Boorum Mystery

MindStar9 said:
We're DONE!!!!! ... Please keep this discussion ON TOPIC and constructive.

yeah lets talk about those Boorums since they are no longer dead.... any sightings yet today??
If you really want to get technical, PINKY was the thread-starter and the thread was to talk about the boorum. The topic of the thread was not "how uptight can PE players be about seeing a pixelated creature that hasn't had its Ken-doll treatment."

As for the well-endowed newest member of the PE mob family, I find the "theme" of the Boorum to be perfectly suited to New Oxford. Since day one, Oxford has been doing things "differently" and often with a more mature theme. If you stroll through the art gallery and/or the apartments in Towers 1 and 4, you will see further examples of this. It is the City of Culture, and with that comes a certain sense of liberation from typical society restrictions and in-the-box thinking. Art is also subjective, and not everyone is expected to appreciate every piece of art.

While I find it a stretch to call MA pixels "fine art," I consider the Boorum another piece in the Oxford collection. And just as with any real art museum, there are going to be pieces you like, some you don't, and some that may stir within you feelings of controversy. That is what art is all about. If you cant handle that, then stay out of the museum.

Maybe this mature mob is also a way MA is trying to reinforce that this game is for adults. I see more and more young kids in PE that tbh have no place being here. And if their parents have authorized them to be, then it is their parents job to watch them. I'm tired of society expecting the rest of the world to raise their children. You were the ones that got knocked up and had the damn kids, you raise them. If I'd wanted to babysit, I'd have my own. So maybe this is a wake-up call reminder to everyone that this *IS* supposed to be a game for adults.

As for those adults that are so immature and uncultured that they can't view things out of their comfort zone without becoming completely offended, well .. I pity them, and wonder how they step outside each day for fear they might find something that they don't deem to be "acceptable." Grow up. How do people like that even allow themselves to surf the internet, I've seen far worse pop-up on the most innocent of google searches, and let me assure you it wasn't in pixel form.

And if you are still worried about your innocent eyes and minds being corrupted by the big bad boorum, then stay the hell out of the caves. It's not like MA put them in the middle of Twin. It is a series of long passages and a climb of a ladder to find them. So you won't accidentally stumble upon them .. heaven forbid.

I personally really like the special events such as this. It is one of the few times that people really come together -- even the serious ubers that don't normally stop to smell the Christmas Flowers. It's often a more relaxed atmosphere while waiting for the next chapter of the story to unfold. And people get creative with how to spend the time .. a lot of chatting, some dancing, good laughs, and more. I have great memories of the Feffoid Hunter Gypsy Camp from the atrox egg hunt, and I've enjoyed hanging out in the caves this time, too.

Anyway, thank you pinky for the original article. Keep up the great work (besides, it distracts you from skilling up hair!).

Oooh .. and one more thing ... (cover your eyes children) ... MS9 requested that I post this last week and I forgot ... so, here is my art of the week. I call it "Respect for Boorum."


-- Fliss :girl:
FireW0lf said:
Umm no she didnt :confused:

Pinky liked the fact that her news story hit the front page...

My error Hon, and I have corrected it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It's been rather a frenzy here this evening and an oversight on my part thinking I was in a different thread.

So thanks! ;)
MySpace9 said:
Ohh stop it will u! this helps no one.. stop whining and get back on topic!

(sorry for not being on topic, but I rather hear what people think about these cool creatures then complaints)

-rep firewolf.. :(

I appreciate the cheering section Hon, but FireWolf didn't deserve the -rep, he was just pointing out the error in my post, which I have since corrected.

And welcome to the forum btw! :)
MindStar9 said:
FireWolf didn't deserve the -rep, he was just pointing out the error in my post, which I have since corrected
MS9 R hawt for da w0lfie :tongue2:
Excellent post Fliss ... thank you for taking the time to bring a different perspective into the mix ... not to mention the pic! ;)

And yes, the technicality was my error which has been corrected. I was moving at "MachStar-9" in an effort to keep up with everything, so truly an oversight on my part. :hammer:

FireW0lf said:
MS9 R hawt for da w0lfie :tongue2:

Watch out, he's hung like a Boorum! I mean .. so I hear, of course. o_O

Felicity said:
Watch out, he's hung like a Boorum! I mean .. so I hear, of course. o_O


Cute and hawt (both Wolfie and Fliss) ... o_O ... *checks garage space* ... nope, occupied!

On Topic:

I find the ever-changing environment of EU fascinating, and look forward to seeing what else those pervert programmers in my heritage homeland have up their sleeve. ;)

In the meantime ... I think the Boorum certainly have stirred up enough distraction to keep us occupied for a while, and find the behavior surrounding the Boorum just as fascinating.

It has brought out the best and the worst, but I have total respect for those who are able to constructively add their opinions into the mix and contribute something of value no matter what side you're on.

The key thing is to remember that our attitudes and beliefs are "learned" from personal experience, we're not born with them, and no matter what we ascribe to, there will always be others who think differently. It is important that we treat the validity of their opinions with as much respect as we want our own to be treated.

