Question: UI Release: Bug/Crash Report Thread Part 2

FIXED 03/19/2024 (Just as I typed this report there was an update)

*note: I know this is an obvious one but I didn't find the report in this thread so better safe than sorry :)

Bug Report
  • Title: Auto move does not work in vehicles
  • Date found: 03/12/2024 (or after first patch update for UI)

  • Expected: When operating a vehicle, pressing auto move key engages automatic forward movement.
  • Actual: When operating a vehicle, pressing auto move does nothing.
Steps to Reproduce:
  • Get into vehicle and press auto move key.
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FIXED 03/19/2024 (Just as I typed this report there was an update)

*note: I know this too is an obvious one but I didn't find the report in this thread so better safe than sorry :)

Bug Report
  • Title: Mouse buttons 4 and 5 don't work when bound to actions.
  • Date found: 03/12/2024 (or after first patch update for UI)
  • Expected: Mouse button 4 and 5 bound to actions trigger those actions when pressed.
  • Actual: Mouse button 4 and 5 bound to actions do nothing.
Steps to Reproduce:
  • Bind mouse button 4 and 5 to an action, and try pressing them to see that they don't work.
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FIXED 03/19/2024 (Just as I typed this report there was an update)

*note: I know this too is an obvious one but I didn't find the report in this thread so better safe than sorry :)

Bug Report
  • Title: Clicking on text entry field in chat while holding WASD movement keys gets movement stuck in that direction until the same key is pressed again.
  • Date found: After UI update.
  • Expected: While using WASD keys to move and clicking to enter text, the WASD movement should stop and typing begin.
  • Actual: While using WASD keys to move and clicking to enter text, the movement gets stuck in the direction last pressed until the same key is pressed again.
Steps to Reproduce:
  • Press and hold any WASD movement key to move and then click on sticky note, chat text entry field or search box in inventory, you will be stuck moving in that direction. If you want to cancel it, you have to press the same key again. (if you held W while clicking, you have to press W again to stop the movement)

    *Also please don't fix this before the vehicle auto move is fixed because this is the only workaround for us to turn on auto move in vehicles at this moment.
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Bug Report
  • Title: Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  • Date Found: 27Feb2024
  • Expected: Mission menu and standard icon bar don't move after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  • Actual: Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position after Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Move the Mission menu and standard icon bar (I like going to top RH corner)
  2. Alt-enter / switch to windows mode
  3. Mission menu and standard icon bar reset position
This is still broke
Bug Report
  • Title: Televators used to be operable with the keyboard
  • Date Found: time of writing
  • Expected: It used to be possible to operate televators in buildings or elsewhere entirely with the keyboard, i.e. setting the floor with number keys, increasing/decreasing with arrow keys, and setting it off with the enter key.
  • Actual: Except for typing a number, the above no longer works, you can only use the mouse. The number input, too, now works like a text input field and you have to delete a preset first if it would get in the way.
  • Comment: Keyboard or mouse may be a matter of personal preference, but once entrained, keys are faster to operate in most situations. Please consider previously existing functionalities upon such a re-implementation.
Bug Report
  • Title: Memory leak, most likely
  • Date Found: I think it was already present but its alot more noticable now
  • Expected: consistant 144 fps
  • Actual: 30 fps after running the game for a few hours
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. run the game for a few hours an notice the fps decline
  2. restart the game and recieve the same fps you began with
Hey I recommend getting GPU-Z utility and maybe taking/posting a screenshot of the data when you are on the high FPS and another when you get the low FPS. Not sure but it might reveal something
Not sure how this happened, but it's really annoying and restart EU does not help, see image:

Not sure how this happened, but it's really annoying and restart EU does not help, see image:

