UI Release: Bug/Crash Report Thread Part 2

Hello I did full reinstall of Entropia because:
each time they did update I had information:
Failed to open registry key: SOFTWARE\MindArk\EntropiaUniverse
Failed to update EU: An error occurred while applying the update. Please try again later.
After I log I had Everything as I have before.

Bug report:
-When flying forward I fly up and can not stop- need to re-log
- I have 2 second codex on Firefox, when I DID NOT finish first
- mobs appears and disappear from my radar, so do others players
-I have nearby players that aren't there
- my avatar freeze and can not move, can not change equipment- item is busy and I can do nothing
- mission tracker disappear, when doing sand king- need to relog
- mobs appears as unreachable without any reason
Bug Report

  • Title: [Bukin's Spare Rifle], [Vivo S10], [VSE Mk.1] and any (L) cannot be protected anymore
  • Date Found: [24/03/2024]

  • Expected: Items should be protectable to prevent accidental TT'ing
  • Actual: Since a recent update, I cannot protect some items, including the starter items [Bukin's Spare Rifle] (and its adjusted counterpart) and [Vivo S10]. Knowing MindArk charges 1000 PED to recreate an accidentally tt'ed item, I believe any item should be protectable, including limited items and stackable items
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Attempt to protect one of the listed items
  2. Realize you cant
  3. Be careful not to tt them
Bug Report

  • Title: [Bukin's Spare Rifle], [Vivo S10], [VSE Mk.1] and any (L) cannot be protected anymore
  • Date Found: [24/03/2024]

  • Expected: Items should be protectable to prevent accidental TT'ing
  • Actual: Since a recent update, I cannot protect some items, including the starter items [Bukin's Spare Rifle] (and its adjusted counterpart) and [Vivo S10]. Knowing MindArk charges 1000 PED to recreate an accidentally tt'ed item, I believe any item should be protectable, including limited items and stackable items
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Attempt to protect one of the listed items
  2. Realize you cant
  3. Be careful not to tt them
I think all these can't be traded and sold to TT, so probably no need to protect?
I think all these can't be traded and sold to TT, so probably no need to protect?
only the vse, but you should still be able to set the (P) on it. you can absolutely TT the bukin and the vivo and get nada for them
Crash Report
  • Title: Cannot log into Client Loader since VU 18.1.0
  • Date/Time: [03/12/2024, 18:00]
Crash Details:
  • Frequency: Every time I attempt to open the Client Loader.
  • Steps to Reproduce: Attempt to open Client Loader.
  • Error Message: "Could not connect to the update server."
  • OS: Windows 10 Pro
  • App Version: Most recent.
  • Device: Desktop PC - i5-14600k @ 3.50 GHz / 32 GB DDR5 RAM / 2 TB M.2 NVMe SSD / AMD Radeon 6900XT
Attempted Fixes:
  • Port forwarding on router of relevant ports as per EU support page.
  • Opening of all ports for entropia.exe app and clientloader.exe app.
  • Connected via mobile phone hotspot to bypass router.
  • Reinstall Entropia.
  • Installed on secondary PC (gaming laptop) and had EXACTLY the same problem on there.
Any help would be appreciated.

Bug Report
  • Title: Portabele Repair Unit (L)
  • Date 25/03/24
  • Expected: When equipped the terminal decay itself just by doing nothing else than equip it, so every time equip and unequip costs 0.07 ped
  • MA u owe me 2 repair units cause that is what i lost until i noticed what happened ( if u want ofc )
Bug Report
  • Xbox Controller no longer working
  • You can only move and jump using Xbox Controller now you can not use items or right click the joy stick to make the cursor appear
Bug Report
  • Title: Damage incorrect on SIB weapons
  • Date Found: 03/25/2024
  • Expected: When reaching SIB, damage on weapon should go up
  • Actual: Damage went even lower than before SIB (when using skill modification enhancers)
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Reach SIB
  2. See damage go down instead of up
  3. Test damage on mobs, and see that it is indeed lower (and not just a visual bug)

In story mode:
Before SIB, a gun should have 50% of the maxed dmg. When reaching SIB, the damage should start going up.
According to Entropiawiki it works as follows:

The end of the interval is always the maximal damage, so 100%. For a SIB weapon, the damage interval is 25% to 50% when you are not in yet in the learning period. When you start the learning period, the damage interval jumps to 40% to 80%, and will linearly increase until 50% to 100%.

