patch release notes:
Last edited:
Bug Report
  • Title: [Short description]
  • Date Found: [MM/DD/YYYY]
  • Expected: [Describe what you expected to happen.]
  • Actual: [Describe what actually happened.]
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Do this
  2. Do that
  3. See result
(Add as many steps as required to give clear instructions on how to reproduce the bug)

Screenshots: [Attach any relevant screenshots.]
Crash Report Template
  • Title: [Brief description of the crash]
  • Date/Time: [MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MM]
Crash Details:
  • Frequency: [How often does the crash occur? Once, sometimes, always?]
  • Steps to Reproduce: [List the steps that lead up to the crash, if known.]
  • Error Message: [Copy the exact error message displayed, if any.]
  • Environment:
  • OS: [Operating System]
  • App Version: [Application version where the crash occurred]
  • Device: [Device type for mobile or hardware specs for desktop]
[Attach any crash logs, screenshots, or additional documents that could help in diagnosing the issue.]
Bug Report
  • Title: Local Banner
  • Date Found: 27/02/2024
  • Expected: Local banner to disappear after a few seconds
  • Actual: does not disappears
Steps to Reproduce:

Bug Report
  • Item links not working (disappearing)
  • Links disappear when you lose focus of a chat.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Copy item link, paste item link in chat
  2. Click anwhere to lose focus of chat, and item link disapears

temp workaround; paste them in a sticky note and copy from there
Bug Report

  • Title: Unable to see the personal success rate on auc bp´s
  • Date Found:02/25/2024]

  • Expected: in the prior UI when you clicked on item info on an auction blueprint on first page....if you hover slowly with your mouse under the success rate bar, you could see your personal Success rate on this blueprint
  • was very useful to see if a certain blueprint with a "good" quality rating would improve yoour current success rate or not really
  • Actual: in the new UI you cannot see that anymore
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. not able to reproduce since new UI overwrote the old one
Bug Report
  • Title: lose info on bp
  • Date Found: [27/02/2024]
  • Expected: to get info back on bp after clicking i
  • Actual: no info provided
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. chose bp from manufact terminal
  2. click more in the left lower corner
  3. click i
  4. info is removed
  5. click i again, nothing happens
Bug Report
  • Title: cant really read info on bp
  • Date Found: [27/02/2024]
  • Expected: to read info
  • Actual: near impossible to read info
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. chose bp from manufact terminal
  2. click more in the left lower corner
  3. try to read but the picture of the bp lays behind text making it near impossible to read the info
Bug Report
  • Title: chose several bp when constructing and using filter
  • Date Found: [27/02/2024]
  • Expected: to only be able to chose one bp
  • Actual: can select several
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. open construction machine
  2. click filter
  3. type something
  4. chose several bp
Bug Report
  • Title: lose info on bp
  • Date Found: [27/02/2024]
  • Expected: to get info back on bp after clicking i
  • Actual: no info provided
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. chose bp from manufact terminal
  2. click more in the left lower corner
  3. click i
  4. info is removed
  5. click i again, nothing happens
You may resolve this issue doing the following, although it will reset the positioning of the interface elements to their default positions and sizes.

Check in Options > Interface > use [Reset UI] if you're missing something in the UI.
Bug Report
  • Title: Micro freeze every 1/2 min
  • Same freeze on 2 differents computers at 2 differents places (at home and at work, both 4070ti, 32g, 13600kf and updated drivers)
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. just play
Bug Report
  • Title: Interact fails after using auto move
  • Date Found: 21/02/24
  • Expected: Clicking interact should auto move you to the nearest object and start interacting (eg. equip excavator and click interact should move you to the nearest visible claim and start drilling)
  • Actual: After using auto move (clicking icon on toolbar or pressing associated key, NOT key that has been binded) trying to interact will only turn you to the nearest claim but will not automove you within range to start interacting
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Use auto move by clicking icon on toolbar (using a key that you've binded to auto move does not produce the bug, but using the numeric key that points to the toolbar does)
  2. Interact with an item that's beyond the range of your item
  3. Avatar will turn but will not move within range to interact

Reposted from first bug thread as it hasn't been fixed
Would I be right in thinking we shouldn't post anything from the previous thread that isn't listed as corrected in the fix list?