As @fred5283 said, have you tried opening the "Actions" window and toggling "Show All Nameplates" or "Show Enemy Nameplates"? If you still have the same issue after trying that, please let me know and I'll ask the team to look into it.
Bug Report
  • Title: New UI can't calculate decay proper.
  • Date Found: 04/19/2024
  • Expected: When weapon is "broken" it's when it's properly broken.
  • Actual: Get an "Unable to execute" error on repair terminal or TT.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Take a few TT weapons or looted weapons L or UL and go hunt.
  2. When game says "This item is broken" take the item to either Repair terminal or TT and try to repair/TT the item and get an "Unable to execute" error.
  3. After confirming that the item broken or close to 0ped TT... relog.
    You now have 1-2ped of TT of the item and can keep hunting or repair/TT the item.
    Even if you do not get the "Unable to execute" error and can TT the item it wont give you the correct amount of ped in returns so you have to relog every single time to not loose ped to the void.
    Same is true for repair terminal.
Two latest example items:
[Initiate's Power Fist (L)]
[Hilqa Knife M3 (L)]
Bug Report
  • Title: New UI can't calculate decay proper.
  • Date Found: 04/19/2024
  • Expected: When weapon is "broken" it's when it's properly broken.
  • Actual: Get an "Unable to execute" error on repair terminal or TT.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Take a few TT weapons or looted weapons L or UL and go hunt.
  2. When game says "This item is broken" take the item to either Repair terminal or TT and try to repair/TT the item and get an "Unable to execute" error.
  3. After confirming that the item broken or close to 0ped TT... relog.
    You now have 1-2ped of TT of the item and can keep hunting or repair/TT the item.
    Even if you do not get the "Unable to execute" error and can TT the item it wont give you the correct amount of ped in returns so you have to relog every single time to not loose ped to the void.
    Same is true for repair terminal.
Two latest example items:
[Initiate's Power Fist (L)]
[Hilqa Knife M3 (L)]
Worst worries have become the reality... 🤦‍♂️

That wrecks my faith to the system... 🤔

Goodjob and post. 👍
I don't know if it has already been reported, but...

Bug Report:

I cant copy-paste in chat window.


When i want to put a coord or item link or something, i can copy it, but i cant paste in chat windows... the only is do Ctrl+V, like the MSDOS old times...


Fix Paste function in char window
I don't know if it has already been reported, but...

Bug Report:

I cant copy-paste in chat window.


When i want to put a coord or item link or something, i can copy it, but i cant paste in chat windows... the only is do Ctrl+V, like the MSDOS old times...


Fix Paste function in char window

[Ctrl+C] and [Ctrl+V] are even too much recent for me. :D
I stull use [Ctrl+Insert] and [Shift+Insert] and would like them to be added as well.

Oh, and other obvious shortcuts, as [Ctrl+Left], [Ctrl+Right], [Ctrl+A].
I know, it's not MS-Word, but any second gained can count when healing !
As @fred5283 said, have you tried opening the "Actions" window and toggling "Show All Nameplates" or "Show Enemy Nameplates"? If you still have the same issue after trying that, please let me know and I'll ask the team to look into it.

Ludwig, why was this feature added in the Actions ?

I can't find any usage of it as a Hunter/Healer:
  • I tried this feature when healing 10 people, but it's far less efficient to detect an injured Hunter than just watching the HP bars from the Team, because some Hunters might be out of my vision angle.
  • Or is it dedicated for PvP only ?
Bug Report

  • Title: when using damage enhancers, count of uses left on [Castorian Combat Mace Mk. 6, FEN Edition] not working properly
  • Date Found: [03/20/2024]

  • Expected: before the new UI we didnt have a counter on uses left for weapons that dont uses ammo but if the devs decided to add this counter i was expecting it to work normal like other weapons
  • Actual: after testing by removing damage enhancers the counter was working fine but when i put damage enhancers back on, the counter jumps by 2 every swing (3 of 4 times)
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. i can remove all dmg enhancers and see the counter works fine
  2. after adding 7 tiers of dmg enhancers counter starts jumping by 2
  3. also noticed with dmg enhancers on or off counter stays the same, so im assuming the jumps of 2 uses per swing is just accounting for extra decay on original count of uses left..
  4. here is a clip of me hunting with dmg enhancers on pay attention to counter
I had this very bug appear for me when using a Power Claw Mk.6 FEN (another weapon using 0 ammo).
Bug Report
  • Title: New UI can't calculate decay proper.
  • Date Found: 04/19/2024
  • Expected: When weapon is "broken" it's when it's properly broken.
  • Actual: Get an "Unable to execute" error on repair terminal or TT.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Take a few TT weapons or looted weapons L or UL and go hunt.
  2. When game says "This item is broken" take the item to either Repair terminal or TT and try to repair/TT the item and get an "Unable to execute" error.
  3. After confirming that the item broken or close to 0ped TT... relog.
    You now have 1-2ped of TT of the item and can keep hunting or repair/TT the item.
    Even if you do not get the "Unable to execute" error and can TT the item it wont give you the correct amount of ped in returns so you have to relog every single time to not loose ped to the void.
    Same is true for repair terminal.
Two latest example items:
[Initiate's Power Fist (L)]
[Hilqa Knife M3 (L)]
This is highly concerning. @Ludvig|MindArk can we get a response to this…
Hey I recommend getting GPU-Z utility and maybe taking/posting a screenshot of the data when you are on the high FPS and another when you get the low FPS. Not sure but it might reveal something
I did something similar to that, which is why i suspect it to be the case.
Bug Report
  • Title: New UI can't calculate decay proper.
  • Date Found: 04/19/2024
  • Expected: When weapon is "broken" it's when it's properly broken.
  • Actual: Get an "Unable to execute" error on repair terminal or TT.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Take a few TT weapons or looted weapons L or UL and go hunt.
  2. When game says "This item is broken" take the item to either Repair terminal or TT and try to repair/TT the item and get an "Unable to execute" error.
  3. After confirming that the item broken or close to 0ped TT... relog.
    You now have 1-2ped of TT of the item and can keep hunting or repair/TT the item.
    Even if you do not get the "Unable to execute" error and can TT the item it wont give you the correct amount of ped in returns so you have to relog every single time to not loose ped to the void.
    Same is true for repair terminal.
Two latest example items:
[Initiate's Power Fist (L)]
[Hilqa Knife M3 (L)]
Has anyone been able to reproduce this tho? I've tried a few times in a few diffrent ways with no success. I have not tried with L tho.
Bug Report

