Where did this little fish come from?

Axel Foley Head

Feb 1, 2012
Guess Who
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Axel Foley Head

Yeah picture tells what I'm after... what is this fish doing here?

Mission I've missed? :confused:

Tells me "Interactive" when I click/hover mouse on it!

Kim was saying something (in interview by Bonnie) about implementing fishing activity....
something fishy here....
Oh I caught it the other day but forgot my filet knife in storage. Ended up just leaving it there for Calypso's sea-gulls.

ermik slaps Alex around with a large trout.
where fish came from:

option 1) The egg (since we all know egg came first)
option 2) Another fishy
option 3) It's not a fish!
option 4) (this is top secret - if i tell ya will have to turn u into fish after)
Cod thats one big fish!! :)
I can add that is hanging solid as a rock at this place but its moving like a jelly pie up close :laugh:
It activates on the very last day of Entropia Universe.

"So long and thanks for all the fish!" ;)
It activates on the very last day of Entropia Universe.

"So long and thanks for all the fish!" ;)

ermik slaps Alex around with a large trout.
*around a bit
But heh.

Also remembered something from back in the days:
I've Haddock with you. If you don't quit your Flounder-ing around I'll be forced to extinguish your Sole.

Also, before I leave this silly thread, a bit of advice. If you Sea Anemone, run!!!

But what is the question??

Does this mean that calypso is being demolished to make room for a new hyperspace bypass?

I need a beer.

I sure hope it is for fishing.
Will it blend?