If something IS listed as fixed/addressed, and we discover it isn't, presumably you WOULD want us to report that though?
Bug Report
  • Title: Auto Sell in Crafting GUI
  • Date Found: 02/27/2024
  • Expected: Auto sell items crafted
  • Actual: Nothing
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Check Auto Sell box
  2. Change value to 100%
  3. Stil get items instead of PED and PECs
See previous linked thread for example images.

Bug Report
  • Title: Radar coordinate transparency
  • Date Found: 2/27/2024
  • Expected: To reduce unwanted transparency issues with the radar, sticky notes could be placed under the radar by placing the note over the radar (coordinates specifically). When clicking on a small exposed part of the radar after doing this, the radar would be brought to the front with the note reducing transparency in the background like below.
  • Actual: Placing a sticky in the above manner and clicking on the radar (e.g., the Arkadia text below) now results in no change. The radar is not brought to the front and the sticky note instead just remains on top of the radar.
This helped Little Big Mining Log track avatar location in the past. If this sticky note/radar functionality can't be restored, an alternative would be to provide an option to make the radar (or at least where coordinates are displayed on it) opaque instead of transparent. The latter would actually be more preferable long-term since it would avoid needing to using sticky notes like this entirely.

It looks like a slider for transparency was added only for the radar itself this time, not the coordinates, which got a lot of people's hopes up when the news said transparency options were added. Not sure if there was confusion on what was being asked about, so posting this again since sticky notes still cannot be placed under the radar coordinates.
See previous linked thread for example images.

Bug Report
  • Title: Radar coordinate transparency
  • Date Found: 2/27/2024
  • Expected: To reduce unwanted transparency issues with the radar, sticky notes could be placed under the radar by placing the note over the radar (coordinates specifically). When clicking on a small exposed part of the radar after doing this, the radar would be brought to the front with the note reducing transparency in the background like below.
  • Actual: Placing a sticky in the above manner and clicking on the radar (e.g., the Arkadia text below) now results in no change. The radar is not brought to the front and the sticky note instead just remains on top of the radar.
This helped Little Big Mining Log track avatar location in the past. If this sticky note/radar functionality can't be restored, an alternative would be to provide an option to make the radar (or at least where coordinates are displayed on it) opaque instead of transparent. The latter would actually be more preferable long-term since it would avoid needing to using sticky notes like this entirely.

It looks like a slider for transparency was added only for the radar itself this time, not the coordinates, which got a lot of people's hopes up when the news said transparency options were added. Not sure if there was confusion on what was being asked about, so posting this again since sticky notes still cannot be placed under the radar coordinates.
Yep. Makes no sense, Radar wasn't the issue, the damn coordinates were XD
Bug Report
  • Title: Hiding action bars results in key bindings not working.
  • Date Found: since UI change
  • Expected: expected key bindings to work even if not displayed on screen
  • Actual: key bindings don't work if action bar not displayed
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. hide action bar
  2. key bindings no longer work
Bug Report
  • Title: Auto Sell in Crafting GUI
  • Date Found: 02/27/2024
  • Expected: Auto sell items crafted
  • Actual: Nothing
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Check Auto Sell box
  2. Change value to 100%
  3. Stil get items instead of PED and PECs
Why not make it auto selling to Nanocubes instead of ped? Would make much more sense or at least give us both options.
See previous linked thread for example images.