  • Title: when using damage enhancers, count of uses left on [Castorian Combat Mace Mk. 6, FEN Edition] not working properly
  • Date Found: [03/20/2024]

  • Expected: before the new UI we didnt have a counter on uses left for weapons that dont uses ammo but if the devs decided to add this counter i was expecting it to work normal like other weapons
  • Actual: after testing by removing damage enhancers the counter was working fine but when i put damage enhancers back on, the counter jumps by 2 every swing (3 of 4 times)
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. i can remove all dmg enhancers and see the counter works fine
  2. after adding 7 tiers of dmg enhancers counter starts jumping by 2
  3. also noticed with dmg enhancers on or off counter stays the same, so im assuming the jumps of 2 uses per swing is just accounting for extra decay on original count of uses left..
  4. here is a clip of me hunting with dmg enhancers on pay attention to counter
This may not be the bug you think it is. For ease of explanation, imagine you have a 1000 TT item and 1 ped decay. 1000 uses. With 1 damage enhancer, your decay is 1.1 ped and you have 909 uses. If the counter doesn't account for the added decay from enhancers, it will occasionally jump 2 at a time. The more enhancers, the more double skips. At 10 enhancers, every attack would count as 2.
Bug Report
  • Title: New UI can't calculate decay proper.
  • Date Found: 04/19/2024
  • Expected: When weapon is "broken" it's when it's properly broken.
  • Actual: Get an "Unable to execute" error on repair terminal or TT.
Steps to Reproduce:
  1. Take a few TT weapons or looted weapons L or UL and go hunt.
  2. When game says "This item is broken" take the item to either Repair terminal or TT and try to repair/TT the item and get an "Unable to execute" error.
  3. After confirming that the item broken or close to 0ped TT... relog.
    You now have 1-2ped of TT of the item and can keep hunting or repair/TT the item.
    Even if you do not get the "Unable to execute" error and can TT the item it wont give you the correct amount of ped in returns so you have to relog every single time to not loose ped to the void.
    Same is true for repair terminal.
Two latest example items:
[Initiate's Power Fist (L)]
[Hilqa Knife M3 (L)]

This is highly concerning. @Ludvig|MindArk can we get a response to this…

Has anyone been able to reproduce this tho? I've tried a few times in a few diffrent ways with no success. I have not tried with L tho.

We are aware, and the team is looking into it and trying to reproduce it.

They have also asked that I request that anyone who has experienced this provide any further information they can; which items it happened with, where it happened (which planet for example), exactly what they were doing when it happened, etc.

Any such information will help us reproduce and identify the issue much faster.
Bug Report

  • Title: when using damage enhancers, count of uses left on [Castorian Combat Mace Mk. 6, FEN Edition] not working properly
  • Date Found: [03/20/2024]

  • Expected: before the new UI we didnt have a counter on uses left for weapons that dont uses ammo but if the devs decided to add this counter i was expecting it to work normal like other weapons
  • Actual: after testing by removing damage enhancers the counter was working fine but when i put damage enhancers back on, the counter jumps by 2 every swing (3 of 4 times)
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. i can remove all dmg enhancers and see the counter works fine
  2. after adding 7 tiers of dmg enhancers counter starts jumping by 2
  3. also noticed with dmg enhancers on or off counter stays the same, so im assuming the jumps of 2 uses per swing is just accounting for extra decay on original count of uses left..
  4. here is a clip of me hunting with dmg enhancers on pay attention to counter

We are looking into this as well, and the team asked me to assure you that this is a visual thing only (issue with the counter). It doesn't mean your item is decaying more/faster.
We are aware, and the team is looking into it and trying to reproduce it.

They have also asked that I request that anyone who has experienced this provide any further information they can; which items it happened with, where it happened (which planet for example), exactly what they were doing when it happened, etc.

Any such information will help us reproduce and identify the issue much faster.
I have been able to reproduce it... more than once.
Not all weapons are able to "drift" this much but i was able to do a 0decay hunt on the ark moon yesterday.
I have also reproduced this on other planets like Cyrene and Monria.
So location seems less important but weapon type does seem to play a roll.
There are some weapons ( motly what most people would consider meta weapons ) are unaffected.
We have not found any Mindforce chips ( yet ).

The most extreme example i have is during a daily on ark moon i used my LR-20 and this happened i only cykled a few ped thru the gun.
Note that the decay on the gun itself and the amp differs after relog.
And the repair terminal wanted to charge me the "accurate" amount before and after relog to what's seen on the screenshot.
So one could say i now saved a few ped in repair bill.

I can also trigger this bug with TT weapons and some looted weapons such as:
[Initiate's Power Fist (L)]
[Hilqa Knife M3 (L)]
I don't know if it is a previous bug or it has already been reported...

My Wife, Avatar "Katalina Machichy" bought a "Cryogenic chip 10 (L)" and a "Mayhem MF-Amplifier Alpha (L)"... Is the first time she ( and me too ) has an atachment with 2% Life Stealth...

The problem:
In a moment, she had to go to the kitchen, and I was shooting with her avatar for a few minutes while she came back... I was killing Steel Birds in Camp Phoenix... I tried to heal myself, but at that moment the "Regeneration V UL" chip broke... It doesn't matter, with 2% Stealth I'll heal myself while she comes back, and...

Bug Report
  • Title: 2% Life Stealth not work properly
  • Date Found: [03/21/2024]
  • Expected: 2% Life Stealth work even my Regeneration Chip V was broken...
  • Actual: Not wotk after try chip and discover is broken and not repaired...
Later, when the avatar died, repair the chip in terminal... use chip and my healt is total again... take the Cryogenic chip 10 again ( with the MF amplifier ) and Voila!!! again the Green Heart says that 2% stealth is working again...

I dont know if the action to use the broken "Regeneration V chip UL" is the guilty of this bug, or is this normal?
Bug Report

  • Title: teleporting to the hub and back destroys your mindforce implant until next login
  • Date Found: [03/22/2024]

  • Expected: my mindforce implant should not be destroyed, or maybe even unequipped
  • Actual: the implant is removed from my inventory. attempting to equip a MF chip results in "No implant inserted" error message. relogging makes the implant appear in inventory again but unequipped.
Steps to Reproduce:

  1. teleport to the hub on cyrene
  2. teleport back
I don't know if it is a previous bug or it has already been reported...

My Wife, Avatar "Katalina Machichy" bought a "Cryogenic chip 10 (L)" and a "Mayhem MF-Amplifier Alpha (L)"... Is the first time she ( and me too ) has an atachment with 2% Life Stealth...

The problem:
In a moment, she had to go to the kitchen, and I was shooting with her avatar for a few minutes while she came back... I was killing Steel Birds in Camp Phoenix... I tried to heal myself, but at that moment the "Regeneration V UL" chip broke... It doesn't matter, with 2% Stealth I'll heal myself while she comes back, and...

Bug Report
  • Title: 2% Life Stealth not work properly
  • Date Found: [03/21/2024]
  • Expected: 2% Life Stealth work even my Regeneration Chip V was broken...
  • Actual: Not wotk after try chip and discover is broken and not repaired...
Later, when the avatar died, repair the chip in terminal... use chip and my healt is total again... take the Cryogenic chip 10 again ( with the MF amplifier ) and Voila!!! again the Green Heart says that 2% stealth is working again...

I dont know if the action to use the broken "Regeneration V chip UL" is the guilty of this bug, or is this normal?

My wife can do again the error, and take two photos:

First, use the Regeneration chip and is broke again...


Then, she take again the Cryogenic 10 L with the MF Amplifier Alpha ( with 2% of Stealth ) and...


Surprise!!! The green Heart icon that say "Stealth" is gone and not work!!! .... and only apears again when use do TP and apears in a Revive...

Old Bug? new Bug?