I have the Glinting Unity, I'm level 88.5 on damage, and level 88.2 on hit.
My damage is 25 - 50 / 50 - 100, which is as expected.

Once reaching SIB, my damage should start going upwards. According to Entropiawiki, it should be 40-80 / 50-100 to start, and go upwards when I level up.
So I tried putting 3 skill modification enhancers in it, in order to get 1.5 additional levels, so I'd have the level for SIB on damage. Instead, the damage went even lower:

Edit: in the meanwhile I have reached SIB without enhancers, and I can confirm that the bug is still there. Seems to be a bug on SIB, or the gun itself, not on enhancers.
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Not sure if this has been reported, but the most obvious and first thing to test is not working. Any changes I do to the UI is saved through relogs. So basically everytime I log in I'm greeted with the wiped fresh UI layout :D
Not sure if this has been reported, but the most obvious and first thing to test is not working. Any changes I do to the UI is saved through relogs. So basically everytime I log in I'm greeted with the wiped fresh UI layout :D

There was a problem right after the UI was released where changes would not be saved properly, but it was fixed back then. Are you saying you've experienced the same issue now recently? If so, how did you exit the game when it happened? Do you know if anyone else had the same?
There was a problem right after the UI was released where changes would not be saved properly, but it was fixed back then. Are you saying you've experienced the same issue now recently? If so, how did you exit the game when it happened? Do you know if anyone else had the same?
This was the first time I logged in since the UI update. I exited the game through the normal exit button from main menu. Live support said they'd heard something similar and recommended me trying to start launcher with 56k and/or in safe mode. Tried all of that but didn't help.
The auction is completely nonfunctional. I hope the auction timers are on a pause, otherwise it is a disaster.

UPD. It seems Auction works again.
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@Ludvig|MindArk Auction is broken. Can't load it. Can't click "market value" on items, nothing happens for 30 sec and then pops up just showing "undefined" on all values.

@Ludvig|MindArk also mobs are not respawning.

The auction is completely nonfunctional. I hope the auction timers are on a pause, otherwise it is a disaster.

UPD. It seems Auction works again.

Yeah, we are aware, we are having some server issues. Support news about it should be up soon.

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This was the first time I logged in since the UI update. I exited the game through the normal exit button from main menu. Live support said they'd heard something similar and recommended me trying to start launcher with 56k and/or in safe mode. Tried all of that but didn't help.

The UI team has looked into it and a hotfix has been released. It should be working properly now for you and anyone else having the same issue. If you're currently ingame you will have to relog for it to be applied.
The UI team has looked into it and a hotfix has been released. It should be working properly now for you and anyone else having the same issue. If you're currently ingame you will have to relog for it to be applied.
It works now, thanks a lot for the quick turnaround on this!
Yesterday I submitted a ticket that when I try to login to the game I get an error. I received a reply via email to go to the website and view the updated ticket. Now when I try to go to my account, or support on the website nothing loads. I have tried multiple browsers as well as a private browser and nothing helps so I am not even able to see what the reply on my support case is.
Yesterday I submitted a ticket that when I try to login to the game I get an error. I received a reply via email to go to the website and view the updated ticket. Now when I try to go to my account, or support on the website nothing loads. I have tried multiple browsers as well as a private browser and nothing helps so I am not even able to see what the reply on my support case is.

Should be working now.

Anyone else with the same issue, please use the "Chat" function on https://www.planetcalypso.com/ or https://www.entropiauniverse.com/ to contact live support for help.
I just finished one stage of the "CoH Part 7" Cyrene mission and the message that supposed to pop up one time after finishing tide claw pincher sinew is now continuously appearing even if i close it using "X" button on top right side of the window. Every time a pincher sinew is looted the window pops up if was closed prior so i have to hunt now with a non useful window on my screen, bit annoying tbh.

