BTW, since VU10 you earned a lot of PED by doing nothing, while earning money as a pilot was timeconsuming work pre VU10.
The money I earned while having a business was 3 times higher, than the money I got from MA.
Don´t know how it works today and how much money you may earn with your hangar these days, but hey you still got your hangar and still can sell it.
Nothing, cause everyone can do now the same transporting job, that I did, with a lot less initial investment. My investment for doing this have been 162k peds, now you can offer the same with equipment worth less than 1k peds.
Imagine if everybody in game who owns Shadow now had it taken away from them for 2 years, and when it was finally returned, was given a suit of Blackness Vindicator (cos its kinda blackish armor...) as a replacement on which they need to spend 50-70K to use it and they now can only use it if hunting in a team of at least 6 people, and their running speed is cut by half, but as an extra, they would gain 10 points of cold and electricity protection they get an UL armor plate that doesnt attach to the new armor set at all.
It made you money for several years, and you still may recover your original investment, so why did MA kill your
It made me money for one year after I bought it, then MA took it away. In my initial plan, the 162k peds investment would have been come back after around 4-5 years of travelling. Now I don't see any chance to get back my invested peds.
investment??? You already made profit, and hey did you ever deposit again after you bought the hangar? I don´t think so!
Sure I didn't stop depositing. In the last year alone, I deposited around $3500.
It would be a true statement if MA purged your account or just removed your hangar (how they did with my Thorkell´s Tomb shop back in 2005).
Well, your shop have come back, and it's still a shop. Ok, its position and look has changed, but you can do exactly the same thing with it as before.
Now look at the way the hangars have changed:
1. The TT of the old ship filled with oil have been 2500 peds. New ship+thruster has a TT of around 100 peds. So 2400 peds lost here.
2. The old ship does'nt have to compete in PVP zones. Not everyone likes PVP, especially lootable PVP. And I don't like it. What would you say, if your shop would be placed in the middle of PVP3?
3. MA promised that there would be great business opportunies for the hangar owners, once space opens up. And what did the hangar owners get? They had to buy a sleipnir or quad wing to get to their privateers. The privateers still can't land on the planets. The ships didn't do anything before buying some enhancements for lots of peds (Sub Warp Drive, Armament Device).
4. The ship itself is useless for commercial travel. The ship has only half of speed a sleipnir has. It can't be properly run without a crew. Before I could fly alone. Cause of it's speed it is very vulnerable against attacks, customers prefer the much faster quad wings. The ships SI can be upgraded now, but CAN? It's a must for some safety. And that costs again. Around 70k peds in minerals...
I am sure there is still the possibility to make money out of a hangar, or why do there exist threads "Buying Hangar" ????
As usual speculating people. If I could sell my hangar, ship and thruster today for the peds I've bought it minus all my hangar income of the last 3 years, I would do it at once.
It was not your deposited dollars you used for playing, it was the dollars deposited by your passangers screwed out of your passangers, by the pilot line!
Well, you as a passenger had always the chance, to take a non pilot line pilot. Most of the times you could negotiate with a pilot about the prices. Remember, a great part of the flight price went to MA each time. The old hangar ships ate a lot of oil and repair costs.
So what did MA lose now you don´t deposit?
I would say around $4000 per year from me.
All I expected/wanted back was a viable business, that's what I bought and why I bought it.
Instead I got a gunship that is too slow for commercial travel, outgunned by motherships and out maneuvered by everything else that flies and now I need a crew to even do these things poorly as the pilot has no control of the guns or repair stations.
Basically I no longer have anything even slightly resembling what I bought.
I'm sure if there was a product recall on my car that had me waiting for a replacement for 2 years only to have a motorcycle returned in its place I would have grounds to feel a bit pissed off.
I don't care how good or bad the bike is,its not what I bought and its as simple as that.
We were told we would be the 'pioneers' of space when in actual fact they sold that off to the new mothership owners and gave us a gimped mothership with less capabilities but the same costs to run.
We were told we would be an integral part of the space system when in actual fact we were barely an after thought.
We were the last ones to receive anything capable of space travel and we now know what we received has basically no influence on space what so ever.If all the privateers disappeared at once no one would even notice as it would have zero affect on space, that hardly sounds like an integral part.
Ciao, Armin