I dont like half-ready things, that get announced the MA way and epically fail or simply get ignored and/or removed.
The "3 new planets" with the Epic-Fail Factor ? The "3 new planets" where FPC isnt involved at all (okay, now they are as they are SEE...but we dont know...because of the silence) ? What does that have to do with my interactive Calypso NPC ? :S Im here to talk about
Ok lets discuss other RCE games...but somehow I find it more important to discuss meatharvesting inside of Entropia...whats wrong with me ?
You think 2nd life is not worth to be mentioned ? And just because Afterworld is still as small (userbase wise) as Entropia in 2000 doesnt mean it will fail. It is still there. It even got its graphics updated. But I dont play it. I want to be here, to discuss meatharvesting !
Okay, lets go for the economy 1st:
Harvesting/Gardening. I dont need to explain any further, economy wise. Do I ?
Extract meat, before you loot (might affect loot). But noo, now we just loot animal oils, already bottled.
Diversity, as Mr. Simmonds once said. Not just click and loot. No, extract some meat first.
Meat extracting. I dont need to explain any further, economy wise. Do I ?
Food needed to boost stats. Food needs to be looted/crafted etc.
I dont need to explain any further, economy wise. Do I ?
How much money could MindArk have made selling beverages for 1 PED ?
Hell even for 2 PED the bars would always have visitors, even if the (graphic) effect
of beeing drunk is minimal.
Beverages. I dont need to explain any further, economy wise. Do I ?
2005, the 1st stage of taming. Do you really want to go into it ?
This has nothing to do with economy, right.
But just look at it...but right, no gain for MA, so lets ignore it. -_-
We could even sit down in 2005. In 2009 Marco mentioned Prone-mode ! =D
(Needless to say, that "Sit&Prone" werent mentioned again.)
Another "no gain for MA"...so it got ignored.
The mega CND Sports Stadium where...
I dont need to explain any further, economy wise. Do I ?
The Thorio Temple. Rare looted items could have opened it from time to time.
Means lot of thorios have to be killed, rare items could have been sold,
if you do not have the power to kill the Thorio King...
I dont need to explain any further, economy wise. Do I ?
The...okay, non-economy thing. Why is it even here ? I bet they had plans...but it got ignored.
Not even half-ready, if you know what I mean ?
Ignore the economy behind the cashcard please.
I leave that up to you...economy wise...
Im sure someone payed for it...
then it got ignored.
It didnt even have a story around it...yea, thats MindArk !
Instead of putting all the shops and malls to Hadesheim,
MA was creating the malls and removed Hadesheim.
Get the idea ?
Lets ignore this one...economy wise.
I dont believe in any of Marcos visions. For example huge spaceships with 100 people on board...using shields
lasers...epic space battles....yea yea....but fishing ? Any other MMO has that...
and it could be counted...economy wise.
F*ck this, even economy wise.
Minopolis...they started to sell the houses there...great idea ! =)
But Minopolis is gone...
Feffoid Trader...an interactive Calypso pal. Very economic.
Ill leave that up to you.
Build your own robot ? (economy wise = positive)
Weather affecting equipment ? (economy wise = very positive) (but would make ppl angry)
Handgrenades ? (economy wise = positive)
Upgrade Replicator ? (economy wise = positive)
Factories ? (economy wise = very positive)
Nocturnal mobs ? (economy wise = positive)
Create towns ? (economy wise = very positive)
The problem is, it will continue this way. Announcement, introduction of half-ready idea, abort, retry, ignore.
Just because they care for Quests and vehicles right now, doest mean everything is alright.
But you said you were aware of that already.
Again, I dont live in the past. I show the way MA works and thinks. Using examples. And I dont like it, right.
Questions ?