Achievement: Unlocked Intuition

Wow, that's a lot of repairing.
WOW.. Very impressive. just out of curiousity how many RK5 and RK20 do you think you've killed over the years?
That's an impressive display of dedication to what seems like a pretty mundane task,Well Done!
Gratz.. The big question is, did you know it was coming!? :wtg:
Gratz Mayne! Lots of Rk5 and Welding Wire :eyecrazy:
Grats John!:cool:
Wow, gratz mate!
Wow... Gz !

I must say though, that that unlock was a bit of a surprise as it contributes to evade skills. Guess VSE can be added to the list
That's a totally awesome achievement, respect for a mothershipload of broken Repair Tools!

That is crazy to unlock it by repairing, was Quickness also unlocked by it?
Thank you all very much :D

Yeah i guess its been a few thousand tools on the graveyard and a few hundred million wires :ahh:
Some may think that its been mundane, though i have used these tools together with my crew throughout daily space hunts over many years with great fun and repairing the mothership inbetween gunning rounds and piloting tasks is one of the base duties that can be performed while managing ToS Starfleet (crew development & training, passenger flights and requests, security, website/forum updates, support cases, etc.) or when being busy in real to just make sure other pilots of the crew have a strong backbone of repairs and can work on their own skills.

Combat Sense and Quickness are not unlocked in space professions, not from vse nor from captain and intuition while being a lvl80 unlock for dodge and evader does not contribute to the captain profession (though logically it should ;) ).

Gratz John!! I'd say you went through enough RK5's and RK20's and wire possibly to buy a small island then! :eyecrazy::laugh:
Gratz ... I admire you love repairing so much lol ... this must be the coolest game you ever played to keep on doing this so long :)
Nice one, grats :D
Congratz Admiral :)