The Boorum are unique, and I'm sure not the last of MA's creative code strokes. It's not what we see, but how we interpret that makes us different.

Let's embrace our differences and get on with it! :grouphug:
I've heard it on cuban radio in miami, i think:

"I am a BooRДM and I do not Like to wear a stretchy pants in My Cave just for fun!"
hehe, thanks MindStar9 =)

and nice post felicity! nightbish is a bit to cranky imo :p

Any new sightings of these lovely's lately? :D
I was there a while like 2-3 hours ago, but nothing then :(
An on topic post... honest :laugh:

EU website said:
We must recommend sensitive and underage colonists to avoid New Oxford this weekend until this moral spill has been cleaned up

_____The fact that the introduction of the Boorum is temporary ("cleaned up" probably implies DNA will not be dropped as some have suggested") might indicate that MA is conducting a test to see how Entropians respond to this type of symbolic landmarks.
_____Contrary to the creation of New Oxford, which as a museum represents the upper echelons of humanities' cultural and intellectual development, the unthinking mutant Boorum represents the beginning of humanity, as primal, instinctual, and unthinking beings. By placing the Boorum where they are, deep in the bowls of New Oxford, they can be seen symbollically as the animal nature always reside within our well composed exteriors (well most of us :)). They might also represent the filth of a local or global society which the greater whole decides is worth eradicating. The respawn can represent the futility of trying to repress such parts of ourselves and society, as they will never be gone. And finally, the part we play in this picture is to be there anyways, always trying to clean ourselves of a stain in the endless struggle to perfect ourselves and our world.
_____It is truly a piece of (rather corny) art.

_____This is what I saw in New Oxford from the very beginning and I share it with all of you as an apology for spamming the thread with comments about political correctness.
levithanikos said:
Cause now there are Female Boorums to add where that Umbra (f ) is :D

no wei. I like mixed cultures :silly2:

And it seems as if MA likes that too. We don't really know what breed that Boorums, do we? To me it COULD be a mix between Professor Bardon (was that his name?) and Feffoids ....
oh, i meant it as a new mob name :) (not biffoids)

yes i hope the boorum mystery unravels along with the professor and the atrox queen egg blah blah other on topic stuff :D
dee said:
oh, i meant it as a new mob name :) (not biffoids)

yes i hope the boorum mystery unravels along with the professor and the atrox queen egg blah blah other on topic stuff :D

"... and thou shallt strike the egg of gold
with a Boorum *appendage*
soundly thrice
to awaken a beast untold
on the CND dock
to eat ubers with rice..."
Boorums Rule!!! lol :laugh: Check out the video of them in action! It's had over 1000 views now in a little over 3 days! Check my signature!

The Boorums are funny, especially that rifle they loot, too bad I cant use it yet :D
I have been down to the cave numerous times, didnt get to kill one yet tho, there was always someone faster :(
But I hope MA will do something nice out of this event, and not make us wait a couple more years before they resolve it.
Btw, nice article Pinky.
Take a closer look at the wallpaper in the bilton apartments.

Boorums is not the first time MA have put this in the game.
Your right there Psycho mate , theres cocks up bums all over the walls in my apartment i try my best to cover em up with big paintings!!!


Some pretty dirty minds at MA. :D

Your right there Psycho mate , theres cocks up bums all over the walls in my apartment i try my best to cover em up with big paintings!!!

check this out:
my dad needed to look something up on the net and sat to my pc, i had EF front page opened under some other window, he was pretty surprised by the Boorum image in this post when he closed the first window...
check this out:
my dad needed to look something up on the net and sat to my pc, i had EF front page opened under some other window, he was pretty surprised by the Boorum image in this post when he closed the first window...

better your dad seeing it than your little sister.....
BOORUM BOXING reaches 1250 viewings and counting!

Bumpto this thread! 'BOORUM BOXING!' now has had over 1250!! viewings! Find out why! Click the link on my signature to see what it's all about and why so many have viewed this little video!


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Just out of interest (as I haven't seen them yet :(), how strong is a Boorum?
Are they about the level of strong Feffoids, mid-level Atrox or dare I say Hogglo Stalkers? :dunce:

What I wouldn't give to be killed by a Boorum so I can find out. :laugh:
Just out of interest (as I haven't seen them yet :(), how strong is a Boorum?
Are they about the level of strong Feffoids, mid-level Atrox or dare I say Hogglo Stalkers? :dunce:

What I wouldn't give to be killed by a Boorum so I can find out. :laugh:

A hunter was doing me for about 30-40 range of damage through my rascal armor. the higher ones like warlard and clan warlord do about 20 more damage above that.

They seem to do mainly impact damage (the referances to penetration damage is due to comments about their anatomy).
The female i killed did me about around the 25 damage range.

I would say they would be equivelent to high maturity maffoids or feffoids or an atrox young-old if your are wearing only rascal.
Thank you for the reply. That is a very thorough answer. +rep. :)
today was a spawn

2006 - 12 - 09 - 14:30
anyone seen these recently?