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  • The anguis fragilis i had was caught in the wild by me, it was quite easy to catch actually, and the animal was very friendly. I frequently had it wraped around my wrists, and that fellow really knew how to tell me when he was hungry.. it had the bad habit to just bite me :D. I have never seen any again, unfortunately. Vipers however are very common.
    You breed snakes? now that's a hobby :) i used to have one, but it kinda disapeared in the back seat of my car. Don't tell girls about it, they may freak out.
    (actually it wasn't a real snake, but "Anguis fragilis", a "glass-snake" as we call it here). A female with a black line on a light brown back, with a black belly.
    I will see what I can dig up Monday morning, will be away for the rest of the week. but next week again I should be able to dig into it a little :D
    hiSSSSSsssssSSS....things are good, still having problems dl PE but I am gonna burn it from the laptop to the PC so.....*fingers crossed*
    hehe thanks , i made it for some GHI / TDO banter thread , the poo was on its own on my old one looks good with the tdo banner so i kept it:D feel the honour !! gl.
    Added contact info. Feel tree to add me to your MSN or Skype Profiles.
    boo :vampire:

    was good to hear u on TS...even if you dont have a sexy italian accent :laugh:

    lily :grouphug:
    thank you for the unugly comment! i will now tell people i am unugly as opposed to smoking hot ;)
    Hiya Fo0d ,

    Sorry to trouble you, but I was wondering if you would mind voting for my friend’s AHR Logo again. She’s on her way to winning!
    There was something wrong with the last voting link, so please vote again for #7 .
    Thank you so very much!

    Liv ;)

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