Question: What is the current status of Entropia Investment Fund?

Korin Dante MDe

Sep 16, 2013
Did the Entropia Investment Fund scammed people? As I see the person "Virtual Fond Manager" last online during 11-2011
Did some thread came up on DP with the scam this avatar did to people in the past?
last time I checked the website was down... not sure if they took the money and ran or not... wouldn't surprise me though as "all trades are final"
I think this is the last thread in which the question was asked about Eifund:

For historical reasons (and maybe just for those interested in either creating or joining funds in the future) the thread you created asking pretty much the same question in 2014:

The website seems to work btw Mastermesh:
This person has now for sure ran away with people's PED. Last online in 2011 on this forum and not seen online this avatar for years in Entropia.
The MindArk's next task to add into their Excel Sheets software is to regulize these funds
This person has now for sure ran away with people's PED. Last online in 2011 on this forum and not seen online this avatar for years in Entropia.
The MindArk's next task to add into their Excel Sheets software is to regulize these funds

He was active 59days ago. :)
I still see the Fund manager log in from time to time.

Was anyone a member and knows what happened?
I think I saw someone from EIFund selling some items some years back, trying to think if it was an LA. If they sold the LA or not I'm not too sure. I thought they were wrapping up business at least that's the impression I got.

I dunno if they compensated it's members or indeed if it was the LA they were selling. Don't remember the details just remember thinking EIFund is closing down.

Which LA did they have? and who is current owner according to terminal?

in above linked linked thread by Mega Amber Knightly mentions, "I just noticed that OLA #44 is currently for sale in auction by the fund manager account... " his/her post is dated 05-21-2015, 19:14
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I think I saw someone from EIFund selling some items some years back, trying to think if it was an LA. If they sold the LA or not I'm not too sure. I thought they were wrapping up business at least that's the impression I got.

I dunno if they compensated it's members or indeed if it was the LA they were selling. Don't remember the details just remember thinking EIFund is closing down.

Which LA did they have? and who is current owner according to terminal?

I believe it's the OLA 44 WSW from Oshiri (small molisk / mining); it was on AH at some point last year but did not sell.

I've never bothered to check whether the mobs are being fed or it's a natural spawn.
/mod note/
Thread title changed.

Please note the following forum rule:
Forum Rules said:
2.13 - Scamming Accusation
Accusations of scamming that name specific real-world persons, Entropia Universe avatars or members are NOT permitted. Providing other identifying information about accused persons or avatars is also not permitted, such as but not limited to: society names, nicknames, owned gear, equipment, estates, etc. Such threads or posts will be edited, deleted or locked without notice. For more info on the purpose of this rule, please see this thread: Rationale for the "no naming and shaming" forum rule.

Though we were very silent, EiFund is still running and collecting PEDs, mostly via our land deeds.

Actually, the Eifund is paying 256k PED dividends totally.

So no one was scamming or running away.

Every investor is welcome to join the EiFund Discord channel.
I collected my latest devidend today, I have been a member from the begining and always got my devidend payed to me. Probably some investor have keeped track of the devidends but Im shure its by far better then what you get in the bank (in Sweden have 0% intresst in the bank).
The only thing that isnt optimal is the fund manager have hes own business IRL that takes a lot of hes time, but as I said I have got my dividends pay without problem.
/mod note/
Thread title changed.

Please note the following forum rule:

Never call someone a scammer. Instead, write a creative letter to them on here thanking them for the educational opportunity.

Isn't that right, Liga Best Silver, Society Leader of Best of the Best?