the window message does not have an "OK" button anywhere to be pressed and the only way to close it is using "X"

the reason i m posting this here is cause i finished a diff stage of this mission and i had no issue after finishing it, once finished the window never appeared again

something changed past patches that changed whatever interaction is with this mission and has this bug now

please consider a fix for this too
Bug Report
  • Title: Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  • Date Found: 27Feb2024
  • Expected: Mission menu and standard icon bar don't move after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  • Actual: Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Move the Mission menu and standard icon bar (I like going to top RH corner)
  2. Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  3. Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position
This is still broken
Bug Report
  • Title: Avatar Freelancer/soc info and Profession info disappears
  • Date Found: 04/02/2024
  • Expected: When clicking on my health bar or on other avatars the Avatar Freelancer/Soc and Profession info under my/their health bar should be shown.
  • Actual: The info often disappears. Sometimes it appears again. sometimes the info is shown when looking in a certain direction. Sometimes it's shown at one TP but after jumping to another TP the info has disappeared.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click on your own big health bar or on any other avatar.
  2. Often the above mentioned info has disappeared
Bug Report
  • Title: Web info from the Client Loader dialog is opened in a non functioning Internet Explorer
  • Date Found: A long long time ago.....
  • Expected: When I click on the big window in the Client Loader dialog I expect the info to open in my current web browser.
  • Actual: Some sort of non functioning Internet Explorer(??!!) look alike program is opened. The information is totally unreadable in that contraption. I have to copy the web address and paste it into my current web browser to be able to read/watch the information. This is a very old problem.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Click in the big top window in the Client Loader dialog.
  2. Some sort of non functioning Internet Explorer is opened with unreadable info! The only explanation I can think of why this is never fixed is that MA has lost the source code to the Client Loader and has no one who is able to program a new version. Internet Explorer was killed by Microsoft a long time ago! Maybe MA's new almighty AI would be of some use now? Anyone with even the slightest programming skill would be able to fix this.
Bug Report
  • Title: Selected Avatar name combination is incorrectly displayed after login.
  • Date Found: 04/02/24 (This started with the UI update)
  • Expected: I expect to see the displayed name combination I have selected for my Avatar.
  • Actual: After a new login the name combination of First name/Nickname/Surname is not correctly shown. The First name is always shown but Nickname and Surname seems to be randomly selected. I have to change the name combination in the Profile a couple of times before it sticks. This has to be done after each login.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Change the Displayed name in the Avatar Profile dialog
  2. Close the Profile dialog
  3. Watch the result at the avatar and in the health bar.
  4. Relog.
  5. If you removed either Nickname or Surname either one or both of those are now shown again.
Bug Report
  • Title: Lighting inside buildings too dark at night time (Not really a bug but still...)
  • Date Found: 04/02/2024
  • Expected: When I'm inside a bunker or a building without windows I expect the brightness of the lighting to be the same regardless of time of day or night (in game time obviously)
  • Actual: During night time it's much darker inside.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Go inside a bunker or building in PA for example during game day time.
  2. Observe the brightness.
  3. Go inside a bunker or building in PA for example during game night time.
  4. Observe the difference...
Bug Report

  • Title: Avatar keaps moving after movement keys are released in special situations (Message Center)
  • Date Found: [04/05/2024] Found it earlier, no clue when. Was to lazy to report.

  • Expected: Movement stops when you release the move buttons, doesn´t matter what other windows you are opening/browsing
  • Actual: If you change categories (Auction to Notes or whatever) in the message center whilte moving (for example to the right side "D"-button), the avatar will keap moving until you close the message center or remove the focus from it and press the same direction key "D".
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. move for example to the right side "D", keap it pressed
  2. open message center
  3. change on the left side the categorie of the message center from your actual one to something different
  4. at this point the message center get the focus on it. (border color changed)
  5. release the movement button, your avatar is on automove in that direction now
  6. close message center (avatar will still run)
  7. press the same direction button "D" in our example to stop movement. Other directions wont stop it.


Bug Report

  • Title: Avatar keaps moving after movement keys are released in special situations (Drag & Drop in Inventory)
  • Date Found: [04/05/2024] Found it earlier, no clue when. Was to lazy to report.

  • Expected: Movement stops when you release the move buttons, doesn´t matter what other windows you are opening/browsing
  • Actual: If you release the movement button (for example to the right side "D"-button) while using drag and drop in your inventory, the avatar will keap moving until you end the drag & drop process and then press the same direction key "D".
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. open inventory
  2. move for example to the right side "D", keap it pressed
  3. start to drag an item (left mouse down on item and moving it)
  4. release the movement button, your avatar is on automove in that direction now
  5. end the drag & drop process
  6. close inventory (your avatar is still moving even you have released the movement button in step 4.)
  7. press the same direction button "D" in our example to stop movement. Other directions wont stop it.
Add "Actions" to the same bug as described above

Steps to Reproduce:
  1. move for example to the right side "D", keap it pressed
  2. Open "Actions" pressing the 4 icon on top left or by pressing the "N" button.
  3. avatar keaps moving after releasing movement