Bug Report
  • Title: Radar coordinate transparency
  • Date Found: 2/27/2024
  • Expected: To reduce unwanted transparency issues with the radar, sticky notes could be placed under the radar by placing the note over the radar (coordinates specifically). When clicking on a small exposed part of the radar after doing this, the radar would be brought to the front with the note reducing transparency in the background like below.
  • Actual: Placing a sticky in the above manner and clicking on the radar (e.g., the Arkadia text below) now results in no change. The radar is not brought to the front and the sticky note instead just remains on top of the radar.
This helped Little Big Mining Log track avatar location in the past. If this sticky note/radar functionality can't be restored, an alternative would be to provide an option to make the radar (or at least where coordinates are displayed on it) opaque instead of transparent. The latter would actually be more preferable long-term since it would avoid needing to using sticky notes like this entirely.

It looks like a slider for transparency was added only for the radar itself this time, not the coordinates, which got a lot of people's hopes up when the news said transparency options were added. Not sure if there was confusion on what was being asked about, so posting this again since sticky notes still cannot be placed under the radar coordinates.

My rader is now black with grey circles and the coordinates or like before, white but I can read them without problems.
Auction arrows still not showing in bold to represent the order of the items showed up.

Example: I want to buy the cheapest muscle oil from auction, I click Buyout arrow so it organizes by buyout price but there not a indicator of this function. Can you please make it bold or bigger once I click the arrow? Just like BEFORE?

Inventory: Before when I drag and drop something from an container or storage into the inventory without being on the correct tab it would flash that tab so that we knew where it went. Now there is not any indication, plus now all icons are different and this future would be even more important than before!

Add features not remove them! Thank you!!!
Last edited:
You may resolve this issue doing the following, although it will reset the positioning of the interface elements to their default positions and sizes.

Check in Options > Interface > use [Reset UI] if you're missing something in the UI.
this misleading information to get ppl to reset their UI is not appriciated, stop it
Bug Report
  • Title: cant stop follow avatars
  • Date Found: [27/02/2024]
  • Expected: to stop follow avatars when using any run interaction
  • Actual: stalking them until restraining order or next server update (or the person tps away)
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. click follow on ur team member
  2. try to get away from it
My rader is now black with grey circles and the coordinates or like before, white but I can read them without problems.
LBML hasn't been updated to to work with the new coordinate setup yet, so it shouldn't be working. In the old UI, you could at least put a sticky note behind the radar to remove transparency like I mentioned, but that doesn't work now either.
Bug Report
  • Title: interface lost after creature control pill
  • Date Found: [27/02/2024]
  • Expected: to be my normal avatar after creature control
  • Actual: lost all interfaces
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. use a creature control
  2. play around
  3. get killed / run out of time
  4. forced to relog to get back
Bug Report

Title: Fixed an issue where an action that moves you into range of a target did not work correctly - still broken for account
Date Found: 27/02/2024


Expected: Right click should move into range of target
Actual: For me - if I am out of range of a terminal - I right click on it, and I now move towards the terminal till I am in range and then stop.
If I equip a gun and am out of range of a mob - I right click on it and i run towards to the mob till it is in range - then auto stop and shoot.

All good - and great that this has been fixed :)

But, on the other PC, my Wife's ava is not doing the same. Right clicking the mouse does nothing.

Steps to Reproduce:

On my Wife's account - Avi is out of range of terminal or mob. Aim on terminal or mob, and press right click on mouse. Nothing happens - expecting to move towards target till in range then stop.
Works on my account on another PC.
Bug Report
  • Title: near invisible icon
  • Date Found: [27/02/2024]
  • Expected: to see my [Skyripper Loyalist (L)] in actionbar
  • Actual: black actionbar with almostnoticeable dot in center
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. put [Skyripper Loyalist (L)] in actionbar
  2. try to identify the [Skyripper Loyalist (L)] in the black box
New hotfix is out!

If you're inside the game, you need to log out and back in to apply it:
  • It is now possible to hide an action bar, but still use any actions and items bound to it!
  • Nameplates should now show the Society correctly.
  • The notification UI (location banner) should no longer be stuck. We are aware that it is still not working entirely as intended though.
Bug Report
  • Title: Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  • Date Found: 27Feb2024
  • Expected: Mission menu and standard icon bar don't move after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  • Actual: Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Move the Mission menu and standard icon bar (I like going to top RH corner)
  2. Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  3. Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position