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  • How about a show, expo, something to spread the word about EU in South Korea.

    Hey Frank when u think finally u will inser entropibay.com in the first planet capyspo website???? are u waiting it will be the biggest website EU related??? attention...it will :p
    regarding START SMART, i would like to say brilliant idea. This is what new players need, something to tell them "Yes, it is possible, and heres how you do it."

    maybe later on a thread about the opportunity's involved that our opened to a participant should be made, i think thats an important factor to really let them no what is open to them and how far EU can take them if they want.

    great job all round,
    Matthew Copping
    Popping by to say "Hi"....I look to the left and what do I see?? Only 6 Friends!! This makes Fire a sad Bunny :( Frank needs /em Hugs :D
    Frank! you visited my profile! are you finally plannning to let me get a big fat HOF? ;) just kidding, you looked at mine, so I can look at yours :p

    Hey Frank,

    Was glad to see that Entropia supports Windows Vista as of this VU. However Xfire ingame activation still doesn`t work with Vista. Would be nice to have Xfire fully working.
    Hello Frank,

    I have been in contact with Mr Uggla before concerning this. With no result. I am an active player in EU and the reason i contact you now is this: I am a designer and silver smith, i have a complete casting work shop in Stockholm. We have customers as Rolling Stones and Motörhead and many others. We produce mainly jewelrys and sculptures and we can offer MA this products. We can produce special designed items for giveaways to customers and partners as well as prices for competitions you have in the game.

    No shape or item is impossible for us. Visit our website and have a look at; www.valand.com.

    Please inform and discuss this with the MA people if you find it interesting.

    Have a nice day:

    Lars Valand Andersson
    phone: +46 (0)8 4649034; +46 (0)736770327
    email: valand@valand.com
    EU site: www.valand.biz/valguard
    It's best that you go via the Support section at the Entropia website. I'm unable to do anything about it from here. Otherwise I suggest an open call here at forum for anybody that knows lena nadya nadia
    hi was wandering if u could possible find out what society lena nadya nadin is in as my father combat warrior soldier made the stupid mistake of clicking the end button in acution and paying all his 9k peds for a 26 ped chip of handgun i have screen shots of it in auction he is very upset about this and wanders if theres anything u can do to help
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