Armor Upgrade Scams

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
20 Jun 2006

Armor Upgrade Scams

Beware of impersonators and participants offering armor upgrades!

The Entropia Universe Support Department advises you to remain alert when dealing with other avatars. Recently, several participants have used the names of well-known avatars to scam less experienced participants. Another common scam attempt is to offer armor upgrades, where the victim is asked to give his whole set of armor to the culprit.

For information about how to protect yourself and your belongings, please click here.
lol, someone fix this bot... :laugh:
standard answers


isnt double posting against the rules


theres a search function u know

lol :D

but seriously bertha, if u gunna repost these, at the very least change the date :p lol
Neggit Neggit

EDIT: Damn, didn't move the Bertha Dumbot from two to one pip, I was sure I had this. :laugh:
I dont know for bertha .
But i do like that MA give info about the scam and armor upgrade.
A Spam-bot is born...
Hmmmm, in another year and a half they will tell about something that happened today.
roffelwaffel... whats going on with this bot..


How many poeple you think gets scammed who ragularly visit EF? My guess is every new player that will get scammed will never even see this! :rolleyes:

Why not an ingame message? I think it is great that this is done, but come on, you think this will help anyone from getting scammed? It might, but if new players heard a scamm provention sound file every so often for the first few weeks, this might help :silly2:
wow..I had a posted deleted from this wow.
What did the post say? Was it offensive? thats why it would of been removed..
It's just a perfect match for saying

"History repeats itself"

And btw, in case anyone wants an angel set (m) I can hand one out (just don't mind that it looks like a pixie, but I upgraded it) :D